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[TM] TheMafia


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Hey, once again, it's nice to be a part of this community! I've decided after some time, to create a new clan called "The Mafia." It's a Grand Theft Auto 3 based clan, if you didn't already know, and I hope to be competing in Turf Wars soon, so if you have any experience with that, great! I have the ability to run a server, if needed, so don't worry about that.

I'm looking for good drivers and people who get along with others. No Hackers/Modders PLEASE.

I'm a Graphic/Web Designer, so a website could definately be a possibility. You can view my work at http://www.echosky.deviantart.com

Thank you for considering my clan, and hope you become a part of it!

- UD

Graphics Copyright UnholyDemon, 2004 (hehe)

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Whoa, ok. I'm really confused now. I have a couple of members in my gang, they've been in it for about a week now. One of the, calls himself "THEMAFIA." We were getting along fine, everything, being a team, almost like friends. Then, I switch servers, and he starts immaturely calling me names. I have no clue what happened when we switched servers, but he doesn't like me anymore that's for sure. This is really, strange, because I didn't say anying, all I did was switch servers and i'm greeted with:

F*ck you you f*cking p*ssy. WTF is wrong with you, you suck. You need a life. GO suck a c*ck.

I don't know what to do, our gang gets along good too. Never had any problems. Wierd.

What do you experienced gang leaders think I should do? He's only fourteen, so he wasn't very mature to start with...

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