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Hi, I'm doing a new property and I have to have new x, y, z so I put one object to another to have x, y, z and you sleep new x, y, z I have 2 objects, I use:

LSEye = createObject(6298,389.7734375,-2028.46875,19.804689407349,0,0,270) -- Old LSEye 
LSEye2 = createObject(6298,389.79998779297,-2028.5,34.599998474121,0,0,270) -- New LSEye 
kosciolS = createObject(8130,1493.8000488281,751.09997558594,20.799999237061) -- Kościół LV Old 
kosciolN = createObject(8130,1493.8000488281,751.09997558594,35.400001525879) -- Kościół LV New 

And not work, still 2 objects

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I have x, y, z current object, and x, y, z new facility, located a little above the current object, and now as I am doing CreateObject only a new object there on the server I and the current and new .., how to remove the current?

Sorry for english :?

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I have x, y, z current object, and x, y, z new facility, located a little above the current object, and now as I am doing CreateObject only a new object there on the server I and the current and new .., how to remove the current?

Sorry for english :?

:o really i don't undrestad nothing

anyways to destroy somthing you need to use destroyElement

if isElement(--[[ element here]]) then  
destroyElement(--[[ element here]]) 

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