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Create a scene


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I want to make a scene with a car, which is a taxi. I use setPedControlState to control it to the positions, but it sometimes goes longer, sometimes goes shorter. So, its little bit buggy. Is there any other way to do it?

local scene2 = createVehicle(420, 1947.1982421875, -1749.4130859375, 13.3828125, 0, 0, 90) 
local scene2sofor = createPed(255, 0, 0, 0) 
warpPedIntoVehicle(bemutatoPed, scene2, 2) 
warpPedIntoVehicle(scene2sofor, scene2) 
setPedControlState(scene2sofor, "accelerate", true) 
setTimer(setPedControlState, 4500, 1, scene2sofor, "accelerate", false) 
setTimer(setPedControlState, 6000, 1, scene2sofor, "handbrake", true) 
end, 1500, 1) 

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The way you're doing it currently is the way to go for the most realistic way, you just need to work on the timings. 2 timers isn't going to make your entire scene completely. You should add some distance checks, position checks, here and there a few variables holding states and so on.

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I just did the timing already. But 5 out of 10 gets to x, 2 out of 10 gets x-2... etc.. What do you mean on position check?

if x > xmax then setPedControlState(ped, "brake_reverse", true) end  

or like that? Its a scene for register new account, so it cant be done that way. Maybe there are some settings that make the car always the right speed?

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The way you're doing it currently is the way to go for the most realistic way, you just need to work on the timings. 2 timers isn't going to make your entire scene completely. You should add some distance checks, position checks, here and there a few variables holding states and so on.

Thanks, used your suggestion, and it was working. It is still buggy, but works fine.


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