P[ow]er Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 hello everyone , I joined to the clan which is in the pic , but there's no colour of it and when I use another scoreboard there's colour of it. Why does that happen? Can someone help me , codes are under of the picture , thanks This is Clientside local sX,sY = guiGetScreenSize() local g_Me = getLocalPlayer() local root = getRootElement() local players = getElementsByType("player") scoreboard = {} local scrolldownby = 2 local lastscrolldown = 0 local scrollupby = 1 local scrollbarWidth = 1 local ServerMaxPlayer = 32 local rowsCount = math.floor(sY/21) - 2 local start = 3 local fps = 0 local fpstick = nil local rotateimage= 0 local ourTeamName = "nothing" local donatorsTeamName = "Donators" fonts = {} fonts["normal"] = { dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",8), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",10), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",12), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",14), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",16), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",18), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",20), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",22), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",24), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuil.ttf",26), } fonts["bold"] = { dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",8), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",10), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",12), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",14), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",16), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",18), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",20), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",22), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",24), dxCreateFont("font/segoeuib.ttf",26), } bindKey("mouse_wheel_down", "down", function() if rowsCount > #scoreboard then return end local time = getTickCount() if time - lastscrolldown < 60 then scrolldownby = math.min(scrolldownby + 3, 16) else if time - lastscrolldown < 120 then scrolldownby = math.min(scrolldownby + 2, 16) end scrolldownby = 1 end lastscrolldown = time local rCount = math.min(#scoreboard, rowsCount - 1) start = math.min(#scoreboard - rCount, start + scrolldownby) end ) bindKey("mouse_wheel_up", "down", function() if rowsCount > #scoreboard then return end local time = getTickCount() if time - lastscrolldown < 100 then scrollupby = math.min(scrollupby + 2, 16) else scrollupby = 1 end lastscrolldown = time start = math.max(1, start - scrollupby) end ) local uptadePlayers = function() scoreboard = {} table.insert(scoreboard,{}) players = getElementsByType("player") local teams = getElementsByType("team") local teamID = {} for id,team in ipairs(teams) do teamID[getTeamName(team)] = id end local playersOrderedByTeams = {} for i = 1, #teams + 1 do playersOrderedByTeams[i] = {} end for id,player in ipairs(players) do local pTeam = getPlayerTeam(player) if pTeam then pTeam = teamID[getTeamName(pTeam)] + 1 else pTeam = 1 end table.insert(playersOrderedByTeams[pTeam], player) end for tID,playersInTeam in ipairs(playersOrderedByTeams) do if tID-1 >= 1 then if #getPlayersInTeam(teams[tID - 1]) >= 1 then table.insert(scoreboard, {"team", teams[tID-1]}) end end for id,player in ipairs(playersInTeam) do table.insert(scoreboard, {"player", player,getPlayerName(player)}) end end end uptadePlayers() local TextFadeUp = true local TextStartTime = nil local TextTimer = nil setTimer(function() TextTimer = setTimer(function() TextTimer = nil TextFadeUp = false TextStartTime = getTickCount() end, 2600, 1) TextFadeUp = true TextStartTime = getTickCount() end,4000,0) local isDrawing = false; local isFading = false; local fadeState = true; -- true = in | false = out local fadeStart = 0; local nameState, nameTick = true, 0; local drawScoreboard = function() if(not isDrawing) then return; end uptadePlayers() showCursor(getKeyState("mouse2")) local rCount = math.min(#scoreboard-1, rowsCount -1) start = math.min(#scoreboard - rCount, start) local c = 0 local cx, cy = 0,0 local a = 255; local ap = 100; if isCursorShowing() then cx, cy = getCursorPosition() cx = cx * sX cy = cy * sY end local ax, ay = sX / 2 - 320, sY / 2 - rCount * 20 / 2+25 local x, y = ax, ay; if(isFading) then local elapsed = (getTickCount() - fadeStart) / (fadeState and 0 or 0); --snelheid if(not fadeState) then isDrawing = false; end end dxDrawRectangle(x, y-2, 35, rCount * 20+2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, (140/100) * ap)) dxDrawRectangle(x, y-2, 640, rCount * 