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hello, can someone tell me why the letters with accents ( ç, ã, é, â, ô, õ )

is bursting?

I tried to use it, the more only works on HTML

Á Á È È ô ô Ç Ç

á á è è Ò Ò ç ç

Â Â Ë Ë ò ò

â â ë ë Ø Ø Ñ Ñ

À À Ð Ð ø ø ñ ñ

à à ð ð Õ Õ

Å Å õ õ Ý Ý

å å Í Í Ö Ö ý ý

à à í í ö ö

ã ã Î Î " "

Ä Ä î î Ú Ú < <

ä ä Ì Ì ú ú > >

Æ Æ ì ì Û Û & &

æ æ Ï Ï û û

ï ï Ù Ù ® ®

É É ù ù © ©

é é Ó Ó Ü Ü Þ Þ

Ê Ê ó ó ü ü þ þ

ê ê Ô Ô ß ß

Edited by Guest
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Make a complete new resource-map, meta.xml, client+server.lua files and open them. Get the old scripts and select all text then copy+paste them in the new one. (No copying files) Then try again with the new resource. Helped for me once. (Sounds like bullsh*t I know)

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I thought you only meant one script, lol.


all compiled scripts that containing special characters is bullied, and another. if I put in the cache false the Freeroam it does not work.

My God, no one here program in gamemode in Freeroam ? you spend the day programming for RPG ?

you it should know these things :wink:

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Don't compile it, use cache attribute in meta.

I can not do this for all my files.

if I do this, my server will always have download, I think you as a programmer should know this. do not you think? :wink:

How much download could be needed for a few scripts... :P

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Lol, anyway, have patient Lek.You are mostly saying we don't know anything about scripting when you aren't getting helped, which gives us the lack of motivation to help you.

Sorry my friend, more the problem is the LUAC.MTASA.COM :wink:

they we do not support for all languages, because they think only in English :?:?:?

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Lol, anyway, have patient Lek.You are mostly saying we don't know anything about scripting when you aren't getting helped, which gives us the lack of motivation to help you.

Sorry my friend, more the problem is the LUAC.MTASA.COM :wink:

they we do not support for all languages, because they think only in English :?:?:?

Then write it yourself (Wich i doubt you can), if you are not willing to use the original compiler then we cant do much. And by the way, it is lua bytecode, not mta's fault.

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Sorry for bumping this post but I have a (temporary?) solution.

Use string.char function.

outputChatBox(string.char(231)..", "..string.char(227)..", "..string.char(233)..", "..string.char(226)..", "..string.char(244)..", "..string.char(245)) 

This should output those below if I'm not mistaken.

ç, ã, é, â, ô, õ

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