supernovaa Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 Hi guys! I have problem with one gamemode. First i started the gamemode, then i want login and register but i cant. Sorry for my bad English. Console errors: restart sg_login [18:08:08] restart: Requested by Console [18:08:08] restart: Resource restarting... [18:08:08] Stopping sg_login [18:08:08] Starting sg_login [18:08:08] SCRIPT ERROR: sg_login\server.lua:30: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 21) near 'dbQuery' [18:08:08] ERROR: Loading script failed: sg_login\server.lua:30: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 21) near 'dbQuery' [18:08:08] sg_login restarted successfully [18:08:08] ERROR: Client (James) triggered serverside event checkPlayerBanState, but event is not added serverside [18:08:16] DENIED: Denied 'James' access to command 'debugscript' [18:08:18] ERROR: Client (James) triggered serverside event playerLogin, but event is not added serverside [18:08:21] ERROR: Client (James) triggered serverside event playerRegister, but event is not added serverside [18:08:25] ERROR: Client (James) triggered serverside event playerRegister, but event is not added serverside Script, server.lua: local mysql = exports.mysql local postable = {} local regisztalhat = true function playerRegister(player, username, password, password2) local md5password = md5(password) if(password~=password2)then triggerClientEvent("info",player,"A felhasználónév túl rövid!", "red") return end if(string.len(username)<5)then triggerClientEvent("info",player,"A felhasználónév túl rövid!", "red") return end if(string.len(password)<5)then triggerClientEvent("info", player, "A jelszó túl rövid!", "red") return end serial = getPlayerSerial(player) dbQuery(function(qh, player, username, md5password) local a, b, c = dbPoll(qh, 0) if b > 0 then outputChatBox("Neked már van accountod") regisztalhat = false return end end, {player,username,md5password}, mysql:getConnection(), ("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE charactername='" .. safecharname .. "' AND account='" .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. "' AND cked = 0") dbQuery(function(qh, player, username, md5password) local result, rows, errorMsg = dbPoll(qh, 0) if not regisztalhat then return end if rows > 0 then exports.sg_box:addNotification("Ez a felhasználónév már foglalt!","red") else local _, id = mysql:query_free("INSERT INTO accounts SET serial = '".. serial .."', username = '"..tostring(username).."', password = '"..tostring(md5password).."'", true) exports.sg_box:addNotification("Sikeresen regisztráltál!","green") end end, {player,username,md5password}, mysql:getConnection(), "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1", username) end addEvent("playerRegister", true) addEventHandler("playerRegister", getRootElement(), playerRegister) function playerLogin(player, username, password) password = md5(password) local query = mysql:singleQuery("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = ? AND password = ? LIMIT 1", username, password) if query then --local querys = mysql:singleQuery("SELECT serial FROM accounts WHERE username = ? LIMIT 1", username) outputChatBox("[socialGaming] #FFFFFFSikeres bejelentkezés!",player,169,139,101,true) setElementData(player, "accountID", acc = getElementData(player, "accountID") CharSelect(acc, player) setElementData(player, "adminlevel", query.admin) else outputChatBox("[socialGaming] #FFFFFFSikertelen bejelentkezés!",player,177,9,45,true) end end addEvent("playerLogin", true) addEventHandler("playerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) addEvent("createCharacter", true) addEventHandler("createCharacter", getRootElement(), function(p, nev, kor, suly, magassag, leiras, gender, color) acc = getElementData(p, "accountID") local qh = dbQuery( mysql:getConnection(), "SELECT `charactername` FROM `karakterek` WHERE `charactername` = ?", tostring(a)) local result = dbPoll ( qh, -1 ) local count = 0 local pw u = nil if result then for _, row in ipairs ( result ) do u = string.lower(row["charactername"]) end if u ~= nil then exports.sg_box:createSmallNotification(client,"Már van ilyen karakter név, kérlek válassz másikat!", 1) return end end dbFree( qh ) local user = getElementData(client, "username") qhh = dbExec( mysql:getConnection(), "INSERT INTO `karakterek` SET `charactername` = ?, `id` = ?, `skin` = 