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Resources overwritten by another server


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I frequent two very similar servers on MTA, and have found that despite no changes their is a constant small download each time i switch between servers. Fortunately one of these servers is mine and I suspect that download is my modified freeroam and hedit resources being updated to theirs or to mine. Is this likely? And if so, how can i make it so my freeroam is not overwritten by the other server every time I visit?

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ERROR: Problem with resource: play; Failed to link to freeroam

Everything appears to be working fine, except this error^^^ What did i miss?

<meta><info type="gamemode" /><include resource="freeroamx" /><include resource="spawnmanager" /><settings><setting name="*spawnreset" value="onSpawn" friendlyname="Spawn Reset" accept="onSpawn,onServerEmpty,onServerStart" desc="When should a new spawnpoint be chosen?" /></settings><map src="broph.map" /><script src="broph.luac" /><min_mta_version client="1.3.4-0.00000" server="1.3.4-0.00000" /></meta> 


= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.4.1


= Server name : Default MTA Server

= Server IP address:

= Server port : 32003


= Log file : ..7032/server/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log

= Maximum players : 1111

= HTTP port : 32005

= Voice Chat : Disabled

= Bandwidth saving : Medium


[2015-01-28 14:25:43] Resource 'acpanel' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list acpanel'

[2015-01-28 14:25:45] ERROR: Problem with resource: play; Failed to link to freeroam

[2015-01-28 14:25:45] Resources: 205 loaded, 1 failed

[2015-01-28 14:25:46] Starting resources...

[2015-01-28 14:25:46] Server minclientversion is now 1.4.0-9.07000

[2015-01-28 14:25:47] Creating new DB table bank_accounts

[2015-01-28 14:25:47] Creating new DB table recordsDrift

[2015-01-28 14:25:47] Gamemode 'Fun+Drift+Shops+afk+Homes+Guns+Maps+24-7-365' started.

[2015-01-28 14:25:47] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP:??.???.??.???)

[2015-01-28 14:25:47] Server started and is ready to accept connections!

[2015-01-28 14:25:47] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C

[2015-01-28 14:25:47] Type 'help' for a list of commands.

[2015-01-28 14:26:11] CONNECT: testing connected (IP: Serial: A9FD51BBE9ED4D67ECC82D5C5CC559F3 Version: 1.4.1-9.07032.0)

[2015-01-28 14:26:14] JOIN: testing joined the game (IP:

[2015-01-28 14:26:19] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) testing successfully logged in as 'A19' (IP: Serial: A9FD51BBE9ED4D67ECC82D5C5CC559F3)

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This ^^ is on server start. It loads play, which includes freeroamx, which loads fine, all my freeroam mods work perfectly. On refresh it repeats the error message. Maybe it is just an insignificant error message signaling nothing at all or maybe I have yet to realize its specifics and their implications "Failed to link to freeroam"

A greater understanding is certainly welcome as it is an error none-the-less.

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