Best-Killer Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 Hello Guys , I Have Nerd Gaming GameMode and i want change jail pos ...ect now it's when player arrest cop he need go to LS marker for the player warpet to jail and when release he's Released Only in LS too i want it : when cop arrest player the marker showed in the pos LS ,LV,SF ...ect and if the cop go to marker of LV then the criminal released in LV (the pos what i did) Really i need help on that guys i Never have idea to change it pls give me idea to change or do that for me and thanks so much please guys local WARP_LOCS = { DEFAULT = { }, ADMIN = { }, RELEASE = { } } addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) local warp_default = get ( "*JAIL_WARP_LOCATION" ); local warp_admin = get ( "*JAIL_WARP_ADMIN_LOCATION" ); local warp_release = get ( "*JAIL_WARP_RELEASE_LOCATION" ); if ( not warp_default ) then outputDebugString ( "Couldn't find '*JAIL_WARP_LOCATION' setting in SAEGPolice" ); WARP_LOCS.DEFAULT = { 0, 0, 0 } else local warp_default = split ( warp_default, "," ); if ( #warp_default ~= 3 ) then outputDebugString ( "'*JAIL_WARP_LOCATION' setting value should be x,y,z (no spaces, please confirm format is correct)" ); WARP_LOCS.DEFAULT = { 0, 0, 0 } elseif ( not tonumber ( warp_default[1] ) or not tonumber ( warp_default[2] ) or not tonumber ( warp_default[3] ) ) then outputDebugString ( "Failed to convert all '*JAIL_WARP_LOCATION' coordinates to floats. Please confirm they are numbers" ); WARP_LOCS.DEFAULT = { 0, 0, 0 } else WARP_LOCS.DEFAULT = { tonumber(warp_default[1]), tonumber(warp_default[2]), tonumber(warp_default[3]) }; end end if ( not warp_release ) then outputDebugString ( "Couldn't find '*JAIL_WARP_RELEASE_LOCATION' setting in SAEGPolice" ); WARP_LOCS.RELEASE = { 0, 0, 0 } else local warp_release = split ( warp_release, "," ); if ( #warp_release ~= 3 ) then outputDebugString ( "'*JAIL_WARP_RELEASE_LOCATION' setting value should be x,y,z (no spaces, please confirm format is correct)" ); WARP_LOCS.RELEASE = { 0, 0, 0 } elseif ( not tonumber ( warp_release[1] ) or not tonumber ( warp_release[2] ) or not tonumber ( warp_release[3] ) ) then outputDebugString ( "Failed to convert all '*JAIL_WARP_RELEASE_LOCATION' coordinates to floats. Please confirm they are numbers" ); WARP_LOCS.RELEASE = { 0, 0, 0 } else WARP_LOCS.RELEASE = { tonumber(warp_release[1]), tonumber(warp_release[2]), tonumber(warp_release[3]) }; end end if ( not warp_admin ) then outputDebugString ( "Couldn't find '*JAIL_WARP_ADMIN_LOCATION' setting in SAEGPolice" ); WARP_LOCS.ADMIN = { 0, 0, 0 } else local warp_admin = split ( warp_admin, "," ); if ( #warp_admin ~= 3 ) then outputDebugString ( "'*JAIL_WARP_ADMIN_LOCATION' setting value should be x,y,z (no spaces, please confirm format is correct)" ); WARP_LOCS.ADMIN = { 0, 0, 0 } elseif ( not tonumber ( warp_admin[1] ) or not tonumber ( warp_admin[2] ) or not tonumber ( warp_admin[3] ) ) then outputDebugString ( "Failed to convert all '*JAIL_WARP_ADMIN_LOCATION' coordinates to floats. Please confirm they are numbers" ); WARP_LOCS.ADMIN = { 0, 0, 0 } else WARP_LOCS.ADMIN = { tonumber(warp_admin[1]), tonumber(warp_admin[2]), tonumber(warp_admin[3]) }; end end outputDebugString ( "Default jail warp location: "..tostring ( table.concat( WARP_LOCS.DEFAULT, ", " ) ) ) outputDebugString ( "Admin jail warp location: "..tostring ( table.concat( WARP_LOCS.ADMIN, ", " ) ) ) outputDebugString ( "Release jail warp location: "..tostring ( table.concat( WARP_LOCS.RELEASE, ", " ) ) ) end ); local jailedPlayers = { } function isPlayerJailed ( p ) if ( p and getElementType ( p ) == 'player' ) then if ( jailedPlayers[p] ) then return tonumber ( getElementData ( p, 'SAEGPolice:JailTime' ) ) else return false end end return nil end function jailPlayer ( p, dur, announce, element, reason ) if( p and dur ) then local announce = announce or false jailedPlayers[p] = dur setElementInterior ( p, 0 ) setElementDimension ( p, 1 ) local __x, __y, __z = unpack ( WARP_LOCS.DEFAULT ) if ( element and reason ) then __x, __y, __z = unpack ( WARP_LOCS.ADMIN ) end setElementPosition ( p, __x, __y, __z ); --outputChatBox ( table.concat ( { __x, __y, __z }, ", " ) ); setElementData ( p,'SAEGPolice:JailTime', tonumber ( dur ) ) setElementData ( p, "isGodmodeEnabled", true ) exports['SAEGJobs']:updateJobColumn ( getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( p ) ), 'TimesArrested', "AddOne" ) if ( announce ) then local reason = reason or "Classified" local msg = "" if ( element and reason ) then msg = getPlayerName ( p ).." has been jailed by "..getPlayerName ( element ).." for "..tostring ( dur ).." seconds ("..reason..")" elseif ( element ) then msg = getPlayerName ( p ).." has been jailed by "..getPlayerName ( element ).." for "..tostring ( dur ).." seconds" end exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( msg, root, 0, 120, 255 ) exports['SAEGLogs']:outputPunishLog ( p, element or "Console", tostring ( msg ) ) end triggerEvent ( "onPlayerArrested", p, dur, element, reason ) triggerClientEvent ( p, "onPlayerArrested", p, dur, element, reason ) return true end return false end function unjailPlayer ( p, triggerClient ) local p = p or source setElementDimension ( p, 0 ) setElementInterior ( p, 0 ) setElementPosition ( p, 1543.32, -1675.6, 13.56 ) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You've been released from jail! Behave next time.", p, 0, 255, 0 ) jailedPlayers[p] = nil setElementData ( p, "SAEGPolice:JailTime", nil ) setElementData ( p, "isGodmodeEnabled", nil ) exports['SAEGLogs']:outputActionLog ( getPlayerName ( p ).." has been unjailed" ) if ( triggerClient ) then triggerClientEvent ( p, 'SAEGJail:StopJailClientTimer', p ) end end addEvent ( "SAEGJail:UnjailPlayer", true ) addEventHandler ( "SAEGJail:UnjailPlayer", root, unjailPlayer ) function getJailedPlayers ( ) return jailedPlayers end addCommandHandler ( "jail", function ( p, _, p2, time, ... ) if ( exports['SAEGAdministration']:isPlayerStaff ( p ) ) then if ( p2 and time ) then local toJ = getPlayerFromName ( p2 ) or exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:getPlayerFromNamePart ( p2 ) if toJ then jailPlayer ( toJ, time, true, p, table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) ) else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "No player found with \""..p2.."\" in their name.", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Syntax: /jail [player name/part of name] [seconds] [reason]", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end end end ) addCommandHandler ( "unjail", function ( p, _, p2 ) if ( not exports['SAEGAdministration']:isPlayerStaff ( p ) ) then return false end if ( not p2 ) then return exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Syntax: /unjail [player]", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end if ( not getPlayerFromName ( p2 ) ) then p2 = exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:getPlayerFromNamePart ( p2 ) if not p2 then return exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "That player doesn't exist on the server.", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end end if ( jailedPlayers[p2] ) then exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You've unjailed "..getPlayerName ( p2 ).."!", p, 0, 255, 0 ) exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You've been unjailed by "..getPlayerName ( p ).."!", p2, 0, 255, 0 ) unjailPlayer ( p2, true ) else exports['SAEGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "That player isn't jailed.", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports['NGSQL']:saveAllData ( false ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) setTimer ( function ( ) local q = exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM accountdata" ) local data = { } for i, v in ipairs ( q ) do data[v['Username']] = v['JailTime'] end for i, v in pairs ( data ) do local p = exports['SAEGPlayerFunctions']:getPlayerFromAcocunt ( i ) if p then local t = tonumber ( getElementData ( p, 'SAEGPolice:JailTime' ) ) or i jailPlayer ( p, tonumber ( t ), false ) end end end, 500, 1 ) end ) addEvent ( "onPlayerArrested", true ) local remainingTime = nil local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) addEvent ( "onPlayerArrested", true ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerArrested", root, function ( dur ) if dur then remainingTime = dur l_tick = getTickCount ( ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, dxDrawRemainingJailTime ) end end ) function dxDrawRemainingJailTime ( ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( remainingTime ).. " seconds", 0, 0, (sx/1.1)+2, (sy/1.1)+2, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 2.5, 'default-bold', 'right', 'bottom' ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( remainingTime ).. " seconds", 0, 0, sx/1.1, sy/1.1, tocolor ( 255, 255, 0, 255 ), 2.5, 'default-bold', 'right', 'bottom' ) if ( getTickCount ( ) - l_tick >= 1000 ) then remainingTime = remainingTime - 1 l_tick = getTickCount ( ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "SAEGPolice:JailTime", remainingTime ) if ( remainingTime < 0 ) then triggerServerEvent ( "SAEGJail:UnjailPlayer", localPlayer, false ) remainingTime = nil l_tick = nil removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawRemainingJailTime ) end end end addEvent ( "SAEGJail:StopJailClientTimer", true ) addEventHandler ( "SAEGJail:StopJailClientTimer", root, function ( ) remainingTime = nil l_tick = nil removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawRemainingJailTime ) end ) ------------------------------- -- Export functions -- Implemented in NG V1.1.3 ------------------------------- function isPlayerJailed ( ) return ( getElementData ( localPlayer, 'SAEGPolice:JailTime' ) and tonumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer, 'SAEGPolice:JailTime' ) ) ) and tonumber ( getElementData ( localPlayer, 'SAEGPolice:JailTime' ) ) > 0 end "SAEG Scripting Team" type="script" name="SAEG Police" version="1.0" /> Link to comment
tosfera Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 I Have Nerd Gaming GameMode And you're not from the community, these files haven't been released by them so this'll be another leaked resource. We're not supporting leaked files and therefore you won't receive any help either. Learn Lua yourself, hire a scripter or what ever. Stop using leaked files. Link to comment
Dealman Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 Might wanna do some research before you accuse people of using leaked stuff. MADE did actually release the NG stuff some time ago. Link to comment
tosfera Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 As far as my research went, nothing came out. My bad. ^^ Link to comment
Best-Killer Posted January 30, 2016 Author Share Posted January 30, 2016 I Have Nerd Gaming GameMode And you're not from the community, these files haven't been released by them so this'll be another leaked resource. We're not supporting leaked files and therefore you won't receive any help either. Learn Lua yourself, hire a scripter or what ever. Stop using leaked files. lol it's not Laeked -.- hhhh Guys pls help me pls Link to comment
vx89 Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 I understand it can be hard to make up a topic title, but I just see it too much Make sure to add descriptive titles for your topics. Topic titles which consist just of words such as 'Help me' or 'Please read' are not descriptive at all. Example: How to change jail position in Nerd Gaming GameMode? Link to comment
Best-Killer Posted January 30, 2016 Author Share Posted January 30, 2016 it's when player arrest cop he need go to LS marker for the player warpet to jail and when release he's Released Only in LS too i want it : when cop arrest player the marker showed in the pos LS ,LV,SF ...ect and if the cop go to marker of LV then if player arrested in LV he released in LV if arrested in SF then Released In SF i hope u understand me (the pos what i did) Link to comment
Best-Killer Posted January 30, 2016 Author Share Posted January 30, 2016 Guys i swear who will do that for me i will pay 3$ Link to comment
KariiiM Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 Guys i swear who will do that for me i will pay 3$ What about try doing it by yourself? and post what you've done with and keep your money to you. Link to comment
Best-Killer Posted January 30, 2016 Author Share Posted January 30, 2016 Guys i swear who will do that for me i will pay 3$ What about try doing it by yourself? and post what you've done with and keep your money to you. i don't have idea to do it pls help me for it or give me eample or somthing Link to comment
