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[HELP] Method to store data of data


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Hello everybody, :)

I am working on a project and I came across a problem: How can I store data of data ?

It sounds like a tricky question, but it should be possible.

What I want to use it for is a Weapon Magazine. I want to store how many bullets it has left.

I need a Easy, Fast, Reliable and Flexible way to do this.

This due to the fact that I need it Server-Side and Client-Side, to be able to implement it into Loot Spawing System and Inventory System. Also, if it is a table, try to simplify it please so I can understand it.

Please let me know if you have any idea, and show me a representation of how the layout will work and look like.

Have a great day ! ;)

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If you know SQL or MySQL use that,

Or if you hate that use these,


I don't know how I could use it with elementData ... it only allows one value ! And I can't do it with SQL implementation as it is a very fast changing system, i already mentioned it is a inventory system and making it with SQL would be a total mess ! Any other idea ?

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