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Minor suggestion for teams (robbers, crusaders, etc.)

Guest AlFA#

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How come there's no Hatian, Cuban, Streetwannabe, Diaz/Vercetti gang, skins? I thought they'd make great teams for MTA...

these are my suggestions

Authority (cop, swat)

Diaz/Vercetti Gang (spawn at mansion)

Streetwannabes (spawn on prawn island)

Haitians (spawn at hatian gang HQ)

Cubans (spawn in little havana)

Bikers (biker club)

accompanied with their gang vehicles.

I just think the whole setup now with the teams is off and isnt structured properly.

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while the topics on teams will we be able to have a sort of team deathmatch were either people cant kill people on there own team or get a penalty for doing so?

kind of gets annoying wen u try to play as a team and get shot in the back :(

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that will probably be very hard to implement, as vc or gta3 have no way of telling friendlies from enemies as far as damage goes. a teamkill could be detected by a script or maybe even the same way it tells you that you killed an important player in single player ( ie, eightball or lance vance get killed, the mission fails)

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