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Dx Quality Problem


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I'm using dx functions to draw a line of text on the screen.

With a little offset I draw the same line with black color behind it (shadow).


The first line starts to look weird after the first color code at "/block" is applied.

It looks worse when the background changes due to camera movement.

I have no idea whats causing this problem.

I draw it as described in here: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxSetBlendMode


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if chatbox.useNewMessageScrollAnimation then 
    dxSetRenderTarget(chatbox.renderTarget, true) 
for i, chat in ipairs(chatbox.tabs[chatbox.selectedTabIndex].chats) do 
    dxDrawText(clean(chat.line), chatbox.textPosX+1, chatbox.textPosY+chatbox.height-(chatbox.lineHeight*(i-chatbox.scroll))+(chatbox.lineHeight*chatbox.newMessageScrollValue)+1, chatbox.width, chatbox.height, tocolor(0, 0, 0, chat.alpha), chatbox.fontSizeX, chatbox.fontSizeY, chatbox.font, "left", "top", false, false, false, true)  
    dxDrawText(chat.line, chatbox.textPosX, chatbox.textPosY+chatbox.height-(chatbox.lineHeight*(i-chatbox.scroll))+(chatbox.lineHeight*chatbox.newMessageScrollValue), chatbox.width, chatbox.height, tocolor(255, 255, 255, chat.alpha), chatbox.fontSizeX, chatbox.fontSizeY, chatbox.font, "left", "top", false, false, false, true)  
if chatbox.useNewMessageScrollAnimation then 
    dxDrawImage(chatbox.posX, chatbox.posY, chatbox.width, chatbox.height, chatbox.renderTarget, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255,255,255,255), chatbox.postGUI) 
function clean(text) 
    return string.gsub(text, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') 

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For me, it looks as though HEX colour coding makes the new coloured text appear like 1px further (as if the hex was replaced with a 1px-long character). Shadowed texts completely remove HEX colour codes via string.gsub (without leaving that 1px-long character). Although I might be wrong ^^

It seems that the actual dx text drawing codes don't use sub-pixel positioning, therefore text-parts are rounded to the nearest pixel - meaning that sometimes the normal, coloured text appears to be slightly longer (due to rounding up) than text without separation for colouring. Of course, I don't know how the actual code works but this assumption is based on that the dx text is split into parts, every part for every colour used.

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