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Custom downloading


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I want to create a GUI window displaying all weapon/vehicle mods. I want to know when the client click to download them, how can I download the file? downloadFile doesn't work until I add the mods to meta and if I do so, the mods download when the resource start. I hope you people get what I am trying to do.

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Didn't see the download attribute thing. Anyways that's working now. Now I want to see if the client has downloaded the files. Used onClientDownloadComplete to replace models when he's in game. Now when the client re joins, the models do not replace. Tried fileExists but it checks if the file exists in the server. How do I fix this?

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That's the problem, it returns if it exists on the server.

You are using fileExists to skip downloadFile, but fileExists does not check the file content.

downloadFile automatcially checks the existing file first, and will immediately trigger onClientFileDownloadComplete if download is not required.

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