Death Posted November 16, 2014 Share Posted November 16, 2014 Hello! is possible to change the name of the áreas of the map? Link to comment
Death Posted November 17, 2014 Author Share Posted November 17, 2014 this is my code but does not work local areas = { ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828', y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125', y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875', y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063', y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781', y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016', y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453', y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313', y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828', y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125', y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531', y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719', y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469', y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375', y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656', y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781', y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125', y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266', y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188', y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438', y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078', y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438', y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609', y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563', y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; } local theArea = { } function disableGTAZones() setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) function createNewZones() for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do theArea[_] = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); outputChatBox("".._.."") setElementData(theArea[_], "zone_name", _) addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', theArea[_], printNewZoneName ); end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) function printNewZoneName(theZone) if getElementType(source) == "player" then outputChatBox("Puto", source) outputChatBox(getElementData(theZone, "zone_name").." zone entered!", source, 255, 0, 0) end end Link to comment
Castillo Posted November 17, 2014 Share Posted November 17, 2014 You are using the wrong arguments. 'source' is the colshape you hit, not the element who hit it, and 'theZone' in this case, is the element that hit it. Link to comment
Death Posted November 18, 2014 Author Share Posted November 18, 2014 I enter every zone and zone-name displays only the result Garcia My current script local areas = { ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828', y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125', y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875', y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063', y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781', y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016', y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453', y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313', y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828', y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125', y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531', y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719', y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469', y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375', y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656', y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781', y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125', y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266', y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188', y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438', y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078', y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438', y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609', y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563', y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; } function disableGTAZones() setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) theArea={} function createNewZones() for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do theArea = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); setElementData(theArea, "zone_name","".._.."") addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', theArea, printNewZoneName ); end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) function printNewZoneName(thePlayer,theZone) if getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then outputChatBox(""..getElementData(theArea, "zone_name").." Entrou na zona!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end Link to comment
boro Posted November 19, 2014 Share Posted November 19, 2014 try this local areas = { ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828', y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125', y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875', y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063', y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781', y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016', y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453', y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313', y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828', y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125', y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531', y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719', y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469', y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375', y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656', y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781', y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125', y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266', y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188', y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438', y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078', y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438', y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609', y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563', y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; } local theArea = { } function disableGTAZones() setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) function createNewZones() for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do theArea[_] = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); outputChatBox("".._.."") setElementData(theArea[_], "zone_name", _) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", theArea[_], function(hitPlayer,thePlayer) if getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player" then outputChatBox("Puto", source) outputChatBox(getElementData(theZone, "zone_name").." zone entered!", source, 255, 0, 0) end end) Link to comment
Death Posted November 20, 2014 Author Share Posted November 20, 2014 not work bad argument in event Link to comment
Anubhav Posted November 20, 2014 Share Posted November 20, 2014 getElementZoneName or getZoneName? Link to comment
Death Posted November 21, 2014 Author Share Posted November 21, 2014 plis not work my script local areas = { ['Last Dime Motel'] = { x = '1876.0206298828', y = '639.92822265625', z = '0', width = '110', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['Come-A-Lot'] = { x = '2088.8642578125', y = '983.38934326172', z = '0', width = '250', height = '195', size= '155' }; ['Redsands West'] = { x = '1297.0888671875', y = '2101.5236816406', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size= '155' }; ['Roca Escalante'] = { x = '2294.7055664063', y = '2242.7463378906', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Pilgrim'] = { x = '2439.5773925781', y = '1484.2821044922', z = '0', width = '170', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['LVA Freight Depot'] = { x = '1576.5826416016', y = '883.79443359375', z = '0', width = '180', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Las Venturas Airport'] = { x = '1256.7247314453', y = '1211.0180664063', z = '0', width = '360', height = '450', size= '155' }; ['t'] = { x = '1121.9184570313', y = '2723.6286621094', z = '0', width = '410', height = '130', size= '155' }; ['El Quebrados'] = { x = '-1624.2315673828', y = '2546.4689941406', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Ocean Flats'] = { x = '-2800.4970703125', y = '-203.62327575684', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Hashbury'] = { x = '-2586.9035644531', y = '-207.01741027832', z = '0', width = '160', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Garcia'] = { x = '-2410.7312011719', y = '-201.14291381836', z = '0', width = '200', height = '460', size= '155' }; ['Doherty'] = { x = '-2166.2292480469', y = '-63.644058227539', z = '0', width = '160', height = '310', size= '155' }; ["King's"] = { x = '-2155.6318359375', y = '329.27984619141', z = '0', width = '160', height = '240', size= '155' }; ['Calton Heights'] = { x = '-2248.1584472656', y = '748.20239257813', z = '0', width = '238', height = '530', size= '155' }; ['City Hall'] = { x = '-2812.9992675781', y = '296.84313964844', z = '0', width = '200', height = '160', size= '155' }; ['Santa flora'] = { x = '-2738.5361328125', y = '478.66021728516', z = '0', width = '200', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Financial'] = { x = '-1870.4908447266', y = '848.87469482422', z = '0', width = '152', height = '320', size= '155' }; ['Ganton'] = { x = '2226.7885742188', y = '-1835.9097900391', z = '0', width = '320', height = '200', size= '155' }; ['Willowfield'] = { x = '1977.2436523438', y = '-2145.0498046875', z = '0', width = '560', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Idlewood'] = { x = '1824.6007080078', y = '-1837.0328369141', z = '0', width = '400', height = '280', size= '155' }; ['Los Flores'] = { x = '2583.2983398438', y = '-1389.1251220703', z = '0', width = '140', height = '250', size= '155' }; ['Glen Park'] = { x = '1840.0902099609', y = '-1447.9831542969', z = '0', width = '140', height = '120', size= '155' }; ['East Los Santos'] = { x = '2274.6704101563', y = '-1549.1168212891', z = '0', width = '300', height = '390', size= '155' }; ['Marina'] = { x = '668.58984375', y = '-1734.75390625', z = '0', width = '90', height = '270', size = '155' }; ['Los Santos International'] = { x = '2056.7900390625', y = '-2412.576171875', z = '0', width = '100', height = '100', size = '155' }; ['The High Roller'] = { x = '1837.7880859375', y = '1283.57421875', z = '0', width = '200', height = '150', size = '155' }; } function disableGTAZones() setPlayerHudComponentVisible(source, "area_name", false) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, disableGTAZones) theArea={} function createNewZones() for _, area in pairs ( areas ) do theArea = createColCuboid ( area.x, area.y, area.z, area.width, area.height, area.size ); setElementData(theArea, "zone_name","".._.."") addEventHandler ( 'onColShapeHit', theArea, printNewZoneName ); end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, createNewZones) function printNewZoneName(thePlayer,theZone) if getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then outputChatBox(""..getElementData(theArea, "zone_name").." Entrou na zona!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) end end Link to comment
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