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سلام عليكم سويت لوحة تسجيل ما تتفتح من اسا


wnd = guiCreateWindow(106, 139, 612, 387, ":: Login By [L]e3bA ::", false) 
guiWindowSetSizable(wnd, false) 
guiSetAlpha(wnd, 0.90) 
guiSetVisible(wnd, false) 
Label = guiCreateLabel(149, 28, 283, 17, "Welcome @ Server Please Login To Enter Server", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Label, 249, 25, 2) 
guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") 
LabelName = guiCreateLabel(92, 76, 112, 15, "Name:", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LabelName, "default-bold-small") 
NameEdit = guiCreateEdit(139, 71, 311, 30, "", false, wnd) 
paswordEdit = guiCreateEdit(139, 117, 311, 30, "", false, wnd) 
LabelPw = guiCreateLabel(78, 122, 112, 15, "Password:", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LabelPw, "default-bold-small") 
Labe0 = guiCreateLabel(149, 38, 283, 17, "________________________________________", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(Labe0, "default-bold-small") 
guiLabelSetColor(Labe0, 126, 126, 126) 
label5 = guiCreateLabel(149, 147, 283, 17, "________________________________________", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(label5, "default-bold-small") 
guiLabelSetColor(label5, 126, 126, 126) 
LoginBiutton = guiCreateButton(92, 281, 173, 45, "Login", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LoginBiutton, "sa-header") 
OR = guiCreateLabel(275, 286, 52, 40, "OR", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(OR, "sa-header") 
ButtonRegister = guiCreateButton(337, 281, 173, 45, "Register", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(ButtonRegister, "sa-header") 
label_ = guiCreateLabel(159, 245, 283, 17, "________________________________________", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(label_, "default-bold-small") 
guiLabelSetColor(label_, 126, 126, 126) 
checkbox2 = guiCreateCheckBox(462, 127, 140, 13, "Save Password", false, false, wnd) 
ChekBox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(460, 78, 140, 13, "Save Username", false, false, wnd) 
forget2 = guiCreateLabel(223, 343, 283, 17, "Forgot Your Password?", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(forget2, 127, 127, 127) 
Forget = guiCreateLabel(223, 350, 144, 17, "__________________", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Forget, 127, 127, 127) 
Lebel4 = guiCreateLabel(82, 165, 169, 16, "Please Select Skin To Login:", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Lebel4, 125, 124, 124) 
chekbokx3 = guiCreateCheckBox(83, 189, 153, 15, "CJ Skin", false, false, wnd) 
chekbox4 = guiCreateCheckBox(82, 210, 153, 15, "Saudi Skin Black", false, false, wnd) 
checkbox5 = guiCreateCheckBox(82, 230, 153, 15, "Saudi Skin With", false, false, wnd) 
Lebel3 = guiCreateLabel(366, 164, 215, 15, "Please Select To Entrey The Server:", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Lebel3, 125, 124, 124) 
LoginServer = guiCreateButton(366, 185, 209, 26, "Login To Server", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LoginServer, "default-small") 
BuyMe = guiCreateLabel(442, 360, 228, 36, "Created By [L]e3bA | v3.4.1", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(BuyMe, 247, 0, 0) 
function Strong ( )   
guiSetVisible ( wnd,true )  
showCursor ( true ) -- اظهار الماوس  
addCommandHandler ( "Teams",Strong )  

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جرب بدل هاي الكودبكود الفتح حقك
function ( )   
guiSetVisible(wnd,not guiGetVisible(wnd)) 

تصحيح لكودك :

function ( )   
guiSetVisible(wnd,not guiGetVisible(wnd)) 

Edited by Guest
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wnd = guiCreateWindow(106, 139, 612, 387, ":: Login By [L]e3bA ::", false) 
guiWindowSetSizable(wnd, false) 
guiSetAlpha(wnd, 0.90) 
guiSetVisible(wnd, false) 
Label = guiCreateLabel(149, 28, 283, 17, "Welcome @ Server Please Login To Enter Server", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Label, 249, 25, 2) 
guiSetFont(Label, "default-bold-small") 
LabelName = guiCreateLabel(92, 76, 112, 15, "Name:", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LabelName, "default-bold-small") 
NameEdit = guiCreateEdit(139, 71, 311, 30, "", false, wnd) 
paswordEdit = guiCreateEdit(139, 117, 311, 30, "", false, wnd) 
LabelPw = guiCreateLabel(78, 122, 112, 15, "Password:", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LabelPw, "default-bold-small") 
Labe0 = guiCreateLabel(149, 38, 283, 17, "________________________________________", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(Labe0, "default-bold-small") 
guiLabelSetColor(Labe0, 126, 126, 126) 
label5 = guiCreateLabel(149, 147, 283, 17, "________________________________________", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(label5, "default-bold-small") 
guiLabelSetColor(label5, 126, 126, 126) 
LoginBiutton = guiCreateButton(92, 281, 173, 45, "Login", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LoginBiutton, "sa-header") 
OR = guiCreateLabel(275, 286, 52, 40, "OR", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(OR, "sa-header") 
ButtonRegister = guiCreateButton(337, 281, 173, 45, "Register", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(ButtonRegister, "sa-header") 
label_ = guiCreateLabel(159, 245, 283, 17, "________________________________________", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(label_, "default-bold-small") 
guiLabelSetColor(label_, 126, 126, 126) 
checkbox2 = guiCreateCheckBox(462, 127, 140, 13, "Save Password", false, false, wnd) 
ChekBox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(460, 78, 140, 13, "Save Username", false, false, wnd) 
forget2 = guiCreateLabel(223, 343, 283, 17, "Forgot Your Password?", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(forget2, 127, 127, 127) 
Forget = guiCreateLabel(223, 350, 144, 17, "__________________", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Forget, 127, 127, 127) 
Lebel4 = guiCreateLabel(82, 165, 169, 16, "Please Select Skin To Login:", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Lebel4, 125, 124, 124) 
chekbokx3 = guiCreateCheckBox(83, 189, 153, 15, "CJ Skin", false, false, wnd) 
chekbox4 = guiCreateCheckBox(82, 210, 153, 15, "Saudi Skin Black", false, false, wnd) 
checkbox5 = guiCreateCheckBox(82, 230, 153, 15, "Saudi Skin With", false, false, wnd) 
Lebel3 = guiCreateLabel(366, 164, 215, 15, "Please Select To Entrey The Server:", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(Lebel3, 125, 124, 124) 
LoginServer = guiCreateButton(366, 185, 209, 26, "Login To Server", false, wnd) 
guiSetFont(LoginServer, "default-small") 
BuyMe = guiCreateLabel(442, 360, 228, 36, "Created By [L]e3bA | v3.4.1", false, wnd) 
guiLabelSetColor(BuyMe, 247, 0, 0) 
function Strong ( )   
guiSetVisible ( wnd,not guiGetVisible(wnd) ) 
showCursor ( guiGetVisible(wnd) ) -- اظهار الماوس 
addCommandHandler ("Teams",Strong ) 
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