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ACL question

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Well, if you're talking about 'true' and 'false' then let me tell you a thing.

ACL rights are for resources, if the console requests them or anything else. In the script, there are two values. true and false. For example, true makes the function work done. False returns it.

Do not give admin rights to a resource until you trust it 100%

However, if you're using kickPlayer or banPlayer or any "admin" function, you must add resource name in admin group in ACL in order to make the function work, other wise it will give some error in the console.

I can give you some example.

function playerNametag(Player) 
         setPlayerNametagShowing(Player, false) -- See (false). 
addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, playerNametag) 

If we didn't have added false, something like this.


It would automatically become 'true so yes, you need to define true or false.

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You didn't read what I wrote right?, I know how true and false works in lua but what about the ACL, let's say I have these rights for example:

<right name="command.right1" access="true"></right> 
<right name="command.right2" access="false"></right> 

As you can se, right1 is true and right 2 is false and this works perfectly, this is how the rights are defined by default, but what happens if I do this?

<right name="command.right1" access="true"></right> 

Practically this has the same effect in game, but is this secure or will it be possible to exploit in some way? if false isn't defined I suppose the result may become nil and that's not the same as false so are these two equal or is there any disadvantage I should consider?

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From a security view it shouldn't be any difference, the point of false rather than undefined is probably a way for the server to output an error message in case of missing acl rights, for example if a resource without proper rights tries to kick a player you'll see something like "missing acl rights for group ... to perform 'function.kickplayer'".

If it's undefined you have no ide which right is missing, if you're goal is to save space however you have most of the rights in default group already, all set to false, these applies to everything by default and after that new rights are loaded on top on that. So in short, you should be able to remove rights with the value 'false' from all other groups than default and only keep those who's value is 'true'.

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