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Ok I went through the other FAQ....

Guest PhlaLes

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..and it wasnt much help.

-When you've selected Internet Game and you want to join a game, look at Serverlist. It should display [bEGIN] and [END], and if there are servers running, there should be some IP's between [bEGIN] and [END]. If you want to join a server, select an ip from the list by holding your mousebutton, select it, copy it, and paste it into the IP-textbox. Then click Join Game to join the server and begin playing!

How do I "begin playing". I join the server and what do I do then? I turned on the game as I joined the server, but nothing MP type thing happens.

I have XP, would that cause problems?

Thanks for the help. :)

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To make a multiplayer game over lan,

uncheck the Internet Game setting and

let the server click Host Game. Let the

client fill in the network ip of the server

and let him click Join Game. There

should be standing Connected To.. now

on the client (and Connected to (IP)

both on client and server). For both

client and server: Start GTA3, go to the

place where you want to start (for

example Shoreside Vale) by using a

savegame there or using the Quick

Hideout Warps in GTA3:MTA if you

haven't got savegames there. Walk to a

car (doesn't matter what type, for

example Banshee) and enter the

vehicle. Then exit the vehile you've just

entered. Walk to another car (also

doesn't matter what type, for example

Stinger), enter the vehicle and stay in it.

Now, if the client and server have done

this above, one of them (for example

only the server) must press ALT+F12.

The system that pressed ALT+F12

should be displaying "Multiplayer

Initialised" now and the other system

should be displaying "Server pressed

ALT+F12". The first car you've entered (in our example the

Banshee) is moving now like the car on

the other system. Your multiplayer game

has begun! (Crashing and bumping into

each other could cause a crash of


this is what it says at the top of the FAQ (or readme) in the MTA screen

if you want to play an internet game, just check the Internet Game setting and do the other things like it says

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