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Logueo MTA Paradise problema

aka Blue

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tras quitar el módulo de sha.so de MTA Paradise el cual no iba ya que era 32 bits y mi servidor era 64 bits, estaba haciendo el nuevo registro y logueo pero ahora tengo un problema con el logueo. El registro va bien, se almacena el usuario y la contraseña pero en el logueo, no loguea básicamente.

Ésto es el registro

addEvent( getResourceName( resource ) .. ":register", true ) 
addEventHandler( getResourceName( resource ) .. ":register", root, 
    function( username, password ) 
        if source == client then 
            if allowRegistration then 
                if username and password then 
                    username = trim( username ) 
                    password = trim( password ) 
                    -- client length checks are the same 
                    if #username >= 3 and #password >= 8 then 
                        -- see if that username is free at all 
                        local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT COUNT(userID) AS usercount FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'", username, password ) 
                        if not info then 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":registrationResult", source, 1 ) 
                        elseif info.usercount == 0 then 
                            -- generate a salt (SHA1) 
                            -- create the user 
                            if exports.sql:query_free("INSERT INTO wcf1_user (username, password) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", username, password) then 
                                triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":registrationResult", source, 0 ) -- will automatically login when this is sent 
                                triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":registrationResult", source, 4 ) 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":registrationResult", source, 3 ) 
                        -- shouldn't happen 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":registrationResult", source, 1 ) 
                    -- can't do much without a username and password 
                    triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":registrationResult", source, 1 ) 
                triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":registrationResult", source, 2, registrationErrorMessage ) 

Éste es el logueo, lo que da problemas.

addEvent( getResourceName( resource ) .. ":login", true ) 
addEventHandler( getResourceName( resource ) .. ":login", root, 
    function( username, password ) 
        if source == client then 
            triedTokenAuth[ source ] = true 
            if username and password and #username > 0 and #password > 0 then 
                local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT username, password FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'", username) 
                p[ source ] = nil 
                if not info then 
                    triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 1 ) -- Wrong username/password 
                    loginAttempts[ source ] = ( loginAttempts[ source ] or 0 ) + 1 
                    loginAttempts[ source ] = nil 
                    performLogin( source, info.token, true ) 
function performLogin( source, token, isPasswordAuth, ip ) 
    if source and ( isPasswordAuth or not triedTokenAuth[ source ] ) then 
        triedTokenAuth[ source ] = true 
        if token then 
            if #token == 80 then 
                local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT userID, username, banned, activationCode, password, userOptions FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'") 
                p[ source ] = nil 
                if not info then 
                    if isPasswordAuth then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 1 ) -- Wrong username/password 
                    return false 
                    if info.banned == 1 then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 2 ) -- Banned 
                        return false 
                    elseif info.activationCode > 0 then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 3 ) -- Requires activation 
                        return false 
                        -- check if another user is logged in on that account 
                        for player, data in pairs( p ) do 
                            if data.userID == info.userID then 
                                triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 5 ) -- another player with that account found 
                                return false 
                        local username = info.username 
                        p[ source ] = { userID = info.userID, username = username, options = info.userOptions and fromJSON( info.userOptions ) or { } } 
                        -- check for admin rights 
                        aclUpdate( source, true ) 
                        -- show characters 
                        local chars = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT characterID, characterName, skin FROM characters WHERE userID = " .. info.userID .. " ORDER BY lastLogin DESC" ) 
                        local chars2 = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM characters WHERE userID = ".. info.userID .."" ) 
                            if chars2 then 
                            for key, value in ipairs( chars2 ) do 
                                --(value.count < 3) then 
                                local cuenta = value.count 
                        local chars = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT characterID, characterName, skin FROM characters WHERE userID = " .. info.userID .. " ORDER BY lastLogin DESC" ) 
                        p[source].cuenta = #chars 
                        if isPasswordAuth then 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":characters", source, chars, true, token, getPlayerIP( source ) ~= "" and getPlayerIP( source ), #chars ) 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":characters", source, chars, true, _, _, #chars ) 
                        outputServerLog( "FLINT LOGIN: " .. getPlayerName( source ) .. " logueado como " .. info.username .. " (IP: " .. getPlayerIP( source ) .. ", Serial: " .. getPlayerSerial( source ) .. ")" ) 
                        exports.server:message( "%C04[" .. getID( source ) .. "]%C %B" .. info.username .. "%B se logueo (Nick: %B" .. getPlayerName( source ):gsub( "_", " " ) .. "%B)." ) 
                        exports.sql:query_free( "UPDATE wcf1_user SET lastIP = '%s', lastSerial = '%s' WHERE userID = " .. tonumber( info.userID ), getPlayerIP( source ), getPlayerSerial( source ) ) 
                        return true 
    return false 

