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Neon objects don't sync with other players.


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Recently I kept receiving complains about this and I'm now sure it's problem with script. So basically, when a player joins my server he says he doesn't see neon but sees default gta objects attached to MY car. If he puts neon on HIS car he sees it as neon, but he sees other's neon as default objects. I never had any problem seeing other people's (or my) neon as neon tubes. I'm gonna mention this as it can have a difference, I'm playing on the same PC on which my server is hosted (is local server, for now). So I've got completely no idea what could be wrong, below's the code. If anyone knows a fix for this, please help :S


local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()
localPlayer = getLocalPlayer()
local visible = false
local key = "F2"

local neonname = {
[1] = "Red",
[2] = "Aqua",
[3] = "Green",
[4] = "Yellow",
[5] = "Orange",
[6] = "Disable"

local idModel = {
[1] = 2057,
[2] = 2058,
[3] = 2055,
[4] = 2059,
[5] = 2056

function openGui()
local xBtn = 75
local yBtn = 30
local wBtn = 150
local hBtn = 21
local space = 28
     window = guiCreateWindow(sx/2-650,sy/2-155,300,230,"Car Neon Panel",false)
     Btn1 = guiCreateButton(xBtn,yBtn,wBtn,hBtn,neonname[1],false, window)
     Btn2 = guiCreateButton(xBtn,yBtn+space,wBtn,hBtn,neonname[2],false, window)
     Btn3 = guiCreateButton(xBtn,yBtn+2*space,wBtn,hBtn,neonname[3],false, window)
     Btn4 = guiCreateButton(xBtn,yBtn+3*space,wBtn,hBtn,neonname[4],false, window)
     Btn5 = guiCreateButton(xBtn,yBtn+4*space,wBtn,hBtn,neonname[5],false, window)
     Btn6 = guiCreateButton(xBtn,yBtn+5*space,wBtn,hBtn,neonname[6],false, window)
     info = guiCreateLabel(100, 200, 300, 30,"Full effect at night!", false, window) 
     guiLabelSetColor (info, 255,0,0)
guiSetVisible(window, visible)

function start_cl_resource()
          if ( guiGetVisible(window) == true ) then

function hideGui()
if getElementData ( localPlayer,'LoggedIn' ) ~= true then 
outputChatBox("You need to register and login in order to set neon on your cars!", 255,153,0)
  if (guiGetVisible(window) == false) then 
           guiSetVisible(window, true)
           guiSetVisible(window, false)



function onGuiClickPanel (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY)
  if (source == Btn1) then
       setElementData( localPlayer, "neon", idModel[1] )
       outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYour neon color is now #FF0000Red", 255,255,255, true)
       local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
       triggerServerEvent ("detachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
       triggerServerEvent ("attachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
  elseif (source == Btn2) then
       setElementData( localPlayer, "neon", idModel[2] )
       outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYour neon color is now #00FFFFAqua", 255,255,255, true)
       local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
       triggerServerEvent ("detachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
       triggerServerEvent ("attachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
  elseif (source == Btn3) then
       setElementData( localPlayer, "neon", idModel[3] )
       outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYour neon color is now #00FF00Green", 255,255,255, true)
       local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
       triggerServerEvent ("detachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
       triggerServerEvent ("attachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
  elseif (source == Btn4) then
       setElementData( localPlayer, "neon", idModel[4] )
       outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYour neon color is now #FFCC00Yellow", 255,255,255, true)
       local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
       triggerServerEvent ("detachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
       triggerServerEvent ("attachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
  elseif (source == Btn5) then
       setElementData( localPlayer, "neon", idModel[5] )
       outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYour neon color is now #FFA500Orange", 255,255,255, true)
       local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
       triggerServerEvent ("detachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
       triggerServerEvent ("attachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
  elseif (source == Btn6) then
       setElementData( localPlayer, "neon", 0 )
       outputChatBox("#FFFFFFYou have removed neon from your car!", 255,255,255, true)
       local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer )
       triggerServerEvent ("detachNeon", getLocalPlayer(), theVehicle)
addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), onGuiClickPanel)

