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database query failed


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hi umm i was trying to practice sql and i got an error which makes no sense to me as table exists

local PLAYER_DATABASE = dbConnect("sqlite","database/trexarex.db") 
   sendResult("successfully loaded player database! (trexarex.db)",root) 
   errorMessage("failed to load player database! (trexarex.db)",root) 
function onDatabaseStart() 
dbExec(PLAYER_DATABASE, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data_system ( serial TEXT, ip TEXT, account TEXT, country TEXT)") 
outputDebugString("onDatabaseStart; data_system SQL Table created!") 
function validatePlayerData() 
   for i,v in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
      local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM data_system WHERE serial=?",getPlayerSerial(v)) 
      if #result == 0 then 
         dbExec( "INSERT INTO data_system ( serial, ip, account, country ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )", 
            getPlayerSerial(v),getPlayerIP(v),getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),getElementData(v,"country") or "Unknown") 
            sendResult("successfully executed data into data_system",root) 
         errorMessage("already found the data :O",root) 

custom and built in debug methods show that table was created, and it says dbExec: no such table data_system at line 23

please help

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Okay thank you very much!

Though since im still pretty new to sql, is there a way to prevent having 100 things on e.g same name?

i have added additional data in sql; name

so i would want that if nick isnt in sql database that it writes all data as usual(even if serial is already in sql database) ,otherwise it writes nothing in it

can you please show me an example how to do this?

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