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Guest Joey

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Hi, I have just completed GTA vice, and I am interested in Multi-Mod. However, I no nothing about it exept that is a way to play multi player vice city. I do not know where to begin on installing or running it :shock: . Any feedback will be greatly apprecieated(sp).

BTW, sorry if this has been posted before. :roll:

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Ok first of all welcome to the forums.

second of all for any future questions do a search on forums first, read the faq and first time user guide on the site.

Ok on to your problems.

You will need to either have gta vc or gta 3 ( or both) for the pc in order to play them online.They should be an unmodded version, if you want to have mods you should have a separate folder for online and one for offline play, at this moment mods are not supported and will not work with mta.

Download these following files .

MTA : http://www.gonnaplay.com/download.php?f=22&m=1 <-- this is the multiplayer mod ( im taking you have window as os , if so thats the one you need )

ASE : http://udp.speakeasy.net/EyeInstaller.exe <- this is a server browsing tool, this will help you find servers to be able to play with other people.

Make sure you point mta to the gtavc.exe/gta3.exe when it asks for it at install.

Install ase and if it doesnt configure mta automaticly go to filter>configure games, and there find mta and point it to the mtaclient.exe

Install those two files , then go in ase click on mta on the left side list, then hit F5 to refresh list and a bunc of list should pop up, find a server that is runing the game you have , vice city or vice city stunt for gta vc and liberty city for gta3 and connect to it , there a window should pop up, this being the mta client, you will see a start game button, if all goes well then your game should start and you should choose start game>start mulitheftauto.

If you encounter problems be sure to take note what you did at that moment and what time did the problem come up ( what was on screen).

Phew, hope this helps.

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