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(error) Compiling a source code on win

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Try compiling it once again. It could be an incorrect build order (due to dependencies not being set up correctly).

i get new error

Error 20 error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libpng.lib'

this output :

Error occurred while restoring NuGet packages: System.ArgumentException: The path is not of a legal form.

at System.IO.Path.NormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)

at System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(String path)

at NuGet.VisualStudio.VsUtility.GetNuGetSolutionFolder(Solution solution)

at NuGet.VsEvents.PackageRestorer.UsingOldPackageRestore(Solution solution)

at NuGet.VsEvents.PackageRestorer.BuildEvents_OnBuildBegin(vsBuildScope Scope, vsBuildAction Action).

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Client - Core, Configuration: Release Win32 ------

1> StdInc.cpp

1> Compiling precompiled header.


1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.hpp(53): warning C4800: 'const tinygettext::PluralFunc' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\language.hpp(58): warning C4800: 'tinygettext::LanguageSpec *const ' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1>StdInc.cpp(3): warning C4503: 'std::_If>,std::_Tree_iter_types,unsigned int,__w64 int,std::pair ,const std::pair ,std::pair ,const std::pair ,std::_Tree_node,void *> *>>' : decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated

1> with

1> [

1> _Kty=std::string

1> , _Ty=tinygettext::Dictionary::Entries

1> ]

1> CAdditionalVertexStreamManager.cpp

1> CAjaxResourceHandler.cpp

1> CChat.cpp

1> CClientVariables.cpp

1> CCommandFuncs.cpp

1> CCommands.cpp

1> CCommunity.cpp

1> CCommunityLogin.cpp

1> CCommunityRegistration.cpp

1> CCompressorJobQueue.cpp

1> CConnectManager.cpp

1> CConsole.cpp

1> CConsoleHistory.cpp

1> CConsoleLogger.cpp

1> CCore.cpp

1> CCrashDumpWriter.cpp

1> CCredits.cpp

1> CDebugView.cpp

1> CDirect3DData.cpp

1> CDirect3DEvents9.cpp

1> Compiling...

1> CDirect3DHook9.cpp

1> CDirect3DHookManager.cpp

1> CDirectInputHook8.cpp

1> CDirectInputHookManager.cpp

1> CExceptionInformation_Impl.cpp

1> CFavouritesAddByIP.cpp

1> CFileFormatJpeg.cpp

1> CFileFormatPng.cpp

1> CFilePathTranslator.cpp

1> CGraphics.cpp

1> CGraphStats.cpp

1> CGUI.cpp

1> CJoystickManager.cpp

1> CKeyBinds.cpp

1> CLanguage.cpp

1> CLine3DBatcher.cpp

1> CLocalization.cpp

1> CMainMenu.cpp

1> CMainMenuScene.cpp

1> CMaterialLine3DBatcher.cpp

1> Compiling...

1> CMemStats.cpp

1> CMessageLoopHook.cpp

1> CModelCacheManager.cpp

1> CModManager.cpp

1> CModuleLoader.cpp

1> CMouseControl.cpp

1> CNewsBrowser.cpp

1> CNickGen.cpp

1> Core.cpp

1> CPEHookUtils.cpp

1> CPixelsManager.cpp

1> CPixelsManager_VolumeTexture.cpp

1> CProxyDirect3D9.cpp

1> CProxyDirect3DDevice9.cpp

1> CProxyDirect3DIndexBuffer.cpp

1> CProxyDirect3DTexture.cpp

1> CProxyDirect3DVertexBuffer.cpp

1> CProxyDirect3DVertexDeclaration.cpp

1> CProxyDirectInput8.cpp

1> CProxyDirectInputDevice8.cpp

1> Compiling...

1> CQuestionBox.cpp

1> CQuickConnect.cpp

1> CrashHandler.cpp

1> CRenderItem.cpp

1> CRenderItem.DxFont.cpp

1> CRenderItem.EffectCloner.cpp

1> CRenderItem.EffectTemplate.cpp

1> CRenderItem.EffectWrap.cpp

1> CRenderItem.FileTexture.cpp

1> CRenderItem.GuiFont.cpp

1> CRenderItem.RenderTarget.cpp

1> CRenderItem.ScreenSource.cpp

1> CRenderItem.Shader.cpp

1> CRenderItem.ShaderInstance.cpp

1> CRenderItem.WebBrowser.cpp

1> CRenderItemManager.cpp

1> CRenderItemManager.TextureReplace.cpp

1> CScreenGrabber.cpp

1> CScreenShot.cpp

1> CServerBrowser.cpp

1> Compiling...

