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No one Solve this little problem ?

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Hello Guys

look to this 


  1. ~~server~~
  2. function getinfo()
  4. local result = mysql_query(handler, "SELECT * FROM account WHERE mtaserial='"..getPlayerSerial(source).."'")
  5. numRows = mysql_num_rows ( result )
  6. if numRows == 1 then
  7. if (result) then
  8. while true do
  9. local data = mysql_fetch_assoc(result)
  10. if (not data) then break end
  11. name= tostring(data["accountname"])
  13. triggerClientEvent(source, "selectt", getRootElement(), name)
  14. end
  15. mysql_free_result(result)
  16. else
  17. end
  18. end
  19. end
  22. ~~client~~
  23. function show (name)
  24. if ( ( source == playerstable ) ) then
  25. if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem( playerstable ) ~= -1 ) then
  26. guiSetText ( accountnamelabel, "AccountName : "..name.."" )
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  30. addEvent("selectt",true)
  31. addEventHandler("selectt",getRootElement(),show)

The problem is When im pressing on Playername instead of accountname its showing Word "left" this Screenshot



Can someone Solve this ??

Edited by Aboodealtikrity
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6 hours ago, koragg said:

No need to create the same topic over and over again. If somebody knows a solution, they'll try to help you.

Ok im sorry Mr but the problem is small and should i wait for a weeks this forum for support i think ..

But no problem this is second topic in english section and i asked in my main languages maybe no one understood me in english section i said i know its my mistake but not a big problem


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You have to keep in mind providing help on these forums is something we do on our spare time - for free. You make the thread and patiently wait like everyone else, you're not entitled to us helping you.

Either way, the problem is with name= tostring(data["accountname"]) as it is returning "left". Since we can't see how you're populating it, we can't really help you.

Also, the MySQL module is obsolete. MTA now has native support for MySQL, you might want to use those functions instead.

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