BluntZ Posted August 17, 2015 Share Posted August 17, 2015 hello Everyone , I tried to add Image instead of Marker in default interior script but its not working , Image is showing but I cant warp in it , Any idea ? how to do that ? Link to comment
Moderators Citizen Posted August 17, 2015 Moderators Share Posted August 17, 2015 Maybe you should show us the code you did, make a screenshot of what it does and explain what is wrong and what it should be like. Link to comment
JR10 Posted August 17, 2015 Share Posted August 17, 2015 You could use a colshape to detect players hitting it. Link to comment
BluntZ Posted August 18, 2015 Author Share Posted August 18, 2015 Client_Anim --STOLED FROM ARC_ LUL --[[ Anim queue: list of animation specifications that have to complete their animation one after the other Anim: an element (GUI, player, vehicle...) and a list of phases Anim phase: a list of parameters with start/end value, time, eventually a transformation function, and a function that applies the parameter to the element. May also have an attribute setting number of repeats (0 = infinite). --]] Animation = {} Animation.__index = Animation Animation.collection = {} function Animation.create(elem, ...) local anim = setmetatable({ type = 'anim', elem = elem, phases = {...} }, Animation) for i,phase in ipairs(anim.phases) do if type(phase) == 'table' then phase.from = phase.from or 0 = or 1 phase.time = phase.time or 0 phase.value = phase.from phase.speed = phase.time > 0 and (( - phase.from) / phase.time) or 0 end end return anim end function Animation.createAndPlay(elem, ...) local anim = Animation.create(elem, ...) anim:play() return anim end function Animation.createQueue(...) local queue = setmetatable({ type = 'queue' }, Animation) local args = { ... } if type(args[1]) == 'string' then = table.remove(args, 1) end for i,obj in ipairs(args) do queue:add(obj) end return queue end function Animation.createQueueAndPlay(...) local queue = Animation.createQueue(...) queue:play() return queue end function Animation.getQueue(name) for i,obj in ipairs(Animation.collection) do if obj:isQueue() and == name then return obj end end return false end function Animation.getOrCreateQueue(name) local queue = Animation.getQueue(name) if not queue then queue = Animation.createQueue(name) end return queue end function Animation:isPlaying() return self.playing or false end function Animation.playingAnimationsExist() return table.find(Animation.collection, 'playing', true) and true end function Animation:add(anim) if self:isQueue() then if type(anim) == 'function' then anim = setmetatable({ type = 'function', fn = anim }, Animation) end anim.queue = self table.insert(self, anim) end end function Animation:remove() if self.queue then table.removevalue(self.queue, self) if #self.queue == 0 then self.queue:remove() end else table.removevalue(Animation.collection, self) if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) Animation.prevTick = nil end end self.playing = false end function Animation:isAnimation() return self.type == 'anim' end function Animation:isQueue() return self.type == 'queue' end function Animation:play() if self:isPlaying() then return end if not table.find(Animation.collection, self) then table.insert(Animation.collection, self) end if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then Animation.prevTick = getTickCount() addEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) end self.playing = true end function Animation:pause() self.playing = false if not Animation.playingAnimationsExist() then removeEventHandler('onClientRender', getRootElement(), updateAnim) Animation.prevTick = nil end end function updateAnim() local phase local curTick = getTickCount() for i,obj in ipairs(Animation.collection) do if not isElement(obj.elem) then obj:remove() end if obj.playing then if obj:isQueue() then obj = obj[1] end phase = obj.phases[1] if (type(phase) == 'function') or (phase.speed > 0 and phase.value >= or (phase.speed < 0 and phase.value <= or (phase.speed == 0) then local doRemove = true if type(phase) == 'function' then phase(obj.elem) elseif phase.repeats then if phase.repeats == 0 then doRemove = false else phase.repeats = phase.repeats - 1 doRemove = phase.repeats == 0 end phase.starttick = getTickCount() phase.value = phase.from end if doRemove then table.remove(obj.phases, 1) phase = false if #obj.phases == 0 then obj:remove() obj = false end end end if obj and phase then if phase.fn then phase.fn(obj.elem, phase.transform and phase.transform(phase.value) or phase.value, phase) end if not phase.starttick then phase.starttick = curTick end phase.value = phase.from + phase.speed*(curTick - phase.starttick) end end end end Animation.presets = {} function Animation.presets.pulse(elem, value, phase) if not value then return { from = 0, to = 2*math.pi, transform = math.sin, time = elem, repeats = 0, fn = Animation.presets.pulse } else if not phase.width then phase.width, phase.height = guiGetSize(elem, false) phase.centerX, phase.centerY = guiGetPosition(elem, false) phase.centerX = phase.centerX + math.floor(phase.width/2) phase.centerY = phase.centerY + math.floor(phase.height/2) end local pct = 1 - (value+1)*0.1 local width = pct*phase.width local height = pct*phase.height local x = phase.centerX - math.floor(width/2) local y = phase.centerY - math.floor(height/2) guiSetPosition(elem, x, y, false) guiSetSize(elem, width, height, false) end end function table.removevalue(t, val) for i,v in ipairs(t) do if v == val then table.remove(t, i) return i end end return false end function table.find(tableToSearch, index, value) if not value then value = index index = false elseif value == '[nil]' then value = nil end for k,v in pairs(tableToSearch) do if index then if v[index] == value then return k end elseif v == value then return k end end return false end Interiors_client local interiorAnims = {} local setInteriorMarkerZ = { interiorEntry = function(marker,z) local interiorElement = getElementParent(marker) local vx = getElementData ( interiorElement,"posX" ) local vy = getElementData ( interiorElement,"posY" ) local vz = getElementData ( interiorElement,"posZ" ) -- setElementPosition(marker, vx, vy, vz + z/2 + 2.4) end, interiorReturn = function(marker,z) local interiorElement = getElementParent(marker) local vx = getElementData ( interiorElement,"posX" ) local vy = getElementData ( interiorElement,"posY" ) local vz = getElementData ( interiorElement,"posZ" ) -- setElementPosition(marker, vx, vy, vz + z/2 + 2.4) end } -- addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn",getRootElement(), -- function() -- if getElementType ( source ) == "marker" then -- local parent = getElementParent ( source ) -- local parentType = getElementType(parent) -- if parentType == "interiorEntry" or parentType == "interiorReturn" then -- interiorAnims[source] = Animation.createAndPlay( -- source, -- { from = 0, to = 2*math.pi, time = 2000, repeats = 0, transform = math.sin, fn = setInteriorMarkerZ[parentType] } -- ) -- end -- end -- end -- ) -- addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut",getRootElement(), -- function() -- if getElementType ( source ) == "marker" then -- local parent = getElementParent ( source ) -- local parentType = getElementType(parent) -- if parentType == "interiorEntry" or parentType == "interiorReturn" then -- if (interiorAnims[source] ) then -- interiorAnims[source]:remove() -- end -- end -- end -- end -- ) ----Main local interiors = {} local interiorCols = {} local interiorFromCol = {} local resourceFromInterior = {} local blockPlayer addEvent ( "doWarpPlayerToInterior", true ) addEvent ( "onClientInteriorHit" ) addEvent ( "onClientInteriorWarped" ) addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), function ( resource ) interiorLoadElements ( getResourceRootElement(resource), resource ) interiorCreateMarkers ( resource ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStop", getRootElement(), function ( resource ) if not interiors[resource] then