1> CServerBrowser.MasterServerManager.cpp

1> CServerBrowser.RemoteMasterServer.cpp

1> CServerCache.cpp

1> CServerInfo.cpp

1> CServerList.cpp

1> CSetCursorPosHook.cpp

1> CSettings.cpp

1> CTileBatcher.cpp

1> CVersionUpdater.cpp

1> CVertexStreamBoundingBoxManager.cpp

1> CVideoModeManager.cpp

1> CWebCore.cpp

1> CWebDevTools.cpp

1> CWebsiteRequests.cpp

1> CWebView.cpp

1> CProxyDirect3D8.cpp

1> dictionary.cpp

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.hpp(53): warning C4800: 'const tinygettext::PluralFunc' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\vector(480): warning C4503: 'std::_Tree>::_Insert_hint' : decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated

1> with

1> [

1> _Kty=std::string

1> , _Ty=tinygettext::Dictionary::Entries

1> , _Pr=std::less

1> , _Alloc=std::allocator>

1> ]

1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\vector(480): warning C4503: 'std::_Tree>::_Insert_at' : decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated

1> with

1> [

1> _Kty=std::string

1> , _Ty=tinygettext::Dictionary::Entries

1> , _Pr=std::less

1> , _Alloc=std::allocator>

1> ]

1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\vector(480): warning C4503: 'std::_Tree>::_Insert_nohint' : decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated

1> with

1> [

1> _Kty=std::string

1> , _Ty=tinygettext::Dictionary::Entries

1> , _Pr=std::less

1> , _Alloc=std::allocator>

1> ]

1> dictionary_manager.cpp

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.hpp(53): warning C4800: 'const tinygettext::PluralFunc' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\language.hpp(58): warning C4800: 'tinygettext::LanguageSpec *const ' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1> language.cpp

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\language.hpp(58): warning C4800: 'tinygettext::LanguageSpec *const ' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1> log.cpp

1> plural_forms.cpp

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.hpp(53): warning C4800: 'const tinygettext::PluralFunc' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1>..\..\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.cpp(49): warning C4099: 'tinygettext::PluralForms' : type name first seen using 'class' now seen using 'struct'

1> c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.hpp(28) : see declaration of 'tinygettext::PluralForms'

1>..\..\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.cpp(76): warning C4099: 'tinygettext::PluralForms' : type name first seen using 'class' now seen using 'struct'

1> c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.hpp(28) : see declaration of 'tinygettext::PluralForms'

1> po_parser.cpp

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\language.hpp(58): warning C4800: 'tinygettext::LanguageSpec *const ' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1>c:\builddll2\vendor\tinygettext\plural_forms.hpp(53): warning C4800: 'const tinygettext::PluralFunc' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)

1>..\..\vendor\tinygettext\po_parser.cpp(357): warning C4309: 'static_cast' : truncation of constant value

1>..\..\vendor\tinygettext\po_parser.cpp(358): warning C4309: 'static_cast' : truncation of constant value

1>..\..\vendor\tinygettext\po_parser.cpp(359): warning C4309: 'static_cast' : truncation of constant value

1> tinygettext.cpp

1> unix_file_system.cpp

1>C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(1190,5): warning MSB8030: The linker switch "Minimum Required Version" requires "SubSystem" to be set. Without "SubSystem", the "Minimum Required Version" would not be passed to linker and could prevent to the output binary from running on older Operating Systems.

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libpng.lib'

========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

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ok thX MTA ,it worked !!

32> Main.cpp

32> Creating library x86\Release\Multi Theft Auto.lib and object x86\Release\Multi Theft Auto.exp

32> Generating code

32> Finished generating code

32> _Launch 2008.vcxproj -> C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas 1.6\Multi Theft Auto.exe

========== Build: 23 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 9 skipped ==========

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