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Adding a teams to a gridlist


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I have created a gridlist which should display all the available team names but the problem is that the code only gets the team name of the first team tho it adds the correct number of rows to the column. e.g If there are 4 teams, Ballas, Grove, Aztecs and Vagos, it writes Ballas in all the four lines also it displays in the chatbox only Ballas.

rankinggrid = guiCreateGridList(24, 58, 439, 240, false, Window) 

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rankinggrid = guiCreateGridList(24, 58, 439, 240, false, Window) 
guiGridListAddColumn(rankinggrid, "Team name", 0.2) 
    for key,value in ipairs ( getElementsByType("team") ) do 
        guiGridListAddRow(rankinggrid, getTeamName(value)) 
        outputChatBox(getTeamName(value)) -- Added this for testing 
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for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("team")) do 
    guiGridListAddRow (rankinggrid, getTeamName (v)) 

Replace all your lines above with these ones, should work. So you literally don't need to 'unpack' the table when loops like this above exist.

EDIT: I had the page open for like 30 minutes than I replied, didn't see your comment (the guy above) x)

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for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType ("team")) do 
    guiGridListAddRow (rankinggrid, getTeamName (v)) 

Replace all your lines above with these ones, should work. So you literally don't need to 'unpack' the table when loops like this above exist.

what's the difference between your code and my code !

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Thanks, another thing. I am adding the team name with it's kills to a gridlist. I want to sort it according to the kills, how do I use this table.sort function in combination with this code?

local allteams = getElementsByType("team") 
local function sort (a,b) 
    return (getElementData(a,"Kills") or 0) > (getElementData(b,"Kills") or 0) 
for key,value in ipairs (allteams) do    
    local row = guiGridListAddRow(rankinggrid, getTeamName(value)) 
    setTimer( function() 
    local r, g, b = getTeamColor(value) 
    local kills = getElementData(value, "Kills") 
        guiGridListSetItemColor(rankinggrid, row, 1, r, g, b) 
        guiGridListSetItemText(rankinggrid, row, 2, tonumber(kills), false, true) 
        guiGridListSetItemColor(rankinggrid, row, 2, 0, 255, 0) 
    end, 1000, 0)    

And there's a problem with the above code, the teams keep moving if I click on the column name to sort.


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Thanks, another thing. I am adding the team name with it's kills to a gridlist. I want to sort it according to the kills, how do I use this table.sort function in combination with this code?
local allteams = getElementsByType("team") 
local function sort (a,b) 
    return (getElementData(a,"Kills") or 0) > (getElementData(b,"Kills") or 0) 
for key,value in ipairs (allteams) do    
    local row = guiGridListAddRow(rankinggrid, getTeamName(value)) 
    setTimer( function() 
    local r, g, b = getTeamColor(value) 
    local kills = getElementData(value, "Kills") 
        guiGridListSetItemColor(rankinggrid, row, 1, r, g, b) 
        guiGridListSetItemText(rankinggrid, row, 2, tonumber(kills), false, true) 
        guiGridListSetItemColor(rankinggrid, row, 2, 0, 255, 0) 
    end, 1000, 0)    

And there's a problem with the above code, the teams keep moving if I click on the column name to sort.


for The first Problem .

How to create a list of highest to lowest

And about Teams Sorting.

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table.sort only sorts number values so even if the kills are sorted, how do I sort the teams according to the kills?

Edit: Tried this and adds the values successfully according to the kills but it doesn't change the order in the gridlist every second if the data changes of a team. Restart is required.

kills = {} 
setTimer(function () 
    for _,team in ipairs (getElementsByType ("team")) do 
           -- local account = getPlayerAccount (player) 
        local teamkills = getElementData (team, "Kills") 
        if not table.contains(kills, teamkills) then 
            table.insert (kills, teamkills) 
function sortData() 
       setTimer(function() table.sort (percentages, 
            function (a, b) 
                return a > b 
        )end, 1000, 0) 
    for _,v in ipairs (kills) do 
        for _,team in ipairs (getElementsByType ("team")) do 
        local teamkills = getElementData (team, "Kills") 
            if v == teamkills then 
        --  outputChatBox("Team "..getTeamName(team).." has "..v) 
                if not isTextInGridList(rankinggrid, getTeamName(team)) then 
                local row = guiGridListAddRow(rankinggrid, getTeamName(team)) 
                setTimer( function() 
                local r, g, b = getTeamColor(team) 
                local kills = getElementData(team, "Kills") 
                        guiGridListSetItemColor(rankinggrid, row, 1, r, g, b) 
                        guiGridListSetItemText(rankinggrid, row, 2, tonumber(kills), false, true) 
                        guiGridListSetItemColor(rankinggrid, row, 2, 0, 255, 0) 
    end end 
, 1000, 0) 
setTimer (sortData, 1000, 0) 

Edited by Guest
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