Las líneas a las cuales quité el SHA1 son éstas dos. La primera es del evento players:login,

local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT username, password FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'", username) 

Y la segunda es la cual debería comprobar todo y loguear.

local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT userID, username, banned, activationCode, password, userOptions FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'") 

Edited by Guest
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sql es una carpeta que tiene mta paradise la cual contiene dos archivos, layout y mysql. En el archivo mysql.lua se coloca la base de datos, ya sabes, usuario, contraseña y demás.

Pero las funciones que usa son:

dbConnect() --? 
dbQuery() --? 
dbPoll() --? 

Quizas cambiar todo a ese sistema, sea un poco lioso.. enfin

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A ver, el problema está en éste código.

local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT userID, username, banned, activationCode, password, userOptions FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'") 

Aquí todo el código

function performLogin( source, token, isPasswordAuth, ip ) 
    if source and ( isPasswordAuth or not triedTokenAuth[ source ] ) then 
        triedTokenAuth[ source ] = true 
        if token then 
            if #token == 80 then 
                local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT userID, username, banned, activationCode, password, userOptions FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'") 
                p[ source ] = nil 
                if not info then 
                    if isPasswordAuth then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 1 ) -- Wrong username/password 
                    return false 
                    if info.banned == 1 then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 2 ) -- Banned 
                        return false 
                    elseif info.activationCode > 0 then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 3 ) -- Requires activation 
                        return false 
                        -- check if another user is logged in on that account 
                        for player, data in pairs( p ) do 
                            if data.userID == info.userID then 
                                triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 5 ) -- another player with that account found 
                                return false 
                        local username = info.username 
                        p[ source ] = { userID = info.userID, username = username, options = info.userOptions and fromJSON( info.userOptions ) or { } } 
                        -- check for admin rights 
                        aclUpdate( source, true ) 
                        -- show characters 
                        local chars = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT characterID, characterName, skin FROM characters WHERE userID = " .. info.userID .. " ORDER BY lastLogin DESC" ) 
                        local chars2 = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM characters WHERE userID = ".. info.userID .."" ) 
                            if chars2 then 
                            for key, value in ipairs( chars2 ) do 
                                --(value.count < 3) then 
                                local cuenta = value.count 
                        local chars = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT characterID, characterName, skin FROM characters WHERE userID = " .. info.userID .. " ORDER BY lastLogin DESC" ) 
                        p[source].cuenta = #chars 
                        if isPasswordAuth then 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":characters", source, chars, true, token, getPlayerIP( source ) ~= "" and getPlayerIP( source ), #chars ) 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":characters", source, chars, true, _, _, #chars ) 
                        outputServerLog( "FLINT LOGIN: " .. getPlayerName( source ) .. " logueado como " .. info.username .. " (IP: " .. getPlayerIP( source ) .. ", Serial: " .. getPlayerSerial( source ) .. ")" ) 
                        exports.server:message( "%C04[" .. getID( source ) .. "]%C %B" .. info.username .. "%B se logueo (Nick: %B" .. getPlayerName( source ):gsub( "_", " " ) .. "%B)." ) 
                        exports.sql:query_free( "UPDATE wcf1_user SET lastIP = '%s', lastSerial = '%s' WHERE userID = " .. tonumber( info.userID ), getPlayerIP( source ), getPlayerSerial( source ) ) 
                        return true 
    return false 

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Exacto, no da ningún error. Antes me salía el primer error, Usuario y contraseña incorrectas pero ahora no me sale el error, simplemente, no quiere loguear.

