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[Help] area name


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this is my code but does not work

 local areas = { 
    ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828',  y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' };        
    ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125',  y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; 
    ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875',  y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; 
    ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063',  y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781',  y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016',  y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453',  y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; 
    ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313',  y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; 
    ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828',  y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125',  y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531',  y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719',  y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469',  y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; 
    ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375',  y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; 
    ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656',  y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; 
    ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781',  y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125',  y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266',  y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188',  y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438',  y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078',  y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438',  y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609',  y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563',  y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; 
    ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; 
    ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; 
    ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; 
local theArea = { } 
function disableGTAZones() 
setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) 
function createNewZones() 
for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do 
    theArea[_] = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); 
    setElementData(theArea[_], "zone_name", _) 
    addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', theArea[_], printNewZoneName ); 
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) 
function printNewZoneName(theZone) 
if getElementType(source) == "player" then 
outputChatBox("Puto", source) 
outputChatBox(getElementData(theZone, "zone_name").." zone entered!", source, 255, 0, 0) 

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I enter every zone and zone-name displays only the result Garcia

My current script

 local areas = { 
    ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828',  y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' };        
    ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125',  y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; 
    ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875',  y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; 
    ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063',  y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781',  y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016',  y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453',  y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; 
    ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313',  y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; 
    ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828',  y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125',  y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531',  y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719',  y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469',  y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; 
    ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375',  y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; 
    ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656',  y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; 
    ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781',  y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125',  y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266',  y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188',  y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438',  y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078',  y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438',  y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609',  y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563',  y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; 
    ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; 
    ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; 
    ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; 
function disableGTAZones() 
setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) 
function createNewZones() 
for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do 
    theArea = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); 
    setElementData(theArea, "zone_name","".._.."") 
    addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', theArea, printNewZoneName ); 
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) 
function printNewZoneName(thePlayer,theZone) 
if getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then 
outputChatBox(""..getElementData(theArea, "zone_name").." Entrou na zona!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 

Link to comment

try this

local areas = { 
    ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828',  y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' };       
    ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125',  y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; 
    ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875',  y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; 
    ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063',  y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781',  y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016',  y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453',  y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; 
    ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313',  y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; 
    ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828',  y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125',  y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531',  y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719',  y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469',  y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; 
    ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375',  y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; 
    ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656',  y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; 
    ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781',  y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125',  y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266',  y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188',  y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438',  y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078',  y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438',  y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609',  y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563',  y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; 
    ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; 
    ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; 
    ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; 
local theArea = { } 
function disableGTAZones() 
setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) 
function createNewZones() 
for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do 
    theArea[_] = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); 
    setElementData(theArea[_], "zone_name", _)   
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) 
addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", theArea[_], function(hitPlayer,thePlayer)  
    if getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player" then 
outputChatBox("Puto", source) 
outputChatBox(getElementData(theZone, "zone_name").." zone entered!", source, 255, 0, 0) 

Link to comment

plis not work :cry:

my script

 local areas = { 
    ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828',  y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' };       
    ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125',  y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; 
    ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875',  y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; 
    ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063',  y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781',  y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016',  y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453',  y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; 
    ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313',  y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; 
    ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828',  y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125',  y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531',  y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719',  y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; 
    ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469',  y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; 
    ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375',  y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; 
    ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656',  y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; 
    ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781',  y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; 
    ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125',  y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266',  y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; 
    ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188',  y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; 
    ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438',  y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078',  y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; 
    ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438',  y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; 
    ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609',  y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; 
    ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563',  y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; 
    ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; 
    ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; 
    ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; 
function disableGTAZones() 
setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) 
function createNewZones() 
for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do 
    theArea = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); 
    setElementData(theArea, "zone_name","".._.."") 
    addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', theArea, printNewZoneName ); 
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) 
function printNewZoneName(thePlayer,theZone) 
if getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then 
outputChatBox(""..getElementData(theArea, "zone_name").." Entrou na zona!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) 

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