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[Res]Tic Tac Toe game


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Hey everyone, Aeon here, and I have made a free and open source resource for you guys and its a tic tac toe game and its also known as the Cross and Knots, or the X and O game. I hope many of you know how to do this and have fun with this resource guys, Please let me know the feedback of the given resource as I wanna know where I stand, and if I get better feedbacks, well I appreciate drawbacks too.. then I'll make more things like this. ;)

Link of the resource:



Please use 1024*720 resolution.. Else it will get displaced, thank you.


Edited by Guest
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Yeah Bonsai, I'll surely fix that thingy :D how is the resource btw? bad or TOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD? :D I'd never say its good :lol::mrgreen:

And 54 views on this topic and just one single reply? Why is many of them hating me? I didnt come here to fight.. I came here to give a free open source resource so everyone can play, and read the codes.. so they can edit it for their server if they want to. Not to show the anger on you guys... I hate this.. so pathetic..

Thanks Bonsai for replying, it helped me a lot.

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And 54 views on this topic and just one single reply? Why is many of them hating me? I didnt come here to fight.. I came here to give a free open source resource so everyone can play, and read the codes.. so they can edit it for their server if they want to. Not to show the anger on you guys... I hate this.. so pathetic..

Are you for real? You think that no one's replying because they hate you? They have nothing to say, easy as that. Just because I viewed the topic doesn't mean I'll comment.

Also, why didn't you upload it to the community? It's encouraged that you do so, people can find it easily.

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Wow, this is a very good resource, keep the good work up.

Everybody should definitely try this resource, its a bit hard to make it...

It's pathetic to give feedback in your own work.

why insulting me like that? give a warning to yourself and show me the screenshots here.

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Well Yeah :D Aeon's my own acc, but the thing is Castillo is hating me, and the whole community just hates me, exceppt JR10, ccw, and 2-3 guys, so I thought of starting a new account and living a new community life. but What happened is.. :D

I wanted to Release this resource with Aeon account, but I was stupid and instead of Aeon gave Deepu and logged in, and posted, so i had to comment to make sure Aeon is not me..

Sorry guys, please forgive me, I won't fight here after, please do not hate me castillo and every1, I'll never fight again, promise.

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Don't really think anyone here hates you Deepu, they've just had it with your childish and arrogant behavior.

As soon as anyone criticized any of your scripts, you got offended and started throwing insults around. You've already said on multiple occasions that you're back and you won't get into fights again, but you keep doing it.

Learn to appreciate feedback, whether it's good or bad. If you're a scripter/programmer or developer and can't take criticism - you won't get far.

Also, creating a new account to post feedback on your own resource - like Solidsnake mentioned is very pathetic.

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Well I am sorry, you see, I am still not fighting yet, and i never will fight, except at my house... I keep programming, mom comes and shouts at me and closes my laptop.. I hate that, I love programming, and when I make something I used to get offended if someone criticises me. I am sorry for that, I wont do that again I promise :mrgreen:

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you still want to use a constant resolution you may try 800x600 and center the window, that should fit on any monitor today. Otherwise you just need some math skills, see the relative values as percent, 1-0 could be seen as 100%-0% by multiplying with 100, the width of every square could be 30% (0.3) and the border between them 2.5% (0.025) for a layout that fit's on any resolution. Got it?, or should I make it more clear :wink:

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  • 11 months later...

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