Con el primer error me refiero a que cuando le daba a loguear me salía lo de "Usuario o contraseña incorrectas" ya que estaba mal el código.

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A ver, el problema está en éste código.
local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT userID, username, banned, activationCode, password, userOptions FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'") 

Aquí todo el código

function performLogin( source, token, isPasswordAuth, ip ) 
    if source and ( isPasswordAuth or not triedTokenAuth[ source ] ) then 
        triedTokenAuth[ source ] = true 
        if token then 
            if #token == 80 then 
                local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( "SELECT userID, username, banned, activationCode, password, userOptions FROM wcf1_user WHERE username = '%s'") 
                p[ source ] = nil 
                if not info then 
                    if isPasswordAuth then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 1 ) -- Wrong username/password 
                    return false 
                    if info.banned == 1 then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 2 ) -- Banned 
                        return false 
                    elseif info.activationCode > 0 then 
                        triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 3 ) -- Requires activation 
                        return false 
                        -- check if another user is logged in on that account 
                        for player, data in pairs( p ) do 
                            if data.userID == info.userID then 
                                triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":loginResult", source, 5 ) -- another player with that account found 
                                return false 
                        local username = info.username 
                        p[ source ] = { userID = info.userID, username = username, options = info.userOptions and fromJSON( info.userOptions ) or { } } 
                        -- check for admin rights 
                        aclUpdate( source, true ) 
                        -- show characters 
                        local chars = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT characterID, characterName, skin FROM characters WHERE userID = " .. info.userID .. " ORDER BY lastLogin DESC" ) 
                        local chars2 = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM characters WHERE userID = ".. info.userID .."" ) 
                            if chars2 then 
                            for key, value in ipairs( chars2 ) do 
                                --(value.count < 3) then 
                                local cuenta = value.count 
                        local chars = exports.sql:query_assoc( "SELECT characterID, characterName, skin FROM characters WHERE userID = " .. info.userID .. " ORDER BY lastLogin DESC" ) 
                        p[source].cuenta = #chars 
                        if isPasswordAuth then 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":characters", source, chars, true, token, getPlayerIP( source ) ~= "" and getPlayerIP( source ), #chars ) 
                            triggerClientEvent( source, getResourceName( resource ) .. ":characters", source, chars, true, _, _, #chars ) 
                        outputServerLog( "FLINT LOGIN: " .. getPlayerName( source ) .. " logueado como " .. info.username .. " (IP: " .. getPlayerIP( source ) .. ", Serial: " .. getPlayerSerial( source ) .. ")" ) 
                        exports.server:message( "%C04[" .. getID( source ) .. "]%C %B" .. info.username .. "%B se logueo (Nick: %B" .. getPlayerName( source ):gsub( "_", " " ) .. "%B)." ) 
                        exports.sql:query_free( "UPDATE wcf1_user SET lastIP = '%s', lastSerial = '%s' WHERE userID = " .. tonumber( info.userID ), getPlayerIP( source ), getPlayerSerial( source ) ) 
                        return true 
    return false 

No especificas el username %s en los argumentos por lo tanto no devolverá ningún row.

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Tenía algunas cosas mal respecto al gamemode Paradise default, ya está arreglado.


local info = exports.sql:query_assoc_single( 'SELECT userID, username, banned, activationCode, password, userOptions FROM wcf1_user WHERE username ="%s"', username) 

Entonces esto funciona igual que el mysql de MTA por defecto, por lo que parece?, excepto por ese REGEX, pero bueno xD

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