Jaber Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 Hi all , i have a problem with Fairplay Gaming ( Open source Roleplay GameMode thx Socialz ) my problem is i have a faction panel we can open it with presse F1 but for open the panel we need to restart res for every player join the server ... Can you help me thx The code : ServerSide : --[[ - FairPlay Gaming: Roleplay This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . (c) Copyright 2014 FairPlay Gaming. All rights reserved. ]] local factionTimer = {} local factionTypes = { [1] = {"Law", 1000000}, [2] = {"Medical", 1000000}, [3] = {"Government", 1000000}, [4] = {"News", 0}, [5] = {"Gang", 0}, [6] = {"Mafia", 0}, [7] = {"Triad", 0}, [8] = {"Other", 0} } function loadFactions() local query = dbQuery(exports['roleplay-accounts']:getSQLConnection(), "SELECT * FROM `??`", "factions") if (query) then local result, num_affected_rows, errmsg = dbPoll(query, -1) if (num_affected_rows > 0) then if (num_affected_rows == 1) then outputDebugString("1 faction loaded.") else outputDebugString(num_affected_rows .. " factions are about to be loaded.") end for result,row in pairs(result) do local faction = createTeam(row["name"]) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.id", row["id"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.type", row["type"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.name", row["name"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.description", row["description"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.motd", row["motd"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.ranks", row["ranks"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.wages", row["wages"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.cooldown", 0, false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.invites", row["inviteCount"], false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.bank", row["bankValue"], false) for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:getPlayerFaction(player)) then if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:getPlayerFaction(player) == row["id"]) then setPlayerTeam(player, faction) end end end end else outputDebugString("0 factions loaded. Does the factions table contain data and are the settings correct?") end end end function refreshFactionMenu(factionID) for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:getPlayerFaction(v) == factionID) then if (getElementData(v, "roleplay:gui.isFactionMenu")) then triggerClientEvent(v, ":_closeFactionMenu_:", v) removeElementData(v, "roleplay:gui.isFactionMenu") showFactionMenu(v) end end end end local amountsUsed = {} function showFactionMenu(player) if (not player) or (not isElement(player)) or (getElementType(player) ~= "player") then return end if (getElementData(player, "roleplay:gui.isFactionMenu")) then triggerClientEvent(player, ":_closeFactionMenu_:", player) removeElementData(player, "roleplay:gui.isFactionMenu") else if (not exports['roleplay-accounts']:isClientPlaying(player)) then return end local factionID = exports['roleplay-accounts']:getPlayerFaction(player) local faction = getFactionByID(factionID) if (not factionID) or (not faction) then outputChatBox("You're not in a faction.", player, 245, 20, 20, false) return end if (amountsUsed[player]) and (amountsUsed[player] >= 2) then outputChatBox("Please wait before using the faction menu again.", player, 245, 20, 20, false) return else amountsUsed[player] = (amountsUsed[player] and amountsUsed[player]+1 or 1) end local factionName = getFactionName(faction) local factionType = getFactionType(faction) local factionMOTD = getFactionMOTD(faction) local factionRanks = getFactionRanks(faction) local factionWages = getFactionWages(faction) local factionPlayers = {} local query = dbQuery(exports['roleplay-accounts']:getSQLConnection(), "SELECT `??`, `??`, `??`, `??`, DATEDIFF(NOW(), `??`) AS `??` FROM `??` WHERE `??` = '??' ORDER BY `??` DESC, `??` ASC", "id", "characterName", "factionRank", "factionPrivileges", "loginDate", "loginDate", "characters", "factionID", factionID, "factionRank", "characterName") if (not query) then outputChatBox("An error occured when tried to fetch faction members.", player, 245, 20, 20, false) return end local result, num_affected_rows = dbPoll(query, -1) if (not result) then outputChatBox("An error occured when tried to fetch faction members.", player, 245, 20, 20, false) return elseif (num_affected_rows == 0) then outputChatBox("You're not in a faction.", player, 245, 20, 20, false) return end for _,row in pairs(result) do table.insert(factionPlayers, { ["id"] = row["id"], ["name"] = row["characterName"], ["rank"] = row["factionRank"], ["privileges"] = row["factionPrivileges"], ["lastOnline"] = row["lastOnline"] }) end setElementData(player, "roleplay:gui.isFactionMenu", 1, false) triggerClientEvent(player, ":_showFactionMenu_:", player, factionID, factionName, factionType, factionMOTD, factionRanks, factionWages, factionPlayers) setTimer(function(player) if (not isElement(player)) then amountsUsed[player] = nil else amountsUsed[player] = 0 end end, 3000, 1, player) end end addEvent(":_syncFactionChange_:", true) addEventHandler(":_syncFactionChange_:", root, function(type, ...) local type = tonumber(type) if (source ~= client) or (not type) or (type <= 0) or (type > 6) then return end local factionID = exports['roleplay-accounts']:getPlayerFaction(client) local faction = getFactionByID(factionID) if (not factionID) or (not faction) or (not exports['roleplay-accounts']:getFactionPrivileges(client)) then outputChatBox("You're not in a faction.", client, 245, 20, 20, false) return end if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:getFactionPrivileges(client) <= 0) then outputChatBox("Your privileges are too low for that action.", client, 245, 20, 20, false) return end local args = {...