20+2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, (160/100) * ap)) rotateimage = rotateimage +2 dxDrawRectangle(x, y - 47, 640, 30, tocolor(0,0,0, a)) local nr, ng, nb local elapsed = getTickCount() - nameTick; local progress = elapsed / 2500; if(nameState) then nr, ng, nb = interpolateBetween(0, 128, 255, 0, 128, 255, progress, "Linear"); else nr, ng, nb = interpolateBetween(0, 128, 255, 0, 128, 255, progress, "Linear"); end if(progress >= 1) then nameState = not nameState; nameTick = getTickCount(); end dxDrawText("GTA.Ru | DM | 24/7", x + 10, y - 70, x + 640, y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][5], "left", "center",false,false,false,true) --dxDrawText(#getElementsByType("player") .. " / #ffffff"..ServerMaxPlayer, x + 10, y - 65, x + 630, y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, a), 1,fonts["normal"][5], "right", "center",false,false,false,true) dxDrawText(#getElementsByType("player").." / "..ServerMaxPlayer, x + 10, y - 65, x + 630, y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1,fonts["normal"][5], "right", "center",false,false,false,true) dxDrawRectangle(x, y-17, 640, 15, tocolor(60,60,60,140)) dxDrawText("ID", x+14.5 , y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1,fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("Name", x +45, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("Money", x +280, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("Exp", x +370, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("Rank", x +430, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("State", x +488, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("Country", x +195, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("FPS", x +555, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") dxDrawText("Ping", x +600, y-20, x + 640, y, tocolor(220,220,220, 255), 1, fonts["normal"][2], "left", "center") for id,element in ipairs(scoreboard) do if start < id and id <= start + rCount then c = c + 1 if element[1] == "player" and isElement(element[2]) then if isCursorShowing() and x <= cx and cx < x + 640 and y + (c - 1) * 20 <= cy and cy < y + (c) * 20 then dxDrawRectangle(x + 35, y-1 + (c - 1) * 20, 605, 20, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 50)) end local r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 local RainbowColorNameHex = getElementData(element[2],"donatorRainbowColorNameHEX") or "" if not getElementData(element[2], "AFK") then dxDrawText(RainbowColorNameHex..element[3], x + 40, y-5 + (c - 1) * 20, x + 200, y + (c) * 20, tocolor(r, g, b, a), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true) else dxDrawText(RainbowColorNameHex..element[3], x + 68, y-5 + (c - 1) * 20, x + 200, y + (c) * 20, tocolor(r, g, b, a), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true) dxDrawText("#ff0000AFK", x + 40, y-5 + (c - 1) * 20, x + 200, y + (c) * 20, tocolor(r, g, b, a), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center", false, false, false, true) end --ID dxDrawText(getElementData(element[2],"ID") or "?", x, y-5 + (c - 1) * 20, x + 35, y + (c) * 20, tocolor(255,255,255, a), 1, "default-bold", "center", "center") --Country country = getElementData(element[2],"country") or "?" dxDrawText(string.upper(country) or "?", x+215, y-5 + (c - 1) * 20, x + 200, y + (c) * 20, tocolor(255,255,255, a), 1, "default-bold", "left", "center") if country and fileExists("flags/"..country..".png") then dxDrawImage(x+195, y-5 + (c - 1) * 20+4,16,16,"flags/"..country..".png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,a)) end --Money local money if getElementData(element[2],"Cash") then money = getElementData(element[2],"Cash") else money = "Guest" end dxDrawText(money, x+275, y-5 + (c - 1) * 20, x+275+45, y + (c) * 20, tocolor(255,255,255, a), 1, "default-bold", "center", "center") --Points Link to comment
Bonsai Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 Did you edit the picture cause this is a stolen resource? Link to comment
xXMADEXx Posted August 22, 2016 Share Posted August 22, 2016 Well lines 213-274 is where it's drawing the players. You could go in there and just use getTeamColor. Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted August 23, 2016 Share Posted August 23, 2016 First of all please don't use workkkkkkk, 1 k please. Secoundly you'll need to define the team color in the lines that xXMADEXx specified. Link to comment
Gravestone Posted August 23, 2016 Share Posted August 23, 2016 The script draws the player name with it's color but it doesn't set the player's nametag color according to his team. You can make a simple script for that using getTeamColor and setPlayerNametagColor. Link to comment
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