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Sounds Streams


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I am making a login panel and i want to play a music on it but without loading it in the meta because it will increase the script size too much which leads to a huge download. I am arranging to play a sound from a URL so if you know how to upload a sound file to internet then use its URL to play it from the internet or play the sound of a youtube vedio please share.

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As for uploading the file somewhere you can use services such as Mediafire and Dropbox, I believe Mediafire lets you use direct links if you subscribe. Then you just use playSound like usual, but put in the URL instead of the filepath.

Personally I have always used Kiwi6 to stream files.

As for YouTube, you can do this by using the new CEF Browser introduced with MTA 1.5 :)

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All client files are avaiable on internal http server ao that players can download them, for example or something like that, of course you have to change the IP and Port to server's values since client doesn't know them (well, it does but its not accessible through scripting).

so all i do is to put the .mp3 in the folder without adding it in the meta then i do "playSound("http://ip:port/resourceName/fileName.mp3")" ha?

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Yes but you have to add it to meta otherwise it wouldnt be avaible on the http server, put download="false" to the file in meta and it wont be downloaded by players at resource's start.

like that?

"theLink" download=false /> 

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