florent6001 Posted July 4, 2016 Share Posted July 4, 2016 Hi all, I need you: Login Work but not the Register function iLogin(username, password) --if (not username == "") and (not password == "") then local account = getAccount(username, password) if (account ~= false) then logIn(source, account, password) outputChatBox("#ffffff* #00ff00You successfully logged in as "..username, source, 0, 255, 0, true) triggerClientEvent(source, "destroyLogin", source) else outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000Wrong username and/or password!", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end --else -- outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000Please, enter your username and/or password.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) --end end addEvent("iLogin", true) addEventHandler("iLogin", root, iLogin) function iRegister(username, password) --if (not username == "") and (not password == "") then local account = getAccount(username, password) if (account == false) then local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username), tostring(password)) if (accountAdded) then outputChatBox("#ffffff* #00ff00You have successfully registered.", source, 0, 255, 0, true) triggerClientEvent(source, "destroyLogin", source) else outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000An error occured! Please, report!", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000That account already exists!", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end --else -- outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000Please, enter your username and/or password.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) --end end addEvent("iRegister", true) addEventHandler("iRegister", root, iRegister) local vibX, vibY = 0, 0 local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() local LogoSizeX, LogoSizeY = 196, 56 local WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY = 425, 425 local BGSizeX, BGSizeY = 350, 295 local ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY = 450*0.475, 250*0.115 local font = dxCreateFont( "files/bebas.ttf", 22 ) local bgnumber = 0 local coul = 255,204,0 passwordEditBox = guiCreateEdit(((x-105)/2), ((y-22)/2)-20, 105, 22, "", false) guiSetFont(passwordEditBox, "default-bold-small") usernameEditBox = guiCreateEdit(((x-105)/2), ((y-2)/2)-80, 105, 22, "", false) guiSetFont(usernameEditBox, "default-bold-small") guiEditSetMasked(passwordEditBox, true) loginButton = guiCreateButton(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+30, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, "LOGIN", false) guiSetFont(loginButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetAlpha(loginButton, 0) registerButton = guiCreateButton(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+40+ButtonSizeY, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, "REGISTER", false) guiSetFont(registerButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetAlpha(registerButton, 0) playasguestButton = guiCreateButton(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+50+(ButtonSizeY*2), ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, "PLAY AS GUEST", false) guiSetFont(playasguestButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetAlpha(playasguestButton, 0) function renderLogin() dxDrawRectangle(((x-WindowSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2), WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY*0.05, tocolor( 0, 0, 0, 150 )) -- header dxDrawRectangle(((x-WindowSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2), WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY*0.875, tocolor( 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 150+math.random(0,bgnumber) )) --background dxDrawRectangle(((x-WindowSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2)+(WindowSizeY*0.875)-7, WindowSizeX, 7, tocolor( 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 150+math.random(0,bgnumber) )) --bar down dxDrawText("Welcome to Play 4 Fun!",0, ((y-WindowSizeY)/2), x, 0,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.55*(7*7/dxGetFontHeight(1.55, font)), "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawImage(((x-LogoSizeX)/2)+math.random(0,vibX), (((y-LogoSizeY)/2)-160)+math.random(0,vibY), LogoSizeX, LogoSizeY, "img/logo.png", 0,0,0,tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),true) dxDrawRectangle(((x-BGSizeX)/2), ((y-BGSizeY)/2)+15, BGSizeX, BGSizeY-10, tocolor( 255, 204, 0, 50 )) -- BG LOGIN STATS HERE dxDrawRectangle(((x-BGSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2)+(WindowSizeY*0.05), BGSizeX, BGSizeY*0.275, tocolor( 255, 204, 0, 100 )) -- BG header dxDrawText("Enter your account's details:", 0, ((y-BGSizeY)/2)+5, x, BGSizeY-10,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.1*(6*7/dxGetFontHeight(1.1, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Username ", 0, -185, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Password", 0, -85, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+30, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 100 )) -- Login button if hovered == 1 then dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+30, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255,204,0, 150 )) -- Login button hover end dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+40+ButtonSizeY, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 100 )) -- Register button if hovered == 2 then dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+40+ButtonSizeY, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255,204,0, 150 )) -- Register button hover end dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+50+(ButtonSizeY*2), ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 100 )) -- Play As Guest button if hovered == 3 then dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+50+(ButtonSizeY*2), ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255,204,0, 150 )) -- Play As Guest button hover end dxDrawText("Login", 0, 60, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Login", 0, 60, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Register", 0, 140, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Play as guest", 0, 215, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderLogin) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) local xmlL = xmlLoadFile("@remember.xml") if xmlL then local xmlNodeL = xmlFindChild(xmlL, "username", 0) if xmlNodeL then guiSetText(usernameEditBox, xmlNodeGetValue(xmlNodeL)) end local xmlNode2L = xmlFindChild(xmlL, "password", 0) if xmlNode2L then guiSetText(passwordEditBox, xmlNodeGetValue(xmlNode2L)) end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == loginButton then hovered = 1 playSound("files/hover.mp3") elseif source == registerButton then hovered = 2 playSound("files/hover.mp3") elseif source == playasguestButton then hovered = 3 playSound("files/hover.mp3") end end ) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", root, function() if source == loginButton then hovered = 0 elseif source == registerButton then hovered = 0 elseif source == playasguestButton then hovered = 0 end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if source == loginButton then triggerServerEvent("iLogin", localPlayer, guiGetText(usernameEditBox), guiGetText(passwordEditBox)) elseif source == registerButton then triggerServerEvent("iRegister", localPlayer, guiGetText(usernameEditBox), guiGetText(passwordEditBox)) elseif source == playasguestButton then destroyLogin("guest") outputChatBox("* #00ff00You're now playing as guest.", 255, 255, 255, true) end end ) function destroyLogin(action) if action ~= "guest" then local xml = xmlLoadFile("@remember.xml") if not xml then xml = xmlCreateFile("@remember.xml", "rememberMe") end local xmlNode = xmlFindChild(xml, "username", 0) if not xmlNode then xmlNode = xmlCreateChild(xml, "username") end local xmlNode2 = xmlFindChild(xml, "password", 0) if not xmlNode2 then xmlNode2 = xmlCreateChild(xml, "password") end xmlNodeSetValue(xmlNode, guiGetText(usernameEditBox)) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlNode2, guiGetText(passwordEditBox)) xmlSaveFile(xml) xmlUnloadFile(xml) end destroyElement(usernameEditBox) destroyElement(passwordEditBox) destroyElement(registerButton) destroyElement(loginButton) destroyElement(playasguestButton) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderLogin) end addEvent("destroyLogin", true) addEventHandler("destroyLogin", root, destroyLogin) Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted July 4, 2016 Share Posted July 4, 2016 Please use [lua ] [/lua ] to make it more readable. Any way, you're missing an end in the register some where. Please try /debugscript 3, and see if any errors are outputted into the debug console. Link to comment
aka Blue Posted July 5, 2016 Share Posted July 5, 2016 Hi all,I need you: Login Work but not the Register function iLogin(username, password) --if (not username == "") and (not password == "") then local account = getAccount(username, password) if (account ~= false) then logIn(source, account, password) outputChatBox("#ffffff* #00ff00You successfully logged in as "..username, source, 0, 255, 0, true) triggerClientEvent(source, "destroyLogin", source) else outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000Wrong username and/or password!", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end --else -- outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000Please, enter your username and/or password.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) --end end addEvent("iLogin", true) addEventHandler("iLogin", root, iLogin) function iRegister(username, password) --if (not username == "") and (not password == "") then local account = getAccount(username, password) if (account == false) then local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username), tostring(password)) if (accountAdded) then outputChatBox("#ffffff* #00ff00You have successfully registered.", source, 0, 255, 0, true) triggerClientEvent(source, "destroyLogin", source) else outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000An error occured! Please, report!", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000That account already exists!", source, 255, 0, 0, true) end --else -- outputChatBox("#ffffff* #ff0000Please, enter your username and/or password.", source, 255, 0, 0, true) --end end addEvent("iRegister", true) addEventHandler("iRegister", root, iRegister) local vibX, vibY = 0, 0 local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() local LogoSizeX, LogoSizeY = 196, 56 local WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY = 425, 425 local BGSizeX, BGSizeY = 350, 295 local ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY = 450*0.475, 250*0.115 local font = dxCreateFont( "files/bebas.ttf", 22 ) local bgnumber = 0 local coul = 255,204,0 passwordEditBox = guiCreateEdit(((x-105)/2), ((y-22)/2)-20, 105, 22, "", false) guiSetFont(passwordEditBox, "default-bold-small") usernameEditBox = guiCreateEdit(((x-105)/2), ((y-2)/2)-80, 105, 22, "", false) guiSetFont(usernameEditBox, "default-bold-small") guiEditSetMasked(passwordEditBox, true) loginButton = guiCreateButton(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+30, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, "LOGIN", false) guiSetFont(loginButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetAlpha(loginButton, 0) registerButton = guiCreateButton(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+40+ButtonSizeY, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, "REGISTER", false) guiSetFont(registerButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetAlpha(registerButton, 