function replaceTXD()
dff = engineLoadDFF ( "models/RedNeon.dff", idModel[1] )
engineReplaceModel ( dff, idModel[1] ) 
dff = engineLoadDFF ( "models/BlueNeon.dff", idModel[2] )
engineReplaceModel ( dff, idModel[2] ) 
dff = engineLoadDFF ( "models/GreenNeon.dff", idModel[3] )
engineReplaceModel ( dff, idModel[3] ) 
dff = engineLoadDFF ( "models/YellowNeon.dff", idModel[4] )
engineReplaceModel ( dff, idModel[4] ) 
dff = engineLoadDFF ( "models/OrangeNeon.dff", idModel[5] )
engineReplaceModel ( dff, idModel[5] ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), replaceTXD)


local validvehs =
{--Vehicles with neon
400, 401, 402, 404, 405, 409, 410, 411, 412, 415, 419, 420, 421, 426, 429, 436, 438, 439, 442, 445, 451, 
458, 466, 467, 474, 475, 477, 478, 479, 480, 489, 490, 491, 492, 494, 496, 500, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507, 
516, 517, 518, 526, 527, 529, 533, 534, 535, 536, 540, 541, 542, 543, 545, 546, 547, 549, 550, 551, 554, 
555, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 565, 566, 567, 576, 579, 580, 585, 587, 589, 600, 602, 603, 604, 605, 422,
474, 478, 575,
--Vehicles without neon
403, 406, 407, 408, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437,
440, 441, 443, 444, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464,
465, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 476, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 493, 495, 497, 498, 499,
501, 504, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 528, 530, 531, 532,
537, 538, 539, 544, 548, 552, 553, 556, 557, 563, 564, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 577, 578, 581,
582, 583, 584, 586, 588, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610,

local neons_ = {}
function neons (theVehicle)
    local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
	if playeraccount and isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then return end
    local pla = getVehicleController(theVehicle)
    if not neons_[pla] then
	neons_[pla] = {_0=false,_1=false,_2=false,_3=false}
    local NeonType = getElementData(source, "neon")
    if not NeonType or ( NeonType == 0 ) then return end
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( theVehicle )
    if not x or not y or not z then return end
    local id = getElementModel (theVehicle)