return end for id,interiorTable in pairs(interiors[resource]) do local interior1 = interiorTable["entry"] local interior2 = interiorTable["return"] destroyElement ( interiorCols[interior1] ) destroyElement ( interiorCols[interior2] ) end interiors[resource] = nil end ) function interiorLoadElements ( rootElement, resource ) ---Load the exterior markers local entryInteriors = getElementsByType ( "interiorEntry", rootElement ) for key, interior in pairs (entryInteriors) do local id = getElementData ( interior, "id" ) if not interiors[resource] then interiors[resource] = {} end if not id then outputDebugString ( "Interiors: Error, no ID specified on entryInterior. Trying to load anyway.", 2 ) end interiors[resource][id] = {} interiors[resource][id]["entry"] = interior resourceFromInterior[interior] = resource end --Load the interior markers local returnInteriors = getElementsByType ( "interiorReturn", rootElement ) for key, interior in pairs (returnInteriors) do local id = getElementData ( interior, "refid" ) if not interiors[resource][id] then outputDebugString ( "Interiors: Error, no refid specified to returnInterior.", 1 ) return else interiors[resource][id]["return"] = interior resourceFromInterior[interior] = resource end end end imgW = 150 imgH = 150 local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() intIcons = {} function drawIntLogo() if not intIcons then return end for k, v in ipairs(intIcons) do local hX, hY, hZ = unpack(v) local cX, cY, cZ = getCameraMatrix() local pX,pY,pZ = getPedBonePosition(localPlayer, -- s8) --> pZ = pZ + 0.5 if getScreenFromWorldPosition(hX, hY, hZ) and isLineOfSightClear(cX,cY,cZ + 0.5, hX,hY,hZ) then if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( cX,cY,cZ + 0.5, hX,hY,hZ ) < 35 then local sX, sY, sD = getScreenFromWorldPosition(hX, hY, hZ) local relative = (35 - sD) / 35 if relative > 0 then local iW = imgW * relative local iH = imgH * relative local iX = sX - (iW / 2) local iY = sY - (iH / 2) dxDrawImage(iX, iY, iW, iH, "door.png") end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawIntLogo) function interiorCreateMarkers ( resource ) if not interiors[resource] then return end for interiorID, interiorTypeTable in pairs(interiors[resource]) do local entryInterior = interiorTypeTable["entry"] local entX,entY,entZ = getElementData ( entryInterior, "posX" ),getElementData ( entryInterior, "posY" ),getElementData ( entryInterior, "posZ" ) entX,entY,entZ = tonumber(entX),tonumber(entY),tonumber(entZ) table.insert(intIcons, {entX, entY, entZ + 1.2}) local col = createColSphere ( entX, entY, entZ, 1.5 ) setElementParent ( col, entryInterior ) interiorCols[entryInterior] = col interiorFromCol[col] = entryInterior addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeHit", col, colshapeHit ) -- local dimension = tonumber(getElementData ( entryInterior, "dimension" )) local interior = tonumber(getElementData ( entryInterior, "interior" )) if not dimension then dimension = 0 end if not interior then interior = 0 end -- setElementInterior ( col, interior ) setElementDimension ( col, dimension ) ---create return markers local returnInterior = interiorTypeTable["return"] local retX,retY,retZ = getElementData ( returnInterior, "posX" ),getElementData ( returnInterior, "posY" ),getElementData ( returnInterior, "posZ" ) retX,retY,retZ = tonumber(retX),tonumber(retY),tonumber(retZ) -- local oneway = getElementData ( entryInterior, "oneway" ) if oneway == "true" then return end -- table.insert(intIcons, {retX, retY, retZ + 1.2}) local col1 = createColSphere ( retX, retY, retZ, 1.5 ) interiorFromCol[col1] = returnInterior interiorCols[returnInterior] = col1 setElementParent ( col1, returnInterior ) addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeHit", col1, colshapeHit ) -- local dimension1 = tonumber(getElementData ( returnInterior, "dimension" )) local interior1 = tonumber(getElementData ( returnInterior, "interior" )) if not dimension1 then dimension1 = 0 end if not interior1 then