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MTA NOOB!11111oneoneone

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im considering buyin vice city n takin up multi theft auto,n was wonderin wat the best system requirments are to run the mod smoothly with minimum lag ? and also has the 0.41 mod fixed most bugs and probz such as connection timeouts and crashes

sum1 reply plz!! :)

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I think it's probably easier if you tell us youur specs and we'll tell you if it will work on them.

0.4.1 has fixed lots of bugs, yes, but it is still a beta and so it crashes now and then. Also, I wasn't aware that there were any connection timeout problems related to any bugs (could be a firewall on your end or a router on the other end).

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2000MHz processor

512 mb ram

ge force 5200fx :oops:

thts all u reeli need to know lol :P adsl connection

i play mohaa in clanbase n dont reeli need a fast system 4 that

thats y i was curious,bt just wanted a general outline to the game as i think it would be l33t to play gta online :)

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