				if isElement (neons_[pla]._0) then destroyElement(neons_[pla]._0) end -- to solve some problems
				if isElement (neons_[pla]._1) then destroyElement(neons_[pla]._1) end
				if isElement (neons_[pla]._2) then destroyElement(neons_[pla]._2) end
				if isElement (neons_[pla]._3) then destroyElement(neons_[pla]._3) end
				neons_[pla]._0 = createObject ( NeonType, x, y, z )
				neons_[pla]._1 = createObject ( NeonType, x, y, z )
				neons_[pla]._2 = createObject ( NeonType, x, y, z )
				neons_[pla]._3 = createObject ( NeonType, x, y, z )
				local neon,neon1,neon2,neon3 = neons_[pla]._0,neons_[pla]._1,neons_[pla]._2,neons_[pla]._3
				if ( id == 401 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.99, 0, -0.55 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.99, 0, -0.55 )
				elseif ( id == 411 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.55, -0.6, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.25, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.97, 0, -0.59 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.97, 0, -0.59 )
				elseif ( id == 429 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2, -0.5, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.25, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.88, 0, -0.5 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.88, 0, -0.5 )
				elseif ( id == 445 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.25, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.65, -0.52, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.55 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.55 )
				elseif ( id == 535 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.35, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.55, -0.5, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.09, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.09, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 536 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.3, -0.5, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.95, -0.5, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 496 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.87, 0, -0.5 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.87, 0, -0.5 )
				elseif ( id == 602 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.35, -0.58, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.45, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.04, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.04, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 518 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.7, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.6, -0.42, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.06, 0, -0.48 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.06, 0, -0.48 )
				elseif ( id == 402 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.5, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.55, -0.44, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.03, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.03, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 541 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.15, -0.43, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.04, -0.35, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.92, 0, -0.45 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.92, 0, -0.45 )
				elseif ( id == 438 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.6, -0.68, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.6, -0.68, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.72 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.72 )
				elseif ( id == 527 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.4, -0.34, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.05, -0.34, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.92, 0.15, -0.47 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.92, 0.15, -0.47 )
				elseif ( id == 415 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.45, -0.54, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.15, -0.52, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.96, 0, -0.57 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.96, 0, -0.57 )
				elseif ( id == 542 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.55, -0.37, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.65, -0.32, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.94, 0, -0.59 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.94, 0, -0.59 )
				elseif ( id == 466 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.55, -0.43, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.85, -0.41, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.02, 0, -0.54 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.02, 0, -0.54 )
				elseif ( id == 604 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.55, -0.43, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.85, -0.41, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.02, 0, -0.54 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.02, 0, -0.54 )
				elseif ( id == 589 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.3, -0.38, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.25, -0.33, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.92, 0.1, -0.43 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.92, 0.1, -0.43 )
				elseif ( id == 480 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.15, -0.53, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.35, -0.48, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.53 )
				elseif ( id == 507 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.75, -0.56, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -3, -0.56, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.12, 0, -0.62 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.12, 0, -0.62 )
				elseif ( id == 562 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.35, -0.48, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.1, -0.4, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.98, 0.05, -0.45 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.98, 0.05, -0.45 )
				elseif ( id == 419 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.9, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.98, 0.1, -0.58 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.98, 0.1, -0.58 )
				elseif ( id == 587 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.5, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.07, -0.05, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.07, -0.05, -0.53 )
				elseif ( id == 533 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.45, -0.32, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.5, -0.32, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.96, 0, -0.47 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.96, 0, -0.47 )
				elseif ( id == 565 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.05, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -1.95, -0.3, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.85, 0.1, -0.45 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.85, 0.1, -0.45 )
				elseif ( id == 526 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.47, -0.48, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.4, -0.43, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.93, 0, -0.58 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.93, 0, -0.58 )
			    elseif ( id == 492 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.57, -0.42, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.77, -0.42, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.93, 0, -0.5 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.93, 0, -0.5 )
				elseif ( id == 494 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.4, -0.67, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -3, -0.53, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.92, -0.05, -0.68 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.92, -0.05, -0.68 )
				elseif ( id == 502 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.5, -0.69, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.7, -0.49, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.92, -0.05, -0.67 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.92, -0.05, -0.67 )
				elseif ( id == 503 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.5, -0.67, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.7, -0.51, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.92, -0.05, -0.67 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.92, -0.05, -0.67 )
			    elseif ( id == 579 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.97, 0.05, -0.55 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.97, 0.05, -0.55 )
				elseif ( id == 545 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.96, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.96, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 546 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.06, -0.1, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.06, -0.1, -0.53 )
				elseif ( id == 559 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.6, -0.42, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.3, -0.28, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.97, 0, -0.48 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.97, 0, -0.48 )
				elseif ( id == 400 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.67 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.67 )
				elseif ( id == 517 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, 0.1, -0.58 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, 0.1, -0.58 )
				elseif ( id == 410 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.91, 0, -0.43 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.91, 0, -0.43 )