1, `kor` = ?, `suly` = ?, `magassag` = ?, `leiras` = ?, `gender` = ?,`color` = ? ", nev, acc, kor, suly, magassag, leiras, gender, color) if qhh then CharSelect(acc, p) end end) local postable = {} function CharSelect(acc, source) local accid = getElementData(source,"accountID") local qh = dbQuery(mysql:getConnection(),"SELECT * FROM karakterek WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", accid) local result, lineNumber = dbPoll ( qh, -1 ) if(result) then if(lineNumber > 0) then for _, rows in ipairs( result ) do postable = {} level = rows["level"] xp = rows["xp"] jatszottpercek = rows["spentTime"] nev = rows["charactername"] anev = rows["adminnick"] fraki = rows["faction"] frakir = rows["factionrank"] factionleader = rows["factionleader"] skin = rows["skin"] dutyskin = rows["dutyskin"] induty = rows["inDuty"] kor = rows["kor"] suly = rows["suly"] mag = rows["magassag"] job = rows["job"] desc = rows["leiras"] gender = rows["gender"] health = rows["health"] bankmoney = rows["bankmoney"] keszpenz = rows["keszpenz"] money = rows["money"] color = rows["color"] pajzs = rows["pajzs"] ehesseg = rows["ehesseg"] maxvehicles = rows["maxvehicles"] hasznaltkocsislot = rows["hasznaltkocsislot"] premiumPont = rows["premiumPont"] adminduty = rows["adminduty"] adminlevel = rows["adminlevel"] pozicio = fromJSON(rows["pozicio"]) postable = {pozicio[1],pozicio[2],pozicio[3],pozicio[4]} halal = rows["isDead"] end setPlayerName(source, string.gsub(nev, " ", "_")) setElementData(source, "charactername", nev) setElementData(source, "adminduty", 0) setElementData(source, "adminnick", anev) spawnPlayer(source, postable[1], postable[2], postable[3], postable[4]) setElementData(source, "logedin", true) setElementData(source, "jatszottpercek", jatszottpercek) setElementData(source, "faction", fraki) setElementData(source, "factionrank", frakir) setElementData(source, "factionleader", factionleader) setElementData(source, "age", kor) setElementData(source, "gender", gender) setElementData(source, "bankmoney", bankmoney) setElementData(source, "keszpenz", keszpenz) setElementData(source, "adminduty", adminduty) setElementData(source, "adminlevel", adminlevel) setElementData(source, "premiumPont", premiumPont) setElementData(source, "xp", xp) setElementData(source, "level", level) if halal == 1 then setElementHealth(source, 0) else setElementHealth(source, health) end setElementData(source, "money", money) setElementData(source, "color", color) setPedArmor(source, pajzs) setElementData(source, "weight", suly) setElementData(source, "height", mag) setElementData(source, "desc", desc) setElementData(source, "job:id", job) setElementData(source, "ehesseg", ehesseg) setElementData(source, "maxvehicles", maxvehicles) setElementData(source, "hasznaltkocsislot", hasznaltkocsislot) setElementData(source, "normalskin", skin) setElementData(source, "dutyskin", dutyskin) setElementData(source, "inDuty", induty) if getElementData(source, "inDuty") then actualskin = getElementData(source, "dutyskin") else actualskin = getElementData(source, "normalskin") end setElementModel(source, actualskin) --color health ehesseg pajzs spentTime faction factionrank factionleader maxVeh maxInt setCameraTarget(source) triggerClientEvent(source,"succes", source) else triggerClientEvent(source,"characterCreation", source) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() if getElementData(source, "logedin") then savePlayer(source) end end) function savePlayer(p) if isElement(p) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(p) local rot = getPedRotation(p) local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(p, "accountID")) or 0 local admin = tonumber(getElementData(p, "adminlevel")) or 0 local position = toJSON({x,y,z,rot}) local orak = getElementData(p, "jatszottpercek") or 0 local faction = getElementData(p, "faction") or 0 local hp = getElementHealth(p) local bankmoney = getElementData(p, "bankmoney") local keszpenz = getElementData(p, "keszpenz") local money = getElementData(p, "money") local armor = getPedArmor(p) local ehesseg = getElementData(p, "ehesseg") local skin = getElementData(p, "normalskin") local duty = getElementData(p, "inDuty") local dutyskin = getElementData(p, "dutyskin") local job = getElementData(p, "job:id") local maxvehicles = getElementData(p, "maxvehicles") or 4 local hasznaltkocsislot = getElementData(p, "hasznaltkocsislot") or 0 local