Monsthers Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 Hola tengo este script de Nerd Gaming es de una tienda de autos, pero esta en mysql y el hosting que compre no tiene ese servicio. como ago para pasarloa sqlite? Aqui la sql de nerd gaming "NG Scripting Team" name="NG SQL" type="script" version="1.0" /> y aqui el script de venta de autos addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS vehicles ( Owner TEXT, VehicleID INT, ID INT, Color TEXT, Upgrades TEXT, Position TEXT, Rotation TEXT, Health TEXT, Visible INT, Fuel INT, Impounded INT, Handling TEXT )" ) end ) vehicles = { } local blip = { } local texts = { } function getAllAccountVehicles ( account ) local cars = { } local q = exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE Owner=? ", tostring(account) ) for i, v in pairs ( q ) do table.insert ( cars, v ) end return cars end function showVehicle ( id, stat, player, msg ) if stat then if ( not isElement ( vehicles[id] ) ) then local q = exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE VehicleID=? LIMIT 1", tostring(id) ) if ( q and type ( q ) == 'table' and #q > 0 ) then local d = q[1] local health = tonumber ( d['Health'] ) local owner, vehID = tostring ( d['Owner'] ), tonumber ( d['ID'] ) local color, upgrades = d['Color'], d['Upgrades'] local pos, rot = d['Position'], d['Rotation'] local pos = fromJSON ( pos ) local pos = split ( pos, ', ' ) local x, y, z = tonumber ( pos[1] ), tonumber ( pos[2] ), tonumber ( pos[3] ) local rot = fromJSON ( rot ) local rot = split ( rot, ', ' ) local rx, ry, rz = tonumber ( rot[1] ), tonumber ( rot[2] ), tonumber ( rot[3] ) local color = fromJSON ( color ) local color = split ( color, ', ' ) local r, g, b = tonumber ( color[1] ), tonumber ( color[2] ), tonumber ( color[3] ) local upgrades = fromJSON ( upgrades ) local hndl = fromJSON ( d['Handling'] ) vehicles[id] = createVehicle ( vehID, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz ) setElementData ( vehicles[id], "fuel", tonumber ( d['Fuel'] ) ) setVehicleColor ( vehicles[id], r, g, b ) setElementData ( vehicles[id], "NGVehicles:VehicleAccountOwner", tostring ( owner ) ) setElementData ( vehicles[id], "NGVehicles:VehicleID", id ) setElementHealth ( vehicles[id], tonumber ( health ) ) if ( hndl and type ( hndl ) == "table" ) then for i, v in pairs ( hndl ) do setVehicleHandling ( vehicles [ id ], tostring ( i ), v ) end end for i, v in ipairs ( upgrades ) do addVehicleUpgrade ( vehicles[id], tonumber ( v ) ) end exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "UPDATE vehicles SET Visible=? WHERE VehicleID=?", '1', id ) if ( isElement ( blip[id] ) ) then destroyElement ( blip[id] ) end if ( isElement ( texts[id] ) ) then destroyElement ( texts[id] ) end texts[id] = exports['NGJobs']:create3DText ( owner.."'s vehicle", { 0, 0, 0.5 }, { 255, 255, 255 }, vehicles[id], { 5, true } ) if ( isElement ( player ) ) then blip[id] = createBlipAttachedTo ( vehicles[id], 51, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 1500, player ) setElementData ( vehicles[id], "NGVehicles:VehiclePlayerOwner", player ) end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleDamage", vehicles[id], function ( ) local health = math.floor ( getElementHealth ( source ) ) if ( health <= 300 ) then local id = getElementData ( source, "NGVehicles:VehicleID" ) local driver = getVehicleOccupant ( source ) if ( driver ) then exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "This vehicle is broken and requires a mechanic to fix it.", driver, 255, 0, 0 ) end showVehicle ( id, false ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", vehicles[id], function ( p, s ) if ( getVehicleOccupant ( source ) )then local t = getPlayerTeam ( p ) if ( t ) then if ( exports['NGPlayerFunctions']:isTeamLaw ( getTeamName ( t ) ) and getPlayerWantedLevel ( getVehicleOccupant ( source ) ) > 0 and s == 0 ) then setVehicleLocked ( source, false ) return end end end if ( isVehicleLocked ( source ) ) then exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "This vehicle is locked.", p, 255, 255, 0 ) cancelEvent ( ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", vehicles[id], function ( p, seat ) local health = getElementHealth ( source ) local id = getElementData ( source, "NGVehicles:VehicleID" ) if ( health <= 300 ) then showVehicle ( id, false ) exports.ngmessages:sendClientMessage ( "This vehicle was hidden due to low health", p, 255, 0, 0 ) return end local acc = getPlayerAccount ( p ) if ( isGuestAccount ( acc ) ) then return end local acc = getAccountName ( acc ) local name = getVehicleNameFromModel ( getElementModel ( source ) ) local owner = getElementData ( source, 'NGVehicles:VehicleAccountOwner' ) if ( acc == owner ) then exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "This is your ""!", p, 0, 255, 0 ) else exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "This "" belongs to "..owner..".", p, 255, 255, 0 ) end end ) if ( msg ) then exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "Your "..getVehicleNameFromModel(vehID).." is located in "..getZoneName(x,y,z)..", "..getZoneName(x,y,z,true).."!",player,0,255,0) end if ( isElement ( player ) and vehID ) then exports['NGLogs']:outputActionLog ( getPlayerName ( player ).." spawned their "..getVehicleNameFromModel ( vehID ) ) end return vehicles[id] end end return vehicles[id] else if ( isElement ( vehicles[id] ) ) then local pos = toJSON ( createToString ( getElementPosition ( vehicles[id] ) ) ) local rot = toJSON ( createToString ( getElementRotation ( vehicles[id] ) ) ) local color = toJSON ( createToString ( getVehicleColor ( vehicles[id], true ) ) ) local upgrades = toJSON ( getVehicleUpgrades ( vehicles[id] ) ) local health, fuel = tostring ( getElementHealth ( vehicles[id] ) ), tonumber ( getElementData ( vehicles[id], "fuel" ) ) local model = getElementModel ( vehicles[id] ) local hdnl = toJSON ( getVehicleHandling ( vehicles [ id ] ) ) exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "UPDATE vehicles SET Color=?, Upgrades=?, Position=?, Rotation=?, Health=?, Fuel=?, Handling=? WHERE VehicleID=?", color, upgrades, pos, rot, health, fuel, hdnl, id ) destroyElement ( vehicles[id] ) vehicles[id] = nil exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "UPDATE vehicles SET Visible=? WHERE VehicleID=?", '0', id ) if ( isElement ( blip[id] ) ) then destroyElement ( blip[id] ) end if ( isElement ( texts[id] ) ) then destroyElement ( texts[id] ) end if ( isElement ( player ) ) then exports['NGLogs']:outputActionLog ( getPlayerName ( player ).." hid their "..getVehicleNameFromModel ( model ) ) end end end return false end function warpVehicleToPlayer ( id, player ) if ( not isElement ( vehicles [ id ] ) ) then return false end if ( getElementInterior ( player ) ~= 0 or getElementDimension ( player ) ~= 0 ) then return false end if ( getVehicleController ( vehicles [ id ] ) ) then return false end local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( player ) local rot = getPedRotation ( player ) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation ( vehicles [ id ] ) setElementPosition ( vehicles [ id ], x, y, z + 1 ) setElementRotation ( vehicles [ id ], rx, ry, rot ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, vehicles [ id ] ) return true end function givePlayerVehicle ( player, vehID, r, g, b ) if ( isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) ) then return false end local r, g, b = r or 0, g or 0, b or 0 local ids = exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "SELECT VehicleID FROM vehicles" ) local id = math.random ( 0, 999999999 ); local idS = { } for i, v in ipairs ( ids ) do idS[tonumber(v['VehicleID'])] = true end local q = exports.ngsql:db_query ( "SELECT uniq_id FROM used_vehicles" ); if ( q and type ( q ) == "table" ) then for _, v in pairs ( q ) do idS[v.uniq_id] = true; end end while ( idS[id] ) do id = math.random ( 0, 999999999 ); end local pos = toJSON ( createToString ( getElementPosition ( player ) ) ) local rot = toJSON ( createToString ( 0, 0, getPedRotation ( player ) ) ) local color = toJSON ( createToString ( r, g, b ) ) local upgrades = toJSON ( { } ) local health = 1000 exports['NGLogs']:outputActionLog ( getPlayerName ( player ).." bought a "..getVehicleNameFromModel ( vehID ) ) exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "INSERT INTO `vehicles` (`Owner`, `VehicleID`, `ID`, `Color`, `Upgrades`, `Position`, `Rotation`, `Health`, `Visible`, `Fuel`, `Impounded`, `Handling`) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), tostring(id), tostring(vehID), color, upgrades, pos, rot, health, '100', '0', '0', toJSON ( getModelHandling ( vehID ) ) ) return id end