				elseif ( id == 551 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.6, -0.48, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -3, -0.43, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.98, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.98, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 500 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.02, 0.2, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.02, 0.2, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 516 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.63, -0.53, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, 0, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, 0, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 467 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.6, -0.43, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.9, -0.4, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, 0, -0.55 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, 0, -0.55 )
				elseif ( id == 404 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.85, 0, -0.46 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.85, 0, -0.46 )
				elseif ( id == 603 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.41, -0.61, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.5, -0.5, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.97, 0, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.97, 0, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 600 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.67, -0.38, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.7, -0.36, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, 0.15, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, 0.15, -0.53 )
				elseif ( id == 426 ) or ( id == 420 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.7, -0.42, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.02, 0, -0.5 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.02, 0, -0.5 )
				elseif ( id == 489 ) or ( id == 505 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.25, 0.1, -0.75 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.25, 0.1, -0.75 )
				elseif ( id == 436 ) or ( id == 547 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.51 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.51 )
				elseif ( id == 479 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.5, -0.38, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.66, -0.38, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.9, 0, -0.49 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.9, 0, -0.49 )
				elseif ( id == 534 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.9, -0.58, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.8, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 442 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.8, -0.58, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -3.1, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.02, 0, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.02, 0, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 475 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.93, 0, -0.58 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.93, 0, -0.58 )
				elseif ( id == 605 ) or ( id == 543 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.98, 0, -0.47 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.98, 0, -0.47 )
				elseif ( id == 567 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.8, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.84, -0.54, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.1, 0.25, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.1, 0.25, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 405 ) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.93, 0, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.93, 0, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 458 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.45, -0.52, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.65, -0.56, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 580 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.57, -0.44, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.7, -0.41, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.1, 0, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.1, 0, -0.53 )
				elseif ( id == 439 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.35, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.9, 0.15, -0.68 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.9, 0.15, -0.68 )
				elseif ( id == 561 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.6, -0.53, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.58, -0.48, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 409 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0.9, 1, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, -0.9, 1, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.9, -1, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.9, -1, -0.53 )
				elseif ( id == 560 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.5, -0.4, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.25, -0.29, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.98, 0.05, -0.49 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.98, 0.05, -0.49 )
				elseif ( id == 550 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.6, -0.64, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.6, -0.63, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.1, 0, -0.63 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.1, 0, -0.63 )
				elseif ( id == 506 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.08, -0.52, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.3, -0.44, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.94, -0.15, -0.53 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.94, -0.15, -0.53 )
				elseif ( id == 451 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.45, -0.57, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.1, -0.48, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, -0.15, -0.55 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, -0.15, -0.55 )
				elseif ( id == 566 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.67, -0.39, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -3.03, -0.34, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, -0.15, -0.52 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, -0.15, -0.52 )
				elseif ( id == 549 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.45, -0.41, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.97, 0, -0.46 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.97, 0, -0.46 )
				elseif ( id == 576 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -3.1, -0.33, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.03, 0, -0.45 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.03, 0, -0.45 )
				elseif ( id == 558 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.35, -0.29, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, -0.05, -0.4 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, -0.05, -0.4 )
				elseif ( id == 540 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.55, -0.62, 0, 0, 90  )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.65, -0.56, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.05, 0, -0.68 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.05, 0, -0.68 )
				elseif ( id == 491 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.83, -0.47, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.9, 0, -0.62 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.9, 0, -0.62 )
				elseif ( id == 412 ) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.63, -0.45, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -3.42, -0.42, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, -0.2, -0.63 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, -0.2, -0.63 )
				elseif ( id == 421 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.96, -0.49, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0.1, -0.63 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0.1, -0.63 )
				elseif ( id == 529 ) then
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.53, -0.32, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, -0.05, -0.43 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, -0.05, -0.43 )
				elseif ( id == 555) then
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.8, 0, -0.47 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.8, 0, -0.47 )
				elseif ( id == 554) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.49, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.75, -0.51, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.2, 0, -0.47 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.2, 0, -0.47 )
				elseif ( id == 477) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.56, -0.52, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.7, -0.37, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.02, 0, -0.56 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.02, 0, -0.56 )
				elseif ( id == 585) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.8, -0.3, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.9, -0.22, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1.05, 0, -0.4 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1.05, 0, -0.4 )
				elseif ( id == 422) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.1, -0.6, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.4, -0.65, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.88, 0, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.88, 0, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 474) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.57, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.75, -0.55, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, 0, -0.6 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, 0, -0.6 )
				elseif ( id == 478) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.1, -0.58, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.3, -0.48, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 0.95, 0.3, -0.65 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -0.95, 0.3, -0.65 )
				elseif ( id == 575) then
					attachElements ( neon3, theVehicle or source, 0, 2.15, -0.32, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon2, theVehicle or source, 0, -2.6, -0.32, 0, 0, 90 )
					attachElements ( neon1, theVehicle or source, 1, 0, -0.38 )
					attachElements ( neon, theVehicle or source, -1, 0, -0.38 )
				else -- if vehicle doesn't have neon then you don't need the object
addEventHandler( "onPlayerVehicleEnter",getRootElement(),neons )
addEvent( "attachNeon", true )
addEventHandler( "attachNeon", getRootElement(), neons )

