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Guest lual

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im sure some of you have heard of Clanbase - even played in their ladders / cups.

those who dont, visit clanbase.com, its a well run mainly European, but accomodates worldwide clans.

it has a huge user base, over 1 million - and must get a massive number of hits daily.

what im asking is, has anyone from the MTA scene gone to clanbase to ask for support on MTA Ladders? have you had a response?

personally i think for this mod and community to get better, it needs a larger audience, and a well run competition.

clanbase can offer both - firstly it will open up the potential of new players - ppl who thought this was a mickey mouse mod (me tbh) would try it on the basis that CB are hosting competitions.

alongside this a well run ladder, would give clans something to aim for, as well as showing us whos better etc - lending to more rivalry, more friends and a whole lot of fun.

if no-one has gone to CB, i can email a contact i have who admins on CB, to see where we would stand - what it may take is a ladder petition, and for all clans and players to sign this to activate MTA on the site.

ideas / opinions?

cheers all

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Currently MTA isnt in a form that lends itself to proper match play, many of the community 'make the best' of what they have and make rules and match guidelines around these limits.

Something like clanbase would of course be a good idea in the future when we are closer to version 1.0

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