Price. Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 so there's this part of script which I'm able to kick people from police team with.. like with time /kick and when the time is over he can take the job again but when only the time is over, I have that but which I can't do is: I can't connect this command to the police job, so when I kick someone he is still being able to get the job --[[ Police chiefs can ban from law at unlimited time ]]-- function add_law_ban(police_chief, cmd, bad_officer) -- Check if an officer to kick was provided if not bad_officer then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Check if the provided cop account exist local cop_to_ban = getAccount(bad_officer) local cop_to_ban_plr = getAccountPlayer(cop_to_ban) if not cop_to_ban then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Notify the cop if online if cop_to_ban_plr then exports.GTWtopbar:dm("You have been kicked from the force by: "..getPlayerName(police_chief), cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 0, 0) -- Reset job and team if online setPlayerTeam(cop_to_ban_plr, getTeamFromName("Unemployed")) setPlayerNametagColor(cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 255, 0) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "admin",false) local skinID = exports.GTWclothes:getBoughtSkin(cop_to_ban_plr) setElementModel(cop_to_ban_plr, skinID) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "Occupation", "") end -- Notify the police chief issuing the command outputChatBox("Police: "..bad_officer.." was kicked from the police job", police_chief, 255, 100, 0) -- Save ban to database dbExec(db_pc, "INSERT INTO bans VALUES (NULL,?)", bad_officer) banned_cops_data[bad_officer] = true end addCommandHandler("banfromlaw", add_law_ban) addCommandHandler("lawban", add_law_ban) No errors, just can't connect it . thanks in advance. Link to comment
xXMADEXx Posted July 2, 2015 Share Posted July 2, 2015 It would be better to use account data rather than using a database. --[[ Police chiefs can ban from law at unlimited time ]]-- function add_law_ban(police_chief, cmd, bad_officer) -- Check if an officer to kick was provided if not bad_officer then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Check if the provided cop account exist local cop_to_ban = getAccount(bad_officer) local cop_to_ban_plr = getAccountPlayer(cop_to_ban) if not cop_to_ban then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Notify the cop if online if cop_to_ban_plr then exports.GTWtopbar:dm("You have been kicked from the force by: "..getPlayerName(police_chief), cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 0, 0) -- Reset job and team if online setPlayerTeam(cop_to_ban_plr, getTeamFromName("Unemployed")) setPlayerNametagColor(cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 255, 0) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "admin",false) local skinID = exports.GTWclothes:getBoughtSkin(cop_to_ban_plr) setElementModel(cop_to_ban_plr, skinID) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "Occupation", "") local ac = getPlayerAccount ( cop_to_ban_plr ); if ( not isGuestAccount ( cop_to_ban_plr ) ) then setAccountData ( ac, "lockedFromPolice", getTickCount ( ) + 5*60*1000 ); end end -- Notify the police chief issuing the command outputChatBox("Police: "..bad_officer.." was kicked from the police job", police_chief, 255, 100, 0) end addCommandHandler("banfromlaw", add_law_ban) addCommandHandler("lawban", add_law_ban) When the player goes to the job, you can check the "lockedFromPolice" account data which will either return false/nil or an integer. If it's an integer, check to see if getTickCount is smaller than the value and if it is then that means they are still blocked from the job. Link to comment
Mr_Moose Posted July 3, 2015 Share Posted July 3, 2015 Account data creates useless requirements, if you want to change the database structure you'll be forced to edit multiple resources instead. This looks like a part of this system, which has exported functions to check if someone is a police chief or banned from law. All you have to do is to call the exported functions and get true or false in return then the system manages the rest, like the database for instance. Quote A police chief system based on SQLite, police chiefs can kick police officers from the police job (law ban), who doesn't do their job correctly. Law bans and police chiefs can be listed by commands.Functions available Not available, There is no information about this resource functions available currently, see the source code for details, or fork and contribute by yourself (pull request). Exported functions bool = isPoliceChief(player plr) (server) Check if a player is a police chief or not. bool = isLawBanned(player plr) (server) Check if a player is allowed to join the police force. Requirements None, This resource is independent and will run without requirements of other resources. Link to comment
