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hello everybody

ive came here to report sumthing...

i dont know if its the right topic for it...

anyways, i am/was a member of [XII] also knows as Majestic Twelve.

we had a striking policy against cheaters..

since me and my clanleader where so dedicated to the NONE cheating we got promoted to admins

[XII] was going ok and we got more and more members...

then suddently on a day ThaNick comes to our forum

he's sliming like shit.. and everyone swallows it...

but for me it didnt felt right.. so i was kinda.. erm.. angry at him..

anyways, he seemed to be very nice and all so in the end..he joined our clan..

when we where playing... everyone accused him of cheating.. but we didnt believed it...

we thought he had sum kind of lag..

at one day.. sumone sended us a vid of him.. (i dont have it right now).

and we still didnt believed it... then we received 2 vids of a very thrustworthy person(ill post the links at the bottom of this post)

on those vids u can see he's cheating...

while that same dude..was one of [XII]..

and he was sucking everyones dick with his beautiful words(believe me, it was a great talker).

even when we had those vids.. he still keep saying,

i SWEAR i dont cheat...

and another thousands times...

then at one day... he decided to "surrender" and he admitted it..

well..we where feeling pretty bad about it cuz he was one of us.. we trusted him...

anyway.. he had an excuse for his cheating.. (again)

and he said he was playing bad lately so he decided to cheat, so he could stay in [XII]

he really wanted to stay in [XII] cuz he had problems at home.. the only pace where he could "live"was at the computer.. at MTA

ow well.. he was kicked right away ofcourse...

so we thought we should forgive him.. since it was just a low-life cheating kid, he joined a another clan and he talked to the leader.. (he talked again)

and with his beatiful words he got the leader that far, the leader posted that he had left our clan cuz of "personal problems"

(no further offence to the leader of that clan)

well.. anyway.. ThaNick was feeling so great he decided to take a piss on me...

i thought like hey cool:) lets have sum fun,

he posted some thing at his new clan forum.. showing ingame pics of garbage with tekst it was my house and stuff :), i thought it was pretty cool..cuz it costed him some time to make that :)

so i decided to give him a payback, i posted the movie of him seeing cheating on their own forum, at their "cheating"area...

then i come online at msn and he says like.. wtf hoe, u will be blocked

i think..ok whatever..that cool..ill go post sum at MTAVC

meanwhile i was talking to a guy wich we both know..

thenick was getting so angry so he was telling that guy to stfu else he would hack him..

that guy was getting kinda scared and all.. but he..i understand..if u dont know much about sercurity and stuff...

i said to that guy that thanick could try hack me cuz after all, i was the one 2 blame...

he was telling me he was hacking me and all..and all i could do was laugh....

i was asking..he hows the hacking goin.. he said he didnt wanted to do that much trouble for me(right...)

then he was jelling to me i didnt had a live and shit(maybe i dont have it :P )so i was jelling sum things back (ill use his own words as backfire)

so he said he didnt ever gave a shit about [XII] or me or anyone else...

while he whas telling all of the time nice things about them..

anyway, suddently he didnt care...

and i thought ide post this n00by history about him...

the one who cant be trusted....

ow shit :P , almost forgot to post his movies...

i prefer the second... he's running a little bit too fast

cheater caughted #1

cheater caughted #2

erm..opinions pls..

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