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[HELP] What is wrong with this!?


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PLEASE someone tell me what is wrong with this before I go nuts!

function checkLoginCreditals(name, pass) 
    local result = db:query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name ='"..name.."'") 
    if result then 
        if md5(pass) == tostring(result[1]['password']) then 
            return true 
            return false 
    return false 

It outputs the password and username as it should, but from line 3 onwards it doesn't work....

I've used THE SAME THING, in another function and it works perfectly!

function setPlayerDatas(player, accountName) 
    local result = db:query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = '"..accountName.."'") 
    if result then 
        setData(player, "deaths", tonumber(result[1]['deaths'])) 
        setData(player, "woodHarvested", tonumber(result[1]['woodHarvested'])) 
        setData(player, "kills", tonumber(result[1]['kills'])) 
        setData(player, "accountName", tostring(accountName)) 
addEvent("setPlayerDatas", true) 
addEventHandler("setPlayerDatas", getRootElement(), setPlayerDatas) 

So what the hell is wrong with the first function? -.-

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I managed to find the problem, but I am so pissed that I can't figure out how to solve it :@

So if I do this:


it comes up as: INFO: Username WORD, now how do I remove the space at the end of the username so I have the username and 'WORD' joined together?

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If you still need help, here you go.

-- output --> INFO: Username WORD 
-- Use string.gsub to remove spaces, so it will be like that, 
local userName = string.gsub(userName, " ", "") 
-- output --> INFO: UsernameWORD 

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If you still need help, here you go.
-- output --> INFO: Username WORD 
-- Use string.gsub to remove spaces, so it will be like that, 
local userName = string.gsub(userName, " ", "") 
-- output --> INFO: UsernameWORD 

I managed to solve it. It was because I used guiCreateMemo which adds a space at the end regardless of what I am doing to the word. So I switched to guiCreateEdit and it works fine.

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