} if (type == 1) then local newMotd = args[1] setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.motd", newMotd, false) dbExec(exports['roleplay-accounts']:getSQLConnection(), "UPDATE `??` SET `??` = '??' WHERE `??` = '??'", "factions", "motd", newMotd, "id", factionID) for i,v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(faction)) do if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:isClientPlaying(v)) then outputChatBox(" [FactionAct] " .. getPlayerName(client):gsub("_", " ") .. " updated the Message of the Day.", v, 50, 210, 220, false) end end elseif (type == 2) then local newRanks = toJSON(args[1]) local newWages = toJSON(args[2]) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.ranks", newRanks, false) setElementData(faction, "roleplay:factions.wages", newWages, false) dbExec(exports['roleplay-accounts']:getSQLConnection(), "UPDATE `??` SET `??` = '??', `??` = '??' WHERE `??` = '??'", "factions", "ranks", newRanks, "wages", newWages, "id", factionID) for i,v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(faction)) do if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:isClientPlaying(v)) then outputChatBox(" [FactionAct] " .. getPlayerName(client):gsub("_", " ") .. " updated the ranks.", v, 50, 210, 220, false) end end elseif (type == 3) then local charName = args[1]:gsub(" ", "_") local newRank = args[2] local ranks = fromJSON(getFactionRanks(faction)) dbExec(exports['roleplay-accounts']:getSQLConnection(), "UPDATE `??` SET `??` = '??' WHERE `??` = '??' AND `??` = '??'", "characters", "factionRank", newRank, "characterName", charName, "factionID", factionID) local player = getPlayerFromName(charName) if (player) then setElementData(player, "roleplay:characters.faction:rank", newRank, true) end for i,v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(faction)) do if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:isClientPlaying(v)) then outputChatBox(" [FactionAct] " .. getPlayerName(client):gsub("_", " ") .. " set " .. exports['roleplay-accounts']:getRealPlayerName(charName) .. " rank to \"" .. ranks[newRank] .. "\".", v, 50, 210, 220, false) end end elseif (type == 4) then local charName = args[1]:gsub(" ", "_") local newRights = args[2]-1 dbExec(exports['roleplay-accounts']:getSQLConnection(), "UPDATE `??` SET `??` = '??' WHERE `??` = '??' AND `??` = '??'", "characters", "factionPrivileges", newRights, "characterName", charName, "factionID", factionID) local player = getPlayerFromName(charName) if (player) then setElementData(player, "roleplay:characters.faction:privileges", newRights, true) end for i,v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(faction)) do if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:isClientPlaying(v)) then outputChatBox(" [FactionAct] " .. getPlayerName(client):gsub("_", " ") .. " set " .. exports['roleplay-accounts']:getRealPlayerName(charName) .. " rights to \"" .. (newRights == 0 and "Member" or (newRights == 1 and "Leader" or "Owner")) .. "\".", v, 50, 210, 220, false) end end elseif (type == 5) then for _,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if (exports['roleplay-vehicles']:getVehicleRealID(vehicle)) then if (exports['roleplay-vehicles']:getVehicleFaction(vehicle)) and (exports['roleplay-vehicles']:getVehicleFaction(vehicle) == factionID) then if (exports['roleplay-vehicles']:isVehicleEmpty(vehicle)) then fixVehicle(vehicle) setVehicleEngineState(vehicle, false) setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 1) setElementFrozen(vehicle, true) setVehicleLocked(vehicle, true) setElementData(vehicle, "roleplay:vehicles.fuel", 100, true) setElementData(vehicle, "roleplay:vehicles.fuel;", 100, true) setElementData(vehicle, "roleplay:vehicles.engine", 0, true) setElementData(vehicle, "roleplay:vehicles.winstate", 0, true) setElementData(vehicle, "roleplay:vehicles.currentGear", 0, true) setElementData(vehicle, "roleplay:vehicles.handbrake", 1, true) respawnVehicle(vehicle) end end end end for i,v in ipairs(getPlayersInTeam(faction)) do if (exports['roleplay-accounts']:isClientPlaying(v)) then outputChatBox(" [FactionAct] " .. getPlayerName(client):gsub("_", " ") .. " respawned all unoccupied vehicles.", v, 50, 210, 220, false) end end elseif (type == 6) then local vehicleID = args[1] local vehicle = exports['roleplay-vehicles']:getVehicle(vehicleID) if (vehicle) then if (exports['roleplay-vehicles']:getVehicleFaction(vehicle)) and (exports['roleplay-vehicles']:getVehicleFaction(vehicle) == factionID) then fixVehicle(vehicle) setVehicleEngineState(vehicle, false) setVehicleOverrideLights(vehicle, 1) setElementFrozen(vehicle, true) Link to comment
DzMG-LV Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 Try this(Idk if it works): addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", resourceRoot, function() loadFactions() for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindf1() setTimer(bindf1, 3500, 1) end end ) Link to comment
KariiiM Posted April 2, 2016 Share Posted April 2, 2016 Try this(Idk if it works): addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", resourceRoot, function() loadFactions() for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindf1() setTimer(bindf1, 3500, 1) end end ) Why you looping players and you don't use the values at all @Jaber, you want the gui to be showen on the player join the server? Link to comment
Jaber Posted April 2, 2016 Author Share Posted April 2, 2016 The panel showed but i need to resatrt every time the ressource for this ... Link to comment
Moderators IIYAMA Posted April 3, 2016 Moderators Share Posted April 3, 2016 addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() loadFactions() for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindf1(v) end end ) function bindf1(v) bindKey(v, "F1", "down", showFactionMenu) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", resourceRoot, function() bindf1(source) end ) Link to comment
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