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code : The language code (eg. "en_US" for "English (United States)" or "ar" for "Arabic").

name : The name of the language (eg. "English (United States)" or "Arabic").

This function gets the MTA general language on the player's PC?

How i know these language codes or name? am i magician?

and what does ["code"] mean?

local languageCode = getLocalization()["code"] 

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Calling/executing the function getLocalization will return a table.

A table is an object that can hold multiple data.

To get data from a table you must index a table. This means searching inside the table using a value/object/something else, which leads or doesn't lead to data inside the table.

This is how you search inside a table[key]. Between those brackets you give the index/key of the data you want to receive. They key in your example is the string "code".

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