Hero192 Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 Hello again, i have problem with the top bar chat It make spams,i want the messages doesn't repeat like if the message = "You already got the job" It doesn't repeat all the time the player hit the job,it must keep showing but only with one line not using all lines with the same message ,i hope you understand me 2nd problem i want the last rectangle show with black color 0,0,0 and other with ALPHA ,i wish someone give me an support hand on it please i tried before but i failed thats why im asking local width = (sx/1.95) local t2 = getTickCount ( ) function dxDrawNotificationBar ( ) if ( #toDo > 0 and getTickCount ( ) -t >= messageDelay ) then local d = toDo[1] d[5] = getTickCount ( ) + DefaultTime*1000 table.insert ( messages_top, d ) table.remove ( toDo, 1 ) t = getTickCount ( ) end local doRemove = { } for i, v in pairs ( messages_top ) do local i = i - 1 local msg, r, g, b, rTime, y = unpack ( v ) local continue = true if ( rTime < getTickCount ( ) and v[7] ) then messages_top[i+1][7] = false end if ( v[7] ) then if ( messages_top[i] ) then toY = messages_top[i][6] + 25 else toY = 0 end if ( y ~= toY ) then if ( y < toY ) then y = y + moveSpeed if ( y > toY ) then y = toY end else y = y - moveSpeed if ( y < toY ) then y = toY end end else if ( #messages_top > maxMessages ) then messages_top[1][5] = 0 messages_top[1][7] = false end end else y = y - moveSpeed if ( y < -25 ) then continue = false end end messages_top[i+1][6] = y local lColor = tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) dxDrawRectangle ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, width, rsy*25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2-width/2)+width, rsy*y, lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2-width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2+width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2+width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2+width/2)-width, rsy*(y+25), (sx/2+width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) if ( v[8] and v[8] ~= "" ) then dxDrawImage ( (sx/2-width/2)+3, (rsy*y)+2, rsx*21, rsy*21, v[8] ); dxDrawImage ( (sx/2-width/2)+(width-25), (rsy*y)+2, rsx*21, rsy*21, v[8] ); end dxDrawText ( v[1], 0, rsy*y, sx, rsy*(y+25), tocolor ( v[2], v[3], v[4], 255 ), rsx*1, "default-bold", "center", "center", true, false, false, true ) if ( not continue ) then table.insert ( doRemove, i+1 ) end end if ( #doRemove > 0 ) then for i, v in ipairs ( doRemove ) do if ( messages_top [ v ] ) then table.remove ( messages_top, v ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) Link to comment
GTX Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 That's not the full code, I guess. And try make it yourself. Link to comment
Hero192 Posted July 16, 2015 Author Share Posted July 16, 2015 I tried but i failed thats why im here ;p it was now its fullcode addEvent ( "onClientUserSettingChange", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientUserSettingChange", root, function ( g, v ) if ( g == "usersettings_usetopbar" ) then if not tobool ( v ) and useTopbar then useTopbar = false removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) elseif tobool ( v ) and not useTopbar then useTopbar = true addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) end elseif ( g == "usersetting_notification_joinquitmessages" ) then joinquit = v elseif ( g == "usersetting_notification_nickchangemessages" ) then namechanges = v end end ) local maxMessages = 5; local DefaultTime = 8; local moveSpeed = 2; local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local DefaultPos = true; local messages_top = { } local toDo = { } local messageDelay = 500 local TheResourceName = getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) ) local lastAutoMessage = 1 local t = 0 function sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, img, checkImgPath ) if ( checkImgPath == nil ) then checkImgPath = true; end if ( img and sourceResource and checkImgPath ) then img = ":"..tostring(getResourceName(sourceResource)).."/"..img; end return _sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, img ); end function _sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, img ) if ( useTopbar ) then if ( not exports.NGLogin:isClientLoggedin ( ) ) then return end local msg, r, g, b = tostring ( msg ), tonumber ( r ) or 255, tonumber ( g ) or 255, tonumber ( b ) or 255 local img = img or ""; if ( img ~= "" and not fileExists ( img ) ) then img = "" end local data = { msg, r, g, b, getTickCount ( ) + DefaultTime*1000, -25, true, img } if ( getTickCount ( ) - t >= messageDelay ) then table.insert ( messages_top, data ) t = getTickCount ( ) else table.insert ( toDo, data ) end else outputChatBox ( msg, r, g, b ) end end addEvent ( TheResourceName..":sendClientMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( TheResourceName..":sendClientMessage", root, _sendClientMessage ) local width = (sx/1.95) local t2 = getTickCount ( ) function dxDrawNotificationBar ( ) if ( #toDo > 0 and getTickCount ( ) -t >= messageDelay ) then local d = toDo[1] d[5] = getTickCount ( ) + DefaultTime*1000 table.insert ( messages_top, d ) table.remove ( toDo, 1 ) t = getTickCount ( ) end local doRemove = { } for i, v in pairs ( messages_top ) do local i = i - 1 local msg, r, g, b, rTime, y = unpack ( v ) local continue = true if ( rTime < getTickCount ( ) and v[7] ) then messages_top[i+1][7] = false end if ( v[7] ) then if ( messages_top[i] ) then toY = messages_top[i][6] + 25 else toY = 0 end if ( y ~= toY ) then if ( y < toY ) then y = y + moveSpeed if ( y > toY ) then y = toY end else y = y - moveSpeed if ( y < toY ) then y = toY end end else if ( #messages_top > maxMessages ) then messages_top[1][5] = 0 messages_top[1][7] = false end end else y = y - moveSpeed if ( y < -25 ) then continue = false end end messages_top[i+1][6] = y local lColor = tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) dxDrawRectangle ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, width, rsy*25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2-width/2)+width, rsy*y, lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2-width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2+width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2+width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2+width/2)-width, rsy*(y+25), (sx/2+width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) if ( v[8] and v[8] ~= "" ) then dxDrawImage ( (sx/2-width/2)+3, (rsy*y)+2, rsx*21, rsy*21, v[8] ); dxDrawImage ( (sx/2-width/2)+(width-25), (rsy*y)+2, rsx*21, rsy*21, v[8] ); end dxDrawText ( v[1], 0, rsy*y, sx, rsy*(y+25), tocolor ( v[2], v[3], v[4], 255 ), rsx*1, "default-bold", "center", "center", true, false, false, true ) if ( not continue ) then table.insert ( doRemove, i+1 ) end end if ( #doRemove > 0 ) then for i, v in ipairs ( doRemove ) do if ( messages_top [ v ] ) then table.remove ( messages_top, v ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) function tobool ( input ) local input = tostring ( input ):lower ( ) if ( input == "true" ) then return true elseif ( input == "false" ) then return false else return nil end end Link to comment
GTX Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 This should do. addEvent ( "onClientUserSettingChange", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientUserSettingChange", root, function ( g, v ) if ( g == "usersettings_usetopbar" ) then if not tobool ( v ) and useTopbar then useTopbar = false removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) elseif tobool ( v ) and not useTopbar then useTopbar = true addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) end elseif ( g == "usersetting_notification_joinquitmessages" ) then joinquit = v elseif ( g == "usersetting_notification_nickchangemessages" ) then namechanges = v end end ) local maxMessages = 5; local DefaultTime = 8; local moveSpeed = 2; local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local DefaultPos = true; local messages_top = { } local toDo = { } local messageDelay = 500 local TheResourceName = getResourceName ( getThisResource ( ) ) local lastAutoMessage = 1 local t = 0 function sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, img, checkImgPath ) local found = false for i, v in pairs(messages_top) do local msgs = unpack(v, 1, 1) if msg == msgs then found = true break end end if found == true then return end if ( checkImgPath == nil ) then checkImgPath = true; end if ( img and sourceResource and checkImgPath ) then img = ":"..tostring(getResourceName(sourceResource)).."/"..img; end return _sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, img ); end function _sendClientMessage ( msg, r, g, b, img ) if ( useTopbar ) then if ( not exports.NGLogin:isClientLoggedin ( ) ) then return end local msg, r, g, b = tostring ( msg ), tonumber ( r ) or 255, tonumber ( g ) or 255, tonumber ( b ) or 255 local img = img or ""; if ( img ~= "" and not fileExists ( img ) ) then img = "" end local data = { msg, r, g, b, getTickCount ( ) + DefaultTime*1000, -25, true, img } if ( getTickCount ( ) - t >= messageDelay ) then table.insert ( messages_top, data ) t = getTickCount ( ) else table.insert ( toDo, data ) end else outputChatBox ( msg, r, g, b ) end end addEvent ( TheResourceName..":sendClientMessage", true ) addEventHandler ( TheResourceName..":sendClientMessage", root, _sendClientMessage ) local width = (sx/1.95) local t2 = getTickCount ( ) function dxDrawNotificationBar ( ) if ( #toDo > 0 and getTickCount ( ) -t >= messageDelay ) then local d = toDo[1] d[5] = getTickCount ( ) + DefaultTime*1000 table.insert ( messages_top, d ) table.remove ( toDo, 1 ) t = getTickCount ( ) end local doRemove = { } for i, v in pairs ( messages_top ) do local i = i - 1 local msg, r, g, b, rTime, y = unpack ( v ) local continue = true if ( rTime < getTickCount ( ) and v[7] ) then messages_top[i+1][7] = false end if ( v[7] ) then if ( messages_top[i] ) then toY = messages_top[i][6] + 25 else toY = 0 end if ( y ~= toY ) then if ( y < toY ) then y = y + moveSpeed if ( y > toY ) then y = toY end else y = y - moveSpeed if ( y < toY ) then y = toY end end else if ( #messages_top > maxMessages ) then messages_top[1][5] = 0 messages_top[1][7] = false end end else y = y - moveSpeed if ( y < -25 ) then continue = false end end messages_top[i+1][6] = y local lColor = tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) dxDrawRectangle ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, width, rsy*25, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 120 ) ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2-width/2)+width, rsy*y, lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2-width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2-width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2+width/2), rsy*y, (sx/2+width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) dxDrawLine ( (sx/2+width/2)-width, rsy*(y+25), (sx/2+width/2), rsy*(y+25), lColor ) if ( v[8] and v[8] ~= "" ) then dxDrawImage ( (sx/2-width/2)+3, (rsy*y)+2, rsx*21, rsy*21, v[8] ); dxDrawImage ( (sx/2-width/2)+(width-25), (rsy*y)+2, rsx*21, rsy*21, v[8] ); end dxDrawText ( v[1], 0, rsy*y, sx, rsy*(y+25), tocolor ( v[2], v[3], v[4], 255 ), rsx*1, "default-bold", "center", "center", true, false, false, true ) if ( not continue ) then table.insert ( doRemove, i+1 ) end end if ( #doRemove > 0 ) then for i, v in ipairs ( doRemove ) do if ( messages_top [ v ] ) then table.remove ( messages_top, v ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, dxDrawNotificationBar ) function tobool ( input ) local input = tostring ( input ):lower ( ) if ( input == "true" ) then return true elseif ( input == "false" ) then return false else return nil end end Link to comment
Hero192 Posted July 16, 2015 Author Share Posted July 16, 2015 The same message still repeating Link to comment
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