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[HELP]Group Vehicle


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how i can make vehicle group system with colors ? not the marker but i want change color car of the group

example SWAT Cars Blue (not the marker)


Server-Side :

local rootElement = getRootElement() 
local markers = {} 
local playerVehicles = {} 
local playerTrailers = {} 
local lawTeams = {["Law Enforcement"] = true, ["SWAT"] = true, ["Military"] = true, ["Staff"] = true} 
--teamName, posX, posY, posZ, R, G, B, Alpha, Vehicle IDs, Rotation, Element data name 
local vehiclesTable = { 
    {{"Military"}, 206.99, 1931.85, 22,0, 0, 255, 150, {487, 425, 520 }, 3, "Group"}, ---- LV HQ BASE AIRCRAFT 
    {{"SWAT"}, 848.93, -2117.51, 1.95,0, 0, 255, 150, {411, 522, 544 }, 90, "Group"}, ----- LS HG Base Cars 
    {{"SWAT"}, 825.98, -2087.69, 43.38,0, 0, 255, 150, {520, 519, 476 }, 1, "Group"},   ----- LS HG Base AirCraft 
    {{"SWAT"}, 836.14, -2020.34, 13.11,0, 0, 255, 150, {411, 522, 544 }, 1, "Group"}, --------- LS HG Base Cars 
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, 
function () 
for i,v in pairs(vehiclesTable) do 
local marker = createMarker(tostring(v[2]), tostring(v[3]), tostring(v[4])-1, "cylinder", 2.5, tostring(v[5]), tostring(v[6]), tostring(v[7]), tostring(v[8]), rootElement) 
if marker then 
markers[marker] = {v[1], v[9], v[10], v[11], v[12]} 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, onSpawnerMarkerHit) 
function onSpawnerMarkerHit(hitPlayer, matchingDimension) 
if not matchingDimension then return end 
if getElementType(hitPlayer) == "player" then 
if isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) then return end 
local markerTeam = getElementData(source,"teamMarker") 
if not markerTeam then return end 
local teamName = getElementData(hitPlayer,tostring(markers[source][4])) 
if not teamName then return end 
for i,v in pairs(markers[source][1]) do 
if v == teamName then 
function (player, vehicleID, marker) 
    if isElement(playerVehicles[player]) then destroyElement(playerVehicles[player]) end 
    if isElement(playerTrailers[player]) then destroyElement(playerTrailers[player]) end 
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(marker) 
    playerVehicles[player] = createVehicle(vehicleID, x, y, z+3, 0, 0, markers[marker][3]) 
    warpPedIntoVehicle(player, playerVehicles[player]) 
    if markers[marker][5] then 
        playerTrailers[player] = createVehicle(markers[marker][4], x-9, y, z + 3, 0, 0, markers[marker][3]) 
        if playerTrailers[player] then 
            addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode",playerTrailers[player],function () if isElement(source) then destroyElement(source) end end)     
    addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode",playerVehicles[player],function () if isElement(source) then if getElementData(source,"trailer") and isElement(getElementData(source,"trailer")) then destroyElement(getElementData(source,"trailer")) end destroyElement(source) end end) 
function vehicleEnterCheck(player, seat, jacked) 
    if (seat ~= 0) then return end 
    local allowedJobs = getElementData(source, "allowedJobs") 
    if not allowedJobs or not type(allowedJobs) == "table" then return end 
    local allowedData = getElementData(source, "allowedData") 
    local teamName = getElementData(player, tostring(allowedData)) 
    if not teamName then return end 
    local tempTable = {} 
    for index, Job in ipairs(allowedJobs) do 
        tempTable[Job] = true 
    local driver = getVehicleController(source) 
    local wanted = 0 
    if (driver) then 
        wanted = getPlayerWantedLevel(driver) 
    if (tempTable[teamName] or lawTeams[getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player))] and wanted < 6) then 
        outputChatBox(player, "You cannot enter this vehicle.",255,100,0) 
function onLogoutOrQuit() 
    if isElement(playerVehicles[source]) then destroyElement(playerVehicles[source]) end 
    if isElement(playerTrailers[source]) then destroyElement(playerTrailers[source]) end 

Edited by Guest
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I told u dont :o post/give my code to anyone , remove it Any admin , its my group spawners

It's not your code or even his code ,why you lie?,This code is stolen from SAUR RPG already a code like it got removed by the owner of this code like a month ago or so , i don't think so you guys are allowed to use or edit them since the owner of those codes is still removing them!

I can't find the topic similer to this because the code is removed ,but here's a code from saur old version posted by you and removed by the owner of it, you can see it HERE and there are alot.

Read this TOPIC to know more about stolen resources.

try to learn like that you'll never succes you will always need to get leaked scripts or done scripts to edit them!

~Good luck

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  • Moderators

Also stealing codes or entire resources and then asking for help to fix/modify it is just a joke. I can't believe some of the community members are doing that, it's a shame.

The solution to your question is obvious for all decent scripters (no need to be a Lua/MTA pro to know what to modify), and should be even more obvious for the one who really made this code.

As your question shows it: You are not the one who made this script, neither a good scripter.

It's time to do things by yourself and learn the basis of Lua/MTA. And you won't learn by posting 1 topic a day to ask for someone to do it for you.

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I told u dont :o post/give my code to anyone , remove it Any admin , its my group spawners

It's not your code or even his code ,why you lie?,This code is stolen from SAUR RPG already a code like it got removed by the owner of this code like a month ago or so , i don't think so you guys are allowed to use or edit them since the owner of those codes is still removing them!

I can't find the topic similer to this because the code is removed ,but here's a code from saur old version posted by you and removed by the owner of it, you can see it HERE and there are alot.

Read this TOPIC to know more about stolen resources.

try to learn like that you'll never succes you will always need to get leaked scripts or done scripts to edit them!

~Good luck

lol bluntz gave me it xD i don't stole it

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  • 2 weeks later...

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