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GuiLabel with members's ID


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I want to create a member list with guiLabel or dxDrawText(nevermind, just working). But I can't make that the created Label has an own ID what is the player ID, that when I click the player name, I got hes informations.

I don't know what I did... Here is the code:

local memberlist = {} 
local player_cache = {} 
function Test() 
    player_cache = getElementsByType("player") 
    for k,v in ipairs(player_cache) do 
        local slot = nil 
        for k = 1, 200 do 
            if (memberlist[k]==nil) then 
                local name = getPlayerName(v) 
                local slot = k - 1                 
                memberlist[slot] = guiCreateLabel(400,60 + slot * (30) ,700,50,name,false) 
function handleButtonClick(button,state) 
    if (button == "left" and state == "up") then 

When I click my name label, I got: "nil", and I think when there is more the 1 online player, then I can click just the latest player's label(I don't know, I can't try this at the moment, just a long time ago)

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First of all, you don't have to declare this

local player_cache = {} 

since 'getElementsByType' already created a table.

Second, you just declared memberlist = {} empty, and 'k' returns you the index of the player, so this part:

for k = 1, 200 do 
     if (memberlist [k] == nil) then 

is kind of useless.

And to make a button, you should as well use gridlists to get the clicked item since the way with only a button works not.

You can write this to display all the names of online players (since getElementsByType "player") returns online players;

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize () 
addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), 
    function () 
        for playerPosition, playerName in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do 
            dxDrawText (playerName, 0, 50 + (playerPosition * 20), x, y, tocolor (255, 255, 255, 200), 1, "default-bold", "center") 

MTA Wiki provides a very similar example to getting player's name:

https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Gu ... etItemText

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What you wrote, I don't understand, sorry, but I am bad in English.

But you linked this gridlist, and I saw that the gridlist a gui. So what if I set the grid list alpha 0, and create label above it. It can be working, isn't it?

I ask this because now I can't try it.

If it is working, than how can I solve the scrolling? Sorry for the problems..

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Let me first explain the stuff I did above:

so this:

local x, y = guiGetScreenSize () 

gets your screen's size so you fit it for every screen (I didn't fit mine there)

then on Client Render keeps the frames going so you can actually 'draw' the text. Then for playerPosition, playerName are usually found as (for k, v) or for (i, v), I did it so you can understand it easier; they loop through the table of all online players and you use the dxDrawText finally.

dxDrawText (0 (because I did "center" at last argument I wrote up), then 20 + (playerPosition * 20). playerPosition * 20 is going to keep growing every time you loop through the table, so if there are 5 players, you'll have these coordinates:

50, 70, 90, 110, 130

as for your second question, you can do that but it would be messy af. I highly recommend a full GUI interface or just try to create a dx one (might be hard for a beginner)

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This part of the resource I understand. Thanks for the guide. But when I clicked one of the generated draw text, how can I choose the correct one, what I clicked on?

I don't want to use the basic gui, because it is ugly in a custom dxdraw inteface.

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