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MTA SA Map Editor problem.



Hi there!

I recently encountered a problem when I start up the map editor; my camera suddenly starts moving without me doing anything at all.

The only way I can stop it is to press the 'w' and 'a' key simultaneously. When I release these keys the same happens again.

You can imagine it is impossible to map anything this way.

I tried to unplug both my keyboard and mouse but it still moves. I also tried different keyboards and mouses but the problem still persists. I also uninstalled MTA and installed it again, updated it with new patches but without any progress at all.

Does anyone of you have any idea how I can fix this?

Thanks alot in advance!

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wow damn I didn't noticed this before but I'm playing MTA on my internship and we've got 3D mouses here. when you said joystick I immediatly remembered that I also got one of those hooked on my PC. I unplugged it and MTA works great again!

Sorry for my stupidity ;)

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