0) playasguestButton = guiCreateButton(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+50+(ButtonSizeY*2), ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, "PLAY AS GUEST", false) guiSetFont(playasguestButton, "default-bold-small") guiSetAlpha(playasguestButton, 0) function renderLogin() dxDrawRectangle(((x-WindowSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2), WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY*0.05, tocolor( 0, 0, 0, 150 )) -- header dxDrawRectangle(((x-WindowSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2), WindowSizeX, WindowSizeY*0.875, tocolor( 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 150+math.random(0,bgnumber) )) --background dxDrawRectangle(((x-WindowSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2)+(WindowSizeY*0.875)-7, WindowSizeX, 7, tocolor( 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 0+math.random(0,bgnumber), 150+math.random(0,bgnumber) )) --bar down dxDrawText("Welcome to Play 4 Fun!",0, ((y-WindowSizeY)/2), x, 0,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.55*(7*7/dxGetFontHeight(1.55, font)), "default-bold", "center", "top", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawImage(((x-LogoSizeX)/2)+math.random(0,vibX), (((y-LogoSizeY)/2)-160)+math.random(0,vibY), LogoSizeX, LogoSizeY, "img/logo.png", 0,0,0,tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255),true) dxDrawRectangle(((x-BGSizeX)/2), ((y-BGSizeY)/2)+15, BGSizeX, BGSizeY-10, tocolor( 255, 204, 0, 50 )) -- BG LOGIN STATS HERE dxDrawRectangle(((x-BGSizeX)/2), ((y-WindowSizeY)/2)+(WindowSizeY*0.05), BGSizeX, BGSizeY*0.275, tocolor( 255, 204, 0, 100 )) -- BG header dxDrawText("Enter your account's details:", 0, ((y-BGSizeY)/2)+5, x, BGSizeY-10,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.1*(6*7/dxGetFontHeight(1.1, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Username ", 0, -185, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Password", 0, -85, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+30, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 100 )) -- Login button if hovered == 1 then dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+30, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255,204,0, 150 )) -- Login button hover end dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+40+ButtonSizeY, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 100 )) -- Register button if hovered == 2 then dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+40+ButtonSizeY, ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255,204,0, 150 )) -- Register button hover end dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+50+(ButtonSizeY*2), ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 100 )) -- Play As Guest button if hovered == 3 then dxDrawRectangle(((x-ButtonSizeX)/2), ((y-ButtonSizeY)/2)+50+(ButtonSizeY*2), ButtonSizeX, ButtonSizeY, tocolor( 255,204,0, 150 )) -- Play As Guest button hover end dxDrawText("Login", 0, 60, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Login", 0, 60, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Register", 0, 140, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) dxDrawText("Play as guest", 0, 215, x, y,tocolor(255,255,255,255), 1.25*(6*6/dxGetFontHeight(1.25, font)), "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, true, true) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderLogin) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) local xmlL = xmlLoadFile("@remember.xml") if xmlL then local xmlNodeL = xmlFindChild(xmlL, "username", 0) if xmlNodeL then guiSetText(usernameEditBox, xmlNodeGetValue(xmlNodeL)) end local xmlNode2L = xmlFindChild(xmlL, "password", 0) if xmlNode2L then guiSetText(passwordEditBox, xmlNodeGetValue(xmlNode2L)) end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter", root, function() if source == loginButton then hovered = 1 playSound("files/hover.mp3") elseif source == registerButton then hovered = 2 playSound("files/hover.mp3") elseif source == playasguestButton then hovered = 3 playSound("files/hover.mp3") end end ) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", root, function() if source == loginButton then hovered = 0 elseif source == registerButton then hovered = 0 elseif source == playasguestButton then hovered = 0 end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if source == loginButton then triggerServerEvent("iLogin", localPlayer, guiGetText(usernameEditBox), guiGetText(passwordEditBox)) elseif source == registerButton then triggerServerEvent("iRegister", localPlayer, guiGetText(usernameEditBox), guiGetText(passwordEditBox)) elseif source == playasguestButton then destroyLogin("guest") outputChatBox("* #00ff00You're now playing as guest.", 255, 255, 255, true) end end ) function destroyLogin(action) if action ~= "guest" then local xml = xmlLoadFile("@remember.xml") if not xml then xml = xmlCreateFile("@remember.xml", "rememberMe") end local xmlNode = xmlFindChild(xml, "username", 0) if not xmlNode then xmlNode = xmlCreateChild(xml, "username") end local xmlNode2 = xmlFindChild(xml, "password", 0) if not xmlNode2 then xmlNode2 = xmlCreateChild(xml, "password") end xmlNodeSetValue(xmlNode, guiGetText(usernameEditBox)) xmlNodeSetValue(xmlNode2, guiGetText(passwordEditBox)) xmlSaveFile(xml) xmlUnloadFile(xml) end destroyElement(usernameEditBox) destroyElement(passwordEditBox) destroyElement(registerButton) destroyElement(loginButton) destroyElement(playasguestButton) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderLogin) end addEvent("destroyLogin", true) addEventHandler("destroyLogin", root, destroyLogin) Link to comment
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