..:D&G:.. Posted May 25, 2015 Share Posted May 25, 2015 Hello guys, I got this inventory system from community but I get an error when opening the inventory panel: local aktuel,oldaktuel = "Potte","Potte" function showInventar(teil) if(type(teil) == "string" and teil ~= "i") then aktuel = teil end unbindKey("i","down",showInventar) bindKey("i","down",destroyInventar) showCursor ( true ,false) toggleControl ( "fire", false) pClose,pMove,pReset = "images/closeinv.png","images/moveinv.png","images/reset.png" r,g,b = { ["Potte"]=110,["Taschen"]=110,["Keys"]=110,["Waffen"]=110, ["Rahmen"]=255} , { ["Potte"]=110,["Taschen"]=110,["Keys"]=110,["Waffen"]=110 ,["Rahmen"]=255} , { ["Potte"]=110,["Taschen"]=110,["Keys"]=110,["Waffen"]=110,["Rahmen"]=255 } slots = tonumber(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Inventar_c")[aktuel.."Platz"]) lines = math.ceil(slots/7) bx,by = 330, 20 - 4 + 45*lines --543,266 if(not x and not y) then x,y = fx/2 - bx/2,fy/2 - by/2 end r[aktuel],g[aktuel],b[aktuel] = 0,255,0 r["o"..aktuel],g["o"..aktuel],b["o"..aktuel] = 0,255,0 local line local oline local platz for i=0,slots-1,1 do line = math.floor(i/7) if(line ~= oline) then platz = 0 end btn_inventar[aktuel][i] = guiCreateButton (x+10 + 40 * platz + 5 * platz,y+10 + 40 * line + 5 * line,40,40, i.."", false) guiSetAlpha(btn_inventar[aktuel][i],0) local id if( getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Item_"..aktuel.."_c") ) then id = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Item_"..aktuel.."_c")[i.."_id"] if(id) then item[id]= { ["x"]= x+10 + 40 * platz + 5 * platz ,["y"]=y+10 + 40 * line + 5 * line } itemFront[id] = false end end if(not lockItemUseState[aktuel] or not lockItemUseState[aktuel][tonumber(i)]) then setItemRGB(i,110,110,110) end sitem[i]= { ["x"]= x+10 + 40 * platz + 5 * platz,["y"]=y+10 + 40 * line + 5 * line } oline = line platz = platz + 1 end btn_Potte = guiCreateButton (x+2,y-48,80.0,48.0, "", false) guiSetAlpha(btn_Potte,0) btn_Keys = guiCreateButton ( x+2 + 82,y-48, 80.0,48.0, "", false ) guiSetAlpha(btn_Keys,0) btn_Taschen = guiCreateButton ( x+2 + 82*2,y-48, 80.0,48.0, "", false ) guiSetAlpha(btn_Taschen,0) btn_Waffen = guiCreateButton ( x+2 + 82*3,y-48, 80.0,48.0, "", false ) guiSetAlpha(btn_Waffen,0) btn_Close = guiCreateButton ( x+bx + 1,y-49, 18,18, "", false ) guiSetAlpha(btn_Close,0) btn_Move = guiCreateButton ( x+bx + 1,y-49+18, 18,18, "", false ) guiSetAlpha(btn_Move,0) btn_Reset = guiCreateButton ( x+bx + 1,y-49+36, 18,18, "", false ) guiSetAlpha(btn_Reset,0) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter",getRootElement(),onButtonInvEnter) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",getRootElement(),onButtonInvLeave) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(),onInvClick) addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter",getRootElement(),onItemMouseOver) addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave",getRootElement(),onItemMouseLeave) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",btn_Close,onCloseClick) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown",btn_Move,onMoveClick) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseUp",btn_Move,onStopMove) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",btn_Reset,onResetClick) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseDown",getRootElement(),onClickAndDropDown) addEventHandler("onClientGUIMouseUp",getRootElement(),onClickAndDropUp) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderInventar) end I get an attempt to index a boolean value here: slots = tonumber(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Inventar_c")[aktuel.."Platz"]) Any ideas what's wrong with it? Link to comment
ALw7sH Posted May 25, 2015 Share Posted May 25, 2015 slots = ( getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Inventar_c") and tonumber(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"Inventar_c")[aktuel.."Platz"]) ) I think you don't have bag or something like that Link to comment
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