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[Preview | Development] Debug Console


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Some suggestions I came up with that would be a big improvement over the default debug console:

+ reload log on join so you can see what happened before you joined or what happens on /reconnect

+ view the debug of other clients

+ toggle to prevent spam like suggested earlier

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  • MTA Team
+ reload log on join so you can see what happened before you joined or what happens on /reconnect

Should be possible. Simply store about 20 messages for each tab for a certain amount of time serverside.

+ view the debug of other clients

That is not really useful and would only cause a lot traffic to transfer the messages across the clients.

+ toggle to prevent spam like suggested earlier

Nothing to say here.

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It looks good but personally I think it's annoying to have to switch back and forth between the different tabs every time. I prefer to see the warnings and errors in one place at the same time.

Some suggestions...

Add a tab that shows any type of message

Combine identical messages to avoid spam

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