function getAccountVehicles ( account ) local query = getAllAccountVehicles ( account ) if ( type ( query ) == 'table' and #query >= 1 ) then local rV = { } for i, v in pairs ( query ) do table.insert ( rV, { v['Owner'], v['VehicleID'], v['ID'], v['Color'], v['Upgrades'], v['Position'], v['Rotation'], v['Health'], v['Visible'], v['Fuel'], v['Impounded'], v['Handling'] } ) end return rV else return { } end end function sellVehicle ( player, id ) --showVehicle ( id, false ) local data = exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "SELECT * FROM vehicles WHERE VehicleID=?", tostring(id) ) local model = tonumber ( data[1]['ID'] ) local price = nil for i, v in pairs ( vehicleList ) do for k, x in ipairs ( v ) do if ( x[1] == model ) then price = math.floor ( x[2] / 1.4 ) + math.random ( 500, 2200 ) if price > x[2] then while ( price >= x[2] ) do price = math.floor ( x[2] / 1.4 ) + math.random ( 100, 1000 ) end end break end end end exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You've sold your "..getVehicleNameFromModel ( model ).." for $"..convertNumber ( price ).."!", player, 0, 255, 0 ) givePlayerMoney ( player, price ) exports['NGSQL']:db_query ( "DELETE FROM vehicles WHERE VehicleID=?", tostring(id) ) exports['NGLogs']:outputActionLog ( getPlayerName ( player ).." sold their "..getVehicleNameFromModel ( model ).." (ID: "..tostring ( id )..")" ) end addEvent ( "NGVehicles:sellPlayerVehicle", true ) addEventHandler ( "NGVehicles:sellPlayerVehicle", root, sellVehicle ) addCommandHandler ( "hideall", function ( p ) local acc = getPlayerAccount ( p ) if ( isGuestAccount ( acc ) ) then return end local name = getAccountName ( acc ) exports['NGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "All of your vehicles have been hidden.", p, 0, 255, 0 ) for i, v in pairs ( vehicles ) do if ( getElementData ( v, "NGVehicles:VehicleAccountOwner" ) == name ) then showVehicle ( i, false ) end end Link to comment
Kilfwan Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 383 lineas? ¿ wtf ? Un script no se puede pasar a tal cosa como si lua fuera como un convertidor de musica, Se debe editar todo el script y testear y testear para quedar como tu quieres, Paga mas y habla con venadHD para que te active el MySQL, creo son 1$ mas. Link to comment
Tomas Posted October 2, 2015 Share Posted October 2, 2015 383 lineas?¿ wtf ? Un script no se puede pasar a tal cosa como si lua fuera como un convertidor de musica, Se debe editar todo el script y testear y testear para quedar como tu quieres, Paga mas y habla con venadHD para que te active el MySQL, creo son 1$ mas. ... Según la última versión del repo de GitHub puedes alternar entre MySQL y SQLite cambiando una simple configuración.. Si usas el panel de administrador predeterminado; NGCSQL > Settings > CONNECTION_TYPE = 'sqlite' & DATABASE_NAME = 'database', luego de eso creas 'database.db' dentro del recurso 'NGSQL', restart y listo. Link to comment
UserToDelete Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 383 lineas?¿ wtf ? Un script no se puede pasar a tal cosa como si lua fuera como un convertidor de musica, Se debe editar todo el script y testear y testear para quedar como tu quieres, Paga mas y habla con venadHD para que te active el MySQL, creo son 1$ mas. y para pasar los datos existentes a SQLITE, usa el export del phpmyadmin (si lo tienes), en caso contrario, a diseñar un script que haga esoSon 0,5 USD más Link to comment
Kilfwan Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 383 lineas?¿ wtf ? Un script no se puede pasar a tal cosa como si lua fuera como un convertidor de musica, Se debe editar todo el script y testear y testear para quedar como tu quieres, Paga mas y habla con venadHD para que te active el MySQL, creo son 1$ mas. y para pasar los datos existentes a SQLITE, usa el export del phpmyadmin (si lo tienes), en caso contrario, a diseñar un script que haga esoSon 0,5 USD más Si paga los 50 ctvs , es muy poco Link to comment
Tomas Posted October 3, 2015 Share Posted October 3, 2015 Para promocionar hostings hay un board específico, no vengan a offtopiquear (sí, offtopiquear) a este board, plox Link to comment
aka Blue Posted October 4, 2015 Share Posted October 4, 2015 Si es su empresa y le está ofreciendo una solución... Link to comment
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