Price. Posted July 12, 2015 Author Share Posted July 12, 2015 xXMADEXx said: It would be better to use account data rather than using a database. --[[ Police chiefs can ban from law at unlimited time ]]-- function add_law_ban(police_chief, cmd, bad_officer) -- Check if an officer to kick was provided if not bad_officer then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Check if the provided cop account exist local cop_to_ban = getAccount(bad_officer) local cop_to_ban_plr = getAccountPlayer(cop_to_ban) if not cop_to_ban then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Notify the cop if online if cop_to_ban_plr then exports.GTWtopbar:dm("You have been kicked from the force by: "..getPlayerName(police_chief), cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 0, 0) -- Reset job and team if online setPlayerTeam(cop_to_ban_plr, getTeamFromName("Unemployed")) setPlayerNametagColor(cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 255, 0) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "admin",false) local skinID = exports.GTWclothes:getBoughtSkin(cop_to_ban_plr) setElementModel(cop_to_ban_plr, skinID) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "Occupation", "") local ac = getPlayerAccount ( cop_to_ban_plr ); if ( not isGuestAccount ( cop_to_ban_plr ) ) then setAccountData ( ac, "lockedFromPolice", getTickCount ( ) + 5*60*1000 ); end end -- Notify the police chief issuing the command outputChatBox("Police: "..bad_officer.." was kicked from the police job", police_chief, 255, 100, 0) end addCommandHandler("banfromlaw", add_law_ban) addCommandHandler("lawban", add_law_ban) When the player goes to the job, you can check the "lockedFromPolice" account data which will either return false/nil or an integer. If it's an integer, check to see if getTickCount is smaller than the value and if it is then that means they are still blocked from the job. still didn't work, returning errors.. what can I do? Mr.Moose said: Account data creates useless requirements, if you want to change the database structure you'll be forced to edit multiple resources instead. This looks like a part of this system, which has exported functions to check if someone is a police chief or banned from law. All you have to do is to call the exported functions and get true or false in return then the system manages the rest, like the database for instance. Quote A police chief system based on SQLite, police chiefs can kick police officers from the police job (law ban), who doesn't do their job correctly. Law bans and police chiefs can be listed by commands.Functions available Not available, There is no information about this resource functions available currently, see the source code for details, or fork and contribute by yourself (pull request). Exported functions bool = isPoliceChief(player plr) (server) Check if a player is a police chief or not. bool = isLawBanned(player plr) (server) Check if a player is allowed to join the police force. Requirements None, This resource is independent and will run without requirements of other resources. I tried that already function isLawBanned(plr) if not plr or not getPlayerAccount(plr) or not getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr)) then return false end return banned_cops_data[getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr))] or false end and added the export in the police job, the job works normal. I can still get the job even tho I'm banned. Link to comment
Mr_Moose Posted July 12, 2015 Share Posted July 12, 2015 Show the code where you call the exported function, it returns a boolean value indicating if the player is banned or not, here's an example on how you can use it. Also note that you must be logged in, otherwise it will skip the check as the feature is disabled for players not currently logged in. local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(client) if team == "Government" and is_law_banned then exports.GTWtopbar:dm( "You are banned from the government team! choose another job.", client, 255, 0, 0 ) return end Link to comment
Price. Posted July 12, 2015 Author Share Posted July 12, 2015 I used this local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(client) if exports.GRGPlayerFunctions:isLawTeam and is_law_banned then exports.GRGMessages:sendClientMessage( "You are banned from Law Jobs! choose another job.", client, 255, 0, 0 ) return end triggerClientEvent ( p, 'GRGJobs:OpenJobMenu', p, 'police' ) still I could take the job Link to comment
Mr_Moose Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 On line 2 you also use this piece of code in your if statement: exports.GRGPlayerFunctions:isLawTeam Are you sure that's not a function? written the way it is now it's seen as a variable which isn't defined and thus it will always be seen as false meaning no matter what the other condition are it will always skip that check. Try this: local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(client) local is_law_team = exports.GRGPlayerFunctions:isLawTeam(client) if is_law_team and is_law_banned then exports.GRGMessages:sendClientMessage( "You are banned from Law Jobs! choose another job.", client, 255, 0, 0 ) return end triggerClientEvent ( p, 'GRGJobs:OpenJobMenu', p, 'police' ) Still confused about line 2 however, how does it know which player it should check, what's the correct syntax for that? GTWpolicechief is already used correctly. Link to comment
Price. Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 Police Job Function elseif ( name == 'Police' ) then create3DText ( 'Police', { x, y, z }, { 0, 100, 255 }, { nil, true } ) local p = createElement ( "GodmodePed" ) setElementData ( p, "Model", 281 ) setElementData ( p, "Position", { x, y, z, rz } ) createBlip ( x, y, z, 61, 2, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 450 ) addEventHandler ( 'onMarkerHit', createMarker ( x, y, z - 1, 'cylinder', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), function ( p ) local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(client) local is_law_team = exports.GRGPlayerFunctions:isLawTeam(client) if ( getElementType ( p ) == 'player' and not isPedInVehicle ( p ) and not isPedDead ( p ) ) then if is_law_team and is_law_banned then exports['GRGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "You are banned from Law Jobs! choose another job.", client, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( p ) > ) then return exports['GRGMessages']:sendClientMessage ( "The max wanted level for this job is "..tostring ( )..".", p, 255, 0, 0 ) end triggerClientEvent ( p, 'GRGJobs:OpenJobMenu', p, 'police' ) end end ) and Police chief script --[[ ******************************************************************************** Project owner: GTWGames Project name: GTW-RPG Developers: GTWCode Source code: [url=][/url] Bugtracker: [url=][/url] Suggestions: [url=][/url] Version: Open source License: GPL v.3 or later Status: Stable release ******************************************************************************** ]]-- -- Setup data base db_pc = dbConnect("sqlite", "bans.db") -- Tables for quick access police_chiefs_data = { } banned_cops_data = { } currentCount = getTickCount () --[[ Create a database table to store bans data ]]-- addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() dbExec(db_pc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bans (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, account TEXT)") dbExec(db_pc, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS police_chiefs (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, account TEXT)") -- Load database into tables dbQuery(load_banned_cops, db_pc, "SELECT account FROM bans ") dbQuery(load_police_chiefs, db_pc, "SELECT account FROM police_chiefs ") end) --[[ Load banned cops ]]-- function load_banned_cops(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if not result then return end for _,row in pairs( result ) do banned_cops_data[row["account"]] = true end end --[[ Load police chiefs ]]-- function load_police_chiefs(query) local result = dbPoll( query, 0 ) if not result then return end for _,row in pairs( result ) do police_chiefs_data[row["account"]] = true end end --[[ Administrators and moderators can give a player police chief rights ]]-- function toggle_police_chief(admin, cmd, account_to_add_or_remove) -- Get the account of the administrator or moderator using this command local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(admin)) -- Check if the command issuer has the rights if not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ("Admin")) and not isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ("Moderator")) then return end -- Check if there is an account provided if not account_to_add_or_remove then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /addpc ", admin, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Check if the provided account exist local current_chief = getAccount(account_to_add_or_remove) if not current_chief then return end -- Check if we shall add or remove this player if cmd == "addpc" then -- Add police chief to database police_chiefs_data[account_to_add_or_remove] = true dbExec(db_pc, "INSERT INTO police_chiefs VALUES (NULL,?)", account_to_add_or_remove) outputChatBox("Player: "..getPlayerName(current_chief).." was successfully added as police chief", admin, 0, 200, 0) else -- Remove police chief from database police_chiefs_data[account_to_add_or_remove] = false dbExec(db_pc, "DELETE FROM police_chiefs WHERE account=?", account_to_add_or_remove) outputChatBox("Player: "..getPlayerName(current_chief).." was removed from police chief", admin, 255, 200, 0) end end addCommandHandler("addpc", toggle_police_chief) addCommandHandler("removepc", toggle_police_chief) --[[ Police chiefs can ban from law at unlimited time ]]-- function add_law_ban(police_chief, cmd, bad_officer) -- Check if an officer to kick was provided if not bad_officer then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Check if the provided cop account exist local cop_to_ban = getAccount(bad_officer) local cop_to_ban_plr = getAccountPlayer(cop_to_ban) if not cop_to_ban then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /lawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Notify the cop if online if cop_to_ban_plr then exports.GTWtopbar:dm("You have been kicked from the force by: "..getPlayerName(police_chief), cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 0, 0) -- Reset job and team if online setPlayerTeam(cop_to_ban_plr, getTeamFromName("Unemployed")) setPlayerNametagColor(cop_to_ban_plr, 255, 255, 0) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "admin",false) local skinID = exports.GTWclothes:getBoughtSkin(cop_to_ban_plr) setElementModel(cop_to_ban_plr, skinID) setElementData(cop_to_ban_plr, "Occupation", "") local ac = getPlayerAccount ( cop_to_ban_plr ); if ( not isGuestAccount ( cop_to_ban_plr ) ) then setElementData ( ac, "lockedFromPolice", getTickCount ( ) + 5*60*1000 ); end end -- Notify the police chief issuing the command outputChatBox("Police: "..bad_officer.." was kicked from the police job", police_chief, 255, 100, 0) end addCommandHandler("banfromlaw", add_law_ban) addCommandHandler("lawban", add_law_ban) --[[ Police chiefs can revoke law bans ]]-- function revoke_law_ban(police_chief, cmd, bad_officer) -- Check if an officer to kick was provided if not bad_officer then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /revokelawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Check if the provided cop account exist local cop_to_ban = getAccount(bad_officer) local cop_to_ban_plr = getAccountPlayer(cop_to_ban) if not cop_to_ban then outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /revokelawban ", police_chief, 255, 0, 0) return end -- Notify the cop if online if cop_to_ban_plr then exports.GTWtopbar:dm("You are now allowed to work as a