premiumPont = getElementData(p, "premiumPont") or 0 local xp = getElementData(p, "xp") or 0 local level = getElementData(p, "level") or 0 dbExec(mysql:getConnection(), "UPDATE karakterek SET pozicio = ?, spentTime = ?, faction = ?, health = ?, bankmoney = ?, money = ?, pajzs = ?, ehesseg = ?, skin = ?, job = ? WHERE ID = ?", position, spentTime, faction, hp, bankmoney, money, armor, ehesseg, skin, job, dbid) dbExec(mysql:getConnection(), "UPDATE karakterek SET maxvehicles = ?,hasznaltkocsislot = ?,premiumPont = ?, inDuty = ?, dutyskin = ?, keszpenz = ? WHERE ID = ?", maxvehicles,hasznaltkocsislot,premiumPont, duty, dutyskin,keszpenz,dbid) dbExec(mysql:getConnection(), "UPDATE accounts SET admin = ? WHERE ID = ?",admin,xp,level,dbid) dbExec(mysql:getConnection(), "UPDATE karakterek SET xp=?,level=? WHERE ID = ?",xp,level,dbid) end end addEvent("savePlayer", true) addEventHandler("savePlayer", getRootElement(), savePlayer) function saveAllPlayer() local count = 0 for i, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if (getElementData(p, "logedin") or false) then savePlayer(p) count = count + 1 end end outputDebugString("Ellett mentve "..count.." jatekos adata!") end saveAllPlayer() setTimer(saveAllPlayer, 1000*60*10, 0) addCommandHandler("saveall",saveAllPlayer) addEvent("checkPlayerBanState", true) addEventHandler("checkPlayerBanState", getRootElement(), function(player) local serial = getPlayerSerial(player) local query = dbQuery(mysql:getConnection(),"SELECT * FROM banlist WHERE serial=?",serial) local qh = dbPoll(query, -1) local playerSerial, timeStamp, bannedBy, reason if #qh > 0 then for k, data in ipairs (qh) do outputChatBox("Ok") playerSerial = data["serial"] Link to comment
MTA Team ccw Posted February 23, 2016 MTA Team Share Posted February 23, 2016 SCRIPT ERROR: sg_login\server.lua:30: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 21) near 'dbQuery' The dbQuery at line 21 has an extra ( Link to comment
supernovaa Posted February 23, 2016 Author Share Posted February 23, 2016 Okay, im change script. dbQuery = function(qh, player, username, md5password) Warning: restart sg_login [18:54:03] restart: Requested by Console [18:54:03] restart: Resource restarting... [18:54:03] Stopping sg_login [18:54:03] Starting sg_login [18:54:03] ERROR: sg_login\server.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string "?"] [18:54:03] INFO: Ellett mentve 0 jatekos adata! [18:54:03] sg_login restarted successfully [18:54:03] WARNING: sg_login\server.lua:246: Bad argument @ 'dbQuery' [Expected db-connection at argument 1, got nil] [18:54:03] WARNING: sg_login\server.lua:247: Bad argument @ 'dbPoll' [Expected db-query at argument 1, got boolean] [18:54:03] ERROR: sg_login\server.lua:249: attempt to get length of local 'qh' (a boolean value) [18:54:21] ERROR: sg_login\server.lua:28: attempt to concatenate a nil value [18:54:24] DENIED: Denied 'James' access to command 'debugscript' [18:54:25] ERROR: sg_login\server.lua:28: attempt to concatenate a nil value [18:54:26] ERROR: sg_login\server.lua:28: attempt to concatenate a nil value 246 line local query = dbQuery(mysql:getConnection(),"SELECT * FROM banlist WHERE serial=?",serial) 247 line local qh = dbPoll(query, -1) 249 line local playerSerial, timeStamp, bannedBy, reason 28 line end, {player,username,md5password}, mysql:getConnection(), ("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE charactername='" .. safecharname .. "' AND account='" .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. "' AND cked = 0") Not wokring. Link to comment
KariiiM Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 Hello dear supernova, First off, there's a resource called "mysql" not running, that's means it's off not working at all, try to start this resource, and if this resource contains database informations so in this case all db functions who are exist in your script would return false with warning / errors. Good luck, Regards, KariM Link to comment
supernovaa Posted February 23, 2016 Author Share Posted February 23, 2016 Mysql database running. Whats the problem? I dont understand Link to comment
KariiiM Posted February 23, 2016 Share Posted February 23, 2016 Mysql database running.Whats the problem? I dont understand It's up to you now, meet the scripter who scripted this gamemode for you to deal with it. Link to comment
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