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use your minds, people.

set gamespeed 0.4

temporarily make you invulnerable

now with that aside, i have a question.. WHY ON EARTH is this heli issue not fixed? you simply have the player placed at the exact same coordinates of the vehicle but a little higher Z.. i believe the easy solution to this problem is to put the player a little less Z upon exiting the helicopter. this shouldnt be a big deal to fix, but i suppose its not worth releasing an entire new patch for this one bug is it?

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after thinking about what i just said, putting the player a little less Z would be buggy if the helicopter was simply on the ground. you would fall through into blue hell.

so what i should have said was, a little less X instead of a little more Z.

and when i said use your minds, i was talking about how you would effect speed of falling.

sry for double post.

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about the original post, i think players should definately survive when jumping out of a helicopter, just as you do in single player. i mean after all, the devs are trying to make the mod be identical to SP, only without the ai. so i think that when passngers jump out of a heli, the same thing should happen to them as does happen when you jump out while flying it in SP.

also, i like the ropes idea Luigi posted. it would be really cool to be able to slide down certain heli's like SWAT teams. 8)

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as long as there is an animation (wich there is) of sliding down the rope, it shouldnt be a problem.. but it most likely is. it would be rather buggy, what if you slid down the heli while he was still moving? id imagine it would be difficult to emulate "rope swinging" physics with particles generated from SCM.. maybe it should just "freeze" the helicopter while a player is sliding down to prevent any odd looking things.

oh and not to mention, syncing animations is not an easy job.

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