KariiiM Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 i don't have idea to do it pls help me for it or give me eample or somthing Currently I am kinda busy and what you need isn't really easy it will take from me minutes to do it correctly Link to comment
ViRuZGamiing Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 The biggest problem with people like you (no offense) is that you are too focussed on trying to achieve the scripts you need for your own server. This is something I had too and lots of other people probably too. The fact is, you should try learning lua not MTA. Not even lua is suggested, C# is good as well, if only you can understand HOW programming works, you can learn any language. Link to comment
KariiiM Posted January 30, 2016 Share Posted January 30, 2016 The biggest problem with people like you (no offense) is that you are too focussed on trying to achieve the scripts you need for your own server. This is something I had too and lots of other people probably too. The fact is, you should try learning lua not MTA. Not even lua is suggested, C# is good as well, if only you can understand HOW programming works, you can learn any language. Good point, I hope he start make some efforts. Link to comment
Best-Killer Posted January 31, 2016 Author Share Posted January 31, 2016 ok guys no one want do it for me so give me some example or idea to do it pls guys Link to comment
ViRuZGamiing Posted January 31, 2016 Share Posted January 31, 2016 Start learning, stop asking. After you learned it we're here to help with your mistakes and learning. Link to comment
Mr_Moose Posted January 31, 2016 Share Posted January 31, 2016 First of all you need to understand the code, then you can describe your problem and finally solve it. Three basic steps which I should now try to help you with. As a start you should ask yourself from where you can get the current coordinate(s), hint: in the server side files you'll find a function simply named "get" which collects the coordinates from meta.xml, between the tags. Now here's your real problem, without even looking at the NG game mode it's obvious that you first of all need to change how you store the coordinates in order to map multiple coordinates to each others. So here's the steps you need to take in order to solve this: Consider a different storage solution for your coordinates that supports multiple locations, (i.e a table) Add some kind of index to these tables (i.e "LSPD" and/or "SFPD"). This way you know where a player got arrested and thus where to release. Consider where to store this index, (i.e as element data) Consider which coordinates you intend to use, if you want someone to do this for you this is a post you should provide yourself at least. And that's pretty much it, the solution is simple as long you know the problem. Link to comment
Sir.BEEF Posted January 31, 2016 Share Posted January 31, 2016 Guys we are asking for help not for useless comments so please just help us if you can... Link to comment
ViRuZGamiing Posted January 31, 2016 Share Posted January 31, 2016 Guys we are asking for help not for useless comments so please just help us if you can... Throwing in the word useless just made a whole lot of programmers probably make up their mind about helping you. AND apart from that, what you did say is actually "Hey guys, give me the code, I don't want to learn" Link to comment
KariiiM Posted January 31, 2016 Share Posted January 31, 2016 Guys we are asking for help not for useless comments so please just help us if you can... Really? Do you think all these comments are useless, So that's mean you don't cares when most of them spend their time to write a paragraph to show you how to be a guy capable not a guy waiting for a done codes like what you guys do now. Personally, I agree with ViRuZGamiing's words. Link to comment
tosfera Posted January 31, 2016 Share Posted January 31, 2016 Jup, there goes my respect for you guys and your only chance of getting support from my side. +1 Viruz, -1 greedy non-learning people begging for an edit. Link to comment
Best-Killer Posted January 31, 2016 Author Share Posted January 31, 2016 Thanks all i will try it Link to comment
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