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LITTLE HELP PLEASE with interpolateBetween


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i need someone to explain me how does interpolateBetween work and how can it be applied and on what please and thank you. i want to make a script that shows credits like in the movies where credits go from the bottom to the top crossing the screen. like that or can someone tell me if its possible PLEASE AND THANK YOU 



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interpolateBetween is for 3D drawn objects. What you're requesting with scrolling text could be done by first rendering to a large target, then scrolling through the target using dxDrawImageSection to only display a part of the render target at a time. I personally made a scrolling billboard a long time ago. I used this exact function, but the 3D variant so it displayed on a billboard ingame. I then just did a timer with real time drawing to change what part displayed.

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1 hour ago, Woovie said:

interpolateBetween is for 3D drawn objects. What you're requesting with scrolling text could be done by first rendering to a large target, then scrolling through the target using dxDrawImageSection to only display a part of the render target at a time. I personally made a scrolling billboard a long time ago. I used this exact function, but the 3D variant so it displayed on a billboard ingame. I then just did a timer with real time drawing to change what part displayed.

Just because it has parameters for a Z-axis doesn't necessarily mean it's "meant" for 3D objects, it works perfectly fine for 2D animations. You're absolutely right though; using a render target probably is a better alternative. :) 

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Thank you so much guys i was doing it with just one dxDrawText using the /n to skip lines but i couldn't get the text to move as i wished to. I tried reading the wiki like 10 times i get the some of the interpolateBetween but i dont get what do i put where it ask me about the x,y,z and the time process but im going to try Thanks Woovie and DealMan . :D you guys are the best 

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