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tipo coloquei só para um cargo na acl poder digitar o comando mais n funciona o comando

function giveAdminRights (playerSource, commandName, accountName) --add the function giveAdminRights and specify its arguments 
if accountName then --if there was an accountName entered then 
if isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( accountName ) ), aclGetGroup( 'Policia Militar' ) ) then 
aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("VIP"), "user."..accountName) --add an ACL object using the form "user.[accountName]" to the ACL group "Admin" 
outputChatBox ("Account '"..accountName.."' succesfully added to the admin group", playerSource) --output a notification to the player who entered the command that the acocunt was successfully added 
else --else output an error message and the correct syntax of the command to the player who entered it 
outputChatBox ("No account name specified.", playerSource) 
outputChatBox ("Correct syntax: /giveAccountAdminRights [accountName]", playerSource) 
addCommandHandler ("giveAccountAdminRights", giveAdminRights) --add a command "giveAccountAdminRights" and attch the function "giveAdminRights" to it 

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function giveAdminRights (playerSource, commandName, accountName) --add the function giveAdminRights and specify its arguments 
    local accountName = getPlayerFromName(accountName) 
    if accountName then --if there was an accountName entered then 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( accountName ) ), aclGetGroup( 'Policia Militar' ) ) then 
            aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("VIP"), "user."..accountName) --add an ACL object using the form "user.[accountName]" to the ACL group "Admin" 
            outputChatBox ("Account '"..accountName.."' succesfully added to the admin group", playerSource) --output a notification to the player who entered the command that the  was successfully added 
        else --else output an error message and the correct syntax of the command to the player who entered it 
            outputChatBox ("No account name specified.", playerSource) 
            outputChatBox ("Correct syntax: /giveAccountAdminRights [accountName]", playerSource) 
addCommandHandler("giveAccountAdminRights", giveAdminRights) --add a command  

Obs:E lembre-se de colocar o resource na ACL de Admin

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function giveAdminRights (playerSource, commandName, accountName) --add the function giveAdminRights and specify its arguments 
    local theAccount = getPlayerFromName(accountName) 
    if theAccount then --if there was an accountName entered then 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( theAccount ) ), aclGetGroup( 'Policia Militar' ) ) then 
            aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("VIP"), "user."..theAccount) --add an ACL object using the form "user.[accountName]" to the ACL group "Admin" 
            outputChatBox ("Account '"..theAccount.."' succesfully added to the admin group", playerSource) --output a notification to the player who entered the command that the  was successfully added 
        else --else output an error message and the correct syntax of the command to the player who entered it 
            outputChatBox ("No account name specified.", playerSource) 
            outputChatBox ("Correct syntax: /giveAccountAdminRights [accountName]", playerSource) 
addCommandHandler("giveAccountAdminRights", giveAdminRights) --add a command 

Tente agora, não se esqueça de verificar /debugscript 3 quando você inicia o recurso ou use o comando.

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function giveAdminRights (playerSource, commandName, accountName) --add the function giveAdminRights and specify its arguments 
    local theAccount = getPlayerFromName(accountName) 
    if theAccount then --if there was an accountName entered then 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.'..getAccountName( getPlayerAccount( playerSource ) ), aclGetGroup( 'Policia Militar' ) ) then 
            aclGroupAddObject (aclGetGroup("VIP"), "user."..theAccount) --add an ACL object using the form "user.[accountName]" to the ACL group "Admin" 
            outputChatBox ("Account '"..theAccount.."' succesfully added to the admin group", playerSource) --output a notification to the player who entered the command that the  was successfully added 
        else --else output an error message and the correct syntax of the command to the player who entered it 
            outputChatBox ("No account name specified.", playerSource) 
            outputChatBox ("Correct syntax: /giveAccountAdminRights [accountName]", playerSource) 
addCommandHandler("giveAccountAdminRights", giveAdminRights) --add a command 

se for o script q você pediu no outro topico essa é a solução

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