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Ahmed Eka

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Hello Guys,

I made a mode but I can't complete it 

I don't know where is the bug ..

local img = dxCreateTexture("nucklear.png"); 
function setNuke()
    x, y, z = getElementPosition(marker[localPlayer]) 
    radius = 3; 
    for i = 1, 1 do 
        x = x + math.cos(math.rad((1/1)-i))*radius; 
        y = y + math.sin(math.rad((1/1)-i))*radius; 
        xr = x + math.cos(math.rad((1/1)-(i)))*radius; 
        yr = y + math.sin(math.rad((1/1)-(i)))*radius; 
        dxDrawMaterialLine3D(x, y, z-2, xr, yr, z+150, img, 250) 
addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), setNuke )
addEventHandler( "setNukes", getRootElement(), setNuke ) 
addCommandHandler ( "nuke",
	function ( player )
		local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( player )

		setElementAlpha( marker [ player ], 0 )
		triggerClientEvent(root, "startAlarmnuke", root)
		triggerClientEvent(root, "setNukes", root)	

when I write "nuke" the photo come to my position

when any player write the command the photo disappeared from me ..

I don't Know Why ..

What Can i do ?

Help Please ..
Thanks All

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14 hours ago, NssoR said:


Server Side , Change the line number 8 to :

triggerClientEvent(root, "setNukes", player)	


Okey , Thanks I'll Test it

now I set TImer for It 10 Seconds 

When 10 sec End the photo disappeared from the player who wrote the command not all players ..

what is the problem ?

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12 hours ago, NssoR said:

I can't say anything as long as you didn't show me your code.

local TimerOfPlayer = 0
function setTimerForPlayer()
if getElementData(localPlayer,"NukePlayer") then
TimerOfPlayer = TimerOfPlayer + 1
if TimerOfPlayer == 10 then
TimerOfPlayer = 0
removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), setNuke )
removeEventHandler( "setNukes", getRootElement(), setNuke ) 

Here You are ..

The Event of the Photo is ( "onClientRender" , "setNukes" ) 
when player write command set his data ( "NukePlayer" )

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