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[Solved] ExecuteCommandHandler Issue


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Good day gents,

So my problem is as follows :

I'm testing the executeCommandHandler function for future uses on one of my scripts, so I made a function on a script, then tried to run it with executeCommandHandler on the same script, which perfectly worked.. but now that i've put the function in a script and the executeCommandHandler on a different script ( different files ), it doesn't work, because of some script limitations/access restrictions.

So is there anyway to have executeCommandHandler to run any command even if it's made on a different file?



Edited by Guest
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Already thought of that, the thing is, i'm making this for a specefic RP server, so it has like hundreds of commands, such as animations etc.. so it's unlikely that they'll make exports of each command. ( i don't own the server )

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In order to use executeCommandHandler You need to add ACL permissions to the resource that calls this function, the lazy man method would be to add the resource to the Admin ACL group.


<group name="Admin"> 
    <object name="resource.resourceName" /> 

Since You don't own the server You will need to tell the owner to modify His ACL...

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