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Can't visit anything other than YouTube (1.5 Browser functio


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So, I've been testing out the new browser scripting features for MTA 1.5 and made myself a browser. All works good but it only seems to load https://www.youtube.com/. I've tried other websites but they just don't show up. I looked at the whitelist and requestBrowserDomains functions but couldn't quite figure it out yet. Any ideas?

It works fine for me, tell me which all links you tried and also can you post your code?

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Thanks. I got it to work now for other websites but it only shows text, no images or text formatting whatsoever.

It's because the website is requesting styles and images from different URL's. You'll need to view the website HTML and request all the websites that the website you're trying to use is using.

Example, if this was the page source:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang='en'> 
        <title>My Sample Site</title> 
        <link href='http://anotherwebsite.co/corestyels.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' /> 
        <img src='http://another_website_img.com/mainimg.png' /> 

You would need request access to 'http://anotherwebsite.co/ for the styles and http://another_website_img.com for the image.

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