function detachNeon( theVehicle )
    local attachedElements = getAttachedElements ( theVehicle )
    for i,v in ipairs ( attachedElements ) do
        detachElements ( v, theVehicle )
        destroyElement ( v )
addEventHandler( "onPlayerVehicleExit", getRootElement(), detachNeon )
addEvent( "detachNeon", true )
addEventHandler( "detachNeon", getRootElement(), detachNeon )

local vehmodel = {}
function onPlayerQuit()
vehmodel[source] = nil
if neons_[source] ~= nil then
if neons_[source] and neons_[source]._0 and isElement (neons_[source]._0) then destroyElement(neons_[source]._0) end -- to solve some problems
if neons_[source] and neons_[source]._1 and isElement (neons_[source]._1) then destroyElement(neons_[source]._1) end
if neons_[source] and neons_[source]._2 and isElement (neons_[source]._2) then destroyElement(neons_[source]._2) end
if neons_[source] and neons_[source]._3 and isElement (neons_[source]._3) then destroyElement(neons_[source]._3) end
neons_[source] = nil
local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
  if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then
     local getNeonType = getElementData(source, "neon")
     if ( getNeonType ) then
       setAccountData ( playeraccount, "neon", getNeonType)
       local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source )
       if ( getNeonType ~= 0 ) and ( theVehicle ) then
          detachNeon( theVehicle )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit )

addEventHandler( 'onPlayerJoin',root,
	function (	)
		setElementData ( source,'LoggedIn',false )

function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount )
      if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then
          local getNeonTypeAccData = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "neon" )
		  local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source )
		  if not isGuestAccount( playeraccount ) then
			setElementData ( source,'LoggedIn',true )
             if ( getNeonTypeAccData ~= 0 ) then
                   setElementData(source, "neon", getNeonTypeAccData)
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin )

function onPlayerLogout (_, playeraccount)
if (playeraccount) then
local getNeonType = getElementData(source, "neon")
if ( getNeonType ) then
local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source )
setElementData ( source,'LoggedIn',false )
       if ( getNeonType ~= 0 ) and ( theVehicle ) then
          detachNeon( theVehicle )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogout )

addEvent("onPlayerReachCheckpoint",true) -- vehicle change
    local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)
	if isElement(veh) then
		modelver (veh,source)

    local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	if ptype == "vehiclechange" then
		local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)
		if isElement(veh) then
			modelver (veh,source)

    local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source )
	if isGuestAccount(playeraccount) then
	local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)
	if isElement(veh) then
		modelver (veh,source)

function modelver (veh,pla)
	local model = getElementModel(veh)
	if vehmodel[pla] == nil then
		neons (veh)
		vehmodel[pla] = model
	elseif vehmodel[pla] ~= model then
		neons (veh)
		vehmodel[pla] = model


    <info author="Kostya/MegasXLR/Wojak" name="Neon Panel" type="script" version="0.0.3"/>

    <script src='server.lua' type='server' />
    <script src='client.lua' type='client' />
	<export function="hideGui" type="client"/>

    <file src='models/AquaNeon.dff' />
    <file src='models/GreenNeon.dff' />
    <file src='models/OrangeNeon.dff' />
    <file src='models/RedNeon.dff' />
    <file src='models/YellowNeon.dff' />


Edited by koragg
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