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[REL] Simple Script Saving / Starting


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Hello Community!


Today i want to show you a small but very useful script, its for people that often need to shut down / restart their servers, it makes it easier and faster to get everything started again, basically, how it works:

Once all resources are Started, you type "/getRunningResources" in chat, it will save it to the XML file, if the server crashes, just start my Resource and type "/loadResources"


The Resource NEEDS permissions OR and accepted ACLRequest to start Resources

I will of course check the topic, but I will use github more often

I Suggest shutting down my script after starting the resources, as these commands can be used to slow down the server extremely!

Commands / Arguments:

"/getRunningResources true " = save to xml and save for mtaserver.conf, you can find the code to put into the mtaserver.conf in a file called 'mtaserver.txt', copy the content out of it and paste it into your mtaserver.conf file!

"/getRunningResources" only save to xml

"/loadResources" Load Resources ( if saved to xml before )


Have Fun!

Edited by Guest
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maybe add a function to output the same but for the mtaserver.conf format would be great! So then if we wish to directly add them to the mtaserver.conf we wouldn't waste that much time ;)

This idea is also good, to add them directly to the mtaserver.conf but if im not wrong i don't think its possible

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maybe add a function to output the same but for the mtaserver.conf format would be great! So then if we wish to directly add them to the mtaserver.conf we wouldn't waste that much time ;)

This idea is also good, to add them directly to the mtaserver.conf but if im not wrong i don't think its possible

Its not possible to add it to MTAserver.conf

But i made a version that saves it in mtaserver.conf format in an TXT file, copy and paste :D

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