interior1 = 0 end -- setElementInterior ( col1, interior1 ) setElementDimension ( col1, dimension1 ) end end function getInteriorMarker ( elementInterior ) if not isElement ( elementInterior ) then outputDebugString("getInteriorName: Invalid variable specified as interior. Element expected, got "..type(elementInterior)..".",0,255,128,0) return false end local elemType = getElementType ( elementInterior ) if elemType == "interiorEntry" or elemType == "interiorReturn" then return interiorMarkers[elementInterior] or false end outputDebugString("getInteriorName: Bad element specified. Interior expected, got "..elemType..".",0,255,128,0) return false end local opposite = { ["interiorReturn"] = "entry",["interiorEntry"] = "return" } local idLoc = { ["interiorReturn"] = "refid",["interiorEntry"] = "id" } function colshapeHit( player, matchingDimension ) if not isElement ( player ) or getElementType ( player ) ~= "player" then return end if player ~= localPlayer then return end if ( not matchingDimension ) or ( isPedInVehicle ( player ) ) or ( doesPedHaveJetPack ( player ) ) or ( not isPedOnGround ( player ) ) or ( getControlState ( "aim_weapon" ) ) or ( blockPlayer ) then return end local interior = interiorFromCol[source] local id = getElementData ( interior, idLoc[getElementType(interior)] ) local resource = resourceFromInterior[interior] eventCanceled = triggerEvent ( "onClientInteriorHit", interior ) if ( eventCanceled ) then triggerServerEvent ( "doTriggerServerEvents", localPlayer, interior, getResourceName(resource), id ) end end addEventHandler ( "doWarpPlayerToInterior",localPlayer, function ( interior, resource, id ) resource = getResourceFromName(resource) local oppositeType = opposite[getElementType(interior)] local targetInterior = interiors[resource][id][oppositeType] local x = getElementData ( targetInterior, "posX" ) local y = getElementData ( targetInterior, "posY" ) local z = getElementData ( targetInterior, "posZ" ) + 1 local dim = getElementData ( targetInterior, "dimension" ) local int = getElementData ( targetInterior, "interior" ) local rot = getElementData ( targetInterior, "rotation" ) toggleAllControls ( false, true, false ) fadeCamera ( false, 1.0 ) setTimer ( setPlayerInsideInterior, 1000, 1, source, int,dim,rot,x,y,z, interior ) blockPlayer = true setTimer ( function() blockPlayer = nil end, 3500, 1 ) end ) function setPlayerInsideInterior ( player, int,dim,rot,x,y,z, interior ) setElementInterior ( player, int ) setCameraInterior ( int ) setElementDimension ( player, dim ) setPedRotation ( player, rot%360 ) setTimer ( function(p) if isElement(p) then setCameraTarget(p) end end, 200,1, player ) setElementPosition ( player, x, y, z ) toggleAllControls ( true, true, false ) setTimer ( fadeCamera, 500, 1, true, 1.0 ) triggerEvent ( "onClientInteriorWarped", interior ) triggerServerEvent ( "onInteriorWarped", interior, player ) triggerServerEvent ( "onPlayerInteriorWarped", player, interior ) end function getInteriorName ( interior ) if not isElement ( interior ) then outputDebugString("getInteriorName: Invalid variable specified as interior. Element expected, got "..type(interior)..".",0,255,128,0) return false end local elemType = getElementType ( interior ) if elemType == "interiorEntry" then return getElementData ( interior, "id" ) elseif elemType == "interiorReturn" then return getElementData ( interior, "refid" ) else outputDebugString("getInteriorName: Bad element specified. Interior expected, got "..elemType..".",0,255,128,0) return false end Link to comment
TheSmart Posted August 18, 2015 Share Posted August 18, 2015 Edit: That is SAUR 2.0 Leaked script, We don't support leaked scripts Link to comment
BluntZ Posted August 19, 2015 Author Share Posted August 19, 2015 Edit: That is SAUR 2.0 Leaked script, We don't support leaked scripts Mind your own business and do you have any proof that this is saur 2.0 script ? think twice before saying anything Link to comment
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