cop again, (thanks to: "..getPlayerName(police_chief)..")", cop_to_ban_plr, 0, 255, 0) end -- Notify the police chief issuing the command outputChatBox("Police: "..bad_officer.." is now allowed to work again", police_chief, 255, 100, 0) -- Remove ban from database dbExec(db_pc, "DELETE FROM bans WHERE account=?", bad_officer) banned_cops_data[bad_officer] = false end addCommandHandler("revokebanfromlaw", revoke_law_ban) addCommandHandler("revokelawban", revoke_law_ban) --[[ List banned cops ]]-- function list_banned_cops(plr) local list = "" for k,v in pairs(banned_cops_data) do local name = nil if getAccountPlayer(getAccount(k)) then name = getPlayerName(getAccountPlayer(getAccount(k))) if name then k = k.." ("")" end end list = list..k..", " end outputChatBox("Lawbans: "..list, plr, 200, 200, 200) end addCommandHandler("listlawbans", list_banned_cops) addCommandHandler("listlawban", list_banned_cops) --[[ List police chiefs ]]-- function list_police_chiefs(plr) local list = "" for k,v in pairs(police_chiefs_data) do local name = nil if getAccountPlayer(getAccount(k)) then name = getPlayerName(getAccountPlayer(getAccount(k))) if name then k = k.." ("")" end end list = list..k..", " end outputChatBox("Police chiefs: "..list, plr, 200, 200, 200) end addCommandHandler("listpolicechiefs", list_police_chiefs) addCommandHandler("listpolicechief", list_police_chiefs) --[[ Exported: check if a player is a police chief ]]-- function isPoliceChief(plr) if not plr or not getPlayerAccount(plr) or not getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr)) then return false end return police_chiefs_data[getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr))] or false end --[[ Exported: check if a player is a banned from law ]]-- function isLawBanned(plr) if not plr or not getPlayerAccount(plr) or not getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr)) then return false end return banned_cops_data[getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr))] or false end its GTW so I think you know that already, uhm I could still take the job and no debugs Link to comment
Mr_Moose Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Run this and let me know the result, replace client with any player element that is logged into an account that is currently banned from law. local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(client) if is_law_banned then outputChatBox("True") else outputChatBox("False") end Link to comment
Price. Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 "that is currently banned from law." I don't quit get where's an Element being banned other than " banned_cops_data[bad_officer] = false" which is bad_officer, and when I use it, it doesn't even work no debugs too. in Police chief script too there is an error @ this line setElementData ( ac, "lockedFromPolice", getTickCount ( ) + 5*60*1000 ); "Bad Argument expected element at argument 1" Link to comment
Mr_Moose Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 There are built in commands for that. "/lawban " and "/revokelawban ". After that you can use: "/listlawbans" to verify that a real account was added to the list successfully, only policechiefs can add or remove lawbans and only server administrators can add or remove police chiefs using "/addpc " and "/removepc ". To check if you successfully added a police chief you can list all police chiefs by using: "/listpolicechiefs". All these commands works as soon the resource is started without other requirements. Check that first then run the above code. Link to comment
Price. Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 EDIT: all are working but I still join the job again, had to replace exports with mine when I ban my self and revoke the ban and type /listlawbans it still gives my name for some reason Link to comment
Price. Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 got no idea where's the problem from, is the police chief script bugged ? or what? been trying to fix it for more than a couple of days.. Link to comment
The_Walrus Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 My guess is that the bug is in your other resource named "GRGPlayerFunctions", either that or you're not using the police chief system correctly. There is no bugs in the police chief system, if it was it wouldn't work on other servers either, try to download the latest version if you're unsure then add yourself as policechief, ban someone and finally run this: local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(client) if is_law_banned then outputChatBox("True") else outputChatBox("False") end And post the result. Don't forget to replace "client" with a player element who's account is currently law banned. Link to comment
Price. Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 should I add this with a command handler? also about element law banned.. I see no one else but the (bad_officer) as this is the element where it checks the banned ppl, and didn't do anything last time Link to comment
Mr_Moose Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 It's easier to use as a command obviously so why not, function check_if_banned(plr, cmd) local is_law_banned = exports.GTWpolicechief:isLawBanned(plr) if is_law_banned then outputChatBox("True", plr) else outputChatBox("False", plr) end end addCommandHandler("checkmyban", check_if_banned) Run the code in any resource except GTWpolicechief (as it has exported calls). The command is "/checkmyban" and will validate the player using the command, this should be running server side. Link to comment
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