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You have truely outdone yourselves this time.

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I cannot believe all the things you have done MTA. From the old days of Alt+f12 (tried it once when i found out about 0.2a, didnt like it :P cuz i couldnt work it), to the revolution you are creating. It was all revolutionary at one point. I remember back during the days of the MTA:VC 0.1 shots. Everyone was like "omg, ingame chat!!!" Now all the newbies of MTA are like "meh, chat, who cares." But now, you have truely outdone yourselves. We can create game modes with the SDK (imagine a true gangwar mode ;)) No more need for SCM, and more. Now we can have the mods we want to use without it being hacking (that's a good thing for you modders out there, you know who you are). I've loved the progress you guys have made. I still remember seeing the first dev shots of 0.2, with the nametags that told you the health to the hundreth of a point. You guys are the best, and I can't wait to see this in action. I nearly died when I saw everything you listed, and I can't wait to know more.


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i was drooling at what i saw.ya mta i remember gta3 mta 0.3b pics i was so exited that when it came out and i downloaded it.but after i downloaded it and installed i couldnt get it to work,and like after 2 weeks i found out hat i needed gta3 on pc i was heartbroken :( but now i should forget all that useless shit and sit here waiting for mta blue :)

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