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[Solved] Binding 2 keys


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Hello guys!

I'm wondering how it is possible to bind 2 keys to do one function. But to let it call the function they have to be pressed both of them. For example ctrl + p then it will call the function.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Guest
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function playerPressedKey ( button, press ) 
    if ( button == "lctrl" ) then 
        setElementData ( localPlayer, "lctrl", press and true or false ); 
    if ( button == "p" and press ) then 
        local pressed = getElementData ( localPlayer, "lctrl" ); 
        if ( pressed ) then 
            -- ctrl + p combination was pressed 
addEventHandler ( "onClientKey", root, playerPressedKey ); 

Maybe it is faster way to do that, but that's only my example.

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function playerPressedKey ( button, press ) 
    if ( button == "lctrl" ) then 
        setElementData ( localPlayer, "lctrl", press and true or false ); 
    if ( button == "p" and press ) then 
        local pressed = getElementData ( localPlayer, "lctrl" ); 
        if ( pressed ) then 
            -- ctrl + p combination was pressed 
addEventHandler ( "onClientKey", root, playerPressedKey ); 

Maybe it is faster way to do that, but that's only my example.

Oh, thanks I just made something similar and it worked. Thanks anyway!

And I have got another question:

I searched in the wiki for a function to get players copied text (clipboard) but there is no function like this because of security reasons. So I want to make a dxEdit bar where I could paste my text ... Is there any way to make it so I will be able to paste the text I copied - just like in GUI.

Edited by Guest
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function bind() 
    bindKey("p", "down", chatFunction) 
function unbind() 
    unbindKey("p", "down", chatFunction) 
bindKey ( "ctrl", "down", bind) 
bindKey ( "lshift", "up", unbind) 

Edit: oops my bad i posted it late.

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CTRL + C -> guiGetText -> setElementData

CTRL + V -> getElementData -> guiSetText

Yeah, but I wanna do it in dx ... Is it possible? Tell me if it's not then I will do it with GUI ..

PS: I mean: just like setClipboard but getClipboard somehow. I want to let it take what I copied for example youtube link and paste it in the edit box (DX).

PS: I'm not using GUI's editbox.

Edited by Guest
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Hello guys!

I'm wondering how it is possible to bind 2 keys to do one function. But to let it call the function they have to be pressed both of them. For example ctrl + p then it will call the function.

Thanks in advance!

about your first question it can be like this :

function example(key) 
    if (key == "p") then 
            if (getKeyState("lctrl")) then 
 -- You code here 
bindKey("p", "down", example) 

About second question : Yes you can use setClipboard()

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Hello guys!

I'm wondering how it is possible to bind 2 keys to do one function. But to let it call the function they have to be pressed both of them. For example ctrl + p then it will call the function.

Thanks in advance!

about your first question it can be like this :

function example(key) 
    if (key == "p") then 
            if (getKeyState("lctrl")) then 
 -- You code here 
bindKey("p", "down", example) 

About second question : Yes you can use setClipboard()

About my first question I already made it.

And about my second question: You didn't get it right. I want when I'm in-game to get player's copied text (for example youtube link) and paste it in-game in dxEditBox. My question is: How to get player's clipboard (